Arghhhh, right now I am so green with jealousy, that I could easily understudy Elphaba...or Frankenstein's moster...or Shrek on rehersals...oh well, lots of Bway stars, anyway !!
Can't wait for the pics! Come on bww and
ATC is SCANDALIZED by Jeff, Hunter & Larry's opening number!
Maybe I am alone here but the opening number with it's over the top double meaning made me very uncomfortable....Come (cum) into my hole! .....GASP!!! (clutch pearls).... Unsafe sex and drug references are really not needed..... TSK! TSK!! (looks imperiously thru lorgnette)... Whatever happened to good CLEAN fun ala the Burlesque show?!?!.... Oh, my DEAH! (fans oneself with vetiver-scented handkerchief))...From the hair, to the makeup to the lyrics this show was dirty in a way not needed!!!....(pouts) And I was way in the back of the room and my zoom lens didn't work!!!
TheatreMania posted pics...including one of Matthew Morrison and Nick Adams.
Grin and Bare It
Thenk yoo, dahling.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/06
Sounds like a crazy time! Love those men in tiny tight shorts...can't beat that! My only question is...when will post the video of clips and interviews from this event?
I don't think that is Shannon Durig as they have listed.
and Mary Birdsong was last seen on Broadway in Hairspray! Idiot.
Go to the Tomas Vrzala website, he has the most amazing pictures!
It was a great night and as always the backstage was wild, sexy and fun.
That would be the fabulous Michelle Dowdy, not Shannon Durig.
I guess this year's pictures aren't up yet, but you can check out the archives while you wait. Be careful if you're at work.
Broadway Cares takes a while to post
go to
Updated On: 6/23/08 at 04:43 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Wow- awesome pictures! And Matt Morrison's been working out!
I don't think any of them had touched a carb since Christmas.
Photos on Playbill are up now! Enjoy!
Matt Morrison with clothes
w/o one!
......... is it bad that I kinda wanna lick my monitor right now?
*scrolls down so pictures aren't visible* Ah, that's better. For my monitor, anyway...
hey just found another site with Some Purty Pics
wireimage also has some
Can anyone give me a link to the entire cast? Like chorus as well?
Mr. Jerry Mitchell, or as WithoutATrace likes to call him, "Big Tall Daddy":
this pic is AMAZING! i can't wait to see it all on DVD soon...
does anyone know if they had magnets for this production? i collect Broadway magnets so i'm curious. i went to their site and they didn't have them up yet
if my memory serves me correctly they had magnets, mugs, tshirts, and playing cards available for purchase. The condoms were free. I caught the midnight show and was lucky enough to shove some bills into Jerry Mitchell's crotch during Rotations!
for those who were asking, here are the production numbers:
Size Queen
Smokin' Lotus
My Favorite Dish!
Dodo Bird
Duchess Dearest
The Mad Antigravity Tea Party
Dee, Dum and then Some (anyone know what song they are dancing to? i couldn't find it in the program)
Off with their Clothes!
Bww posted pics now!