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Broadway stars at DNC

sgreen3 Profile Photo
#25Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 10:13am

VintageSnarker said: "Idina Menzel, Lena Hall, Melissa Errico, Audra McDonald, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Seth Rudetsky's family, (skip), Jon Viktor Corpuz, Darren Criss, Richard Kind, (3 skips), Debra Messing, Kristen Bell, Adrienne Warren, Tyne Daly, (6 skips), Anika Larsen, Michael Urie, Len Cariou, (4 skips), Montego Glover, (skip), Alice Ripley, Ben Vereen, B.D. Wong, Carmen Cusack, Stephanie J. Block, Liz Callaway, Anne Hampton Callaway, Rosie Perez

Someone who's better with names can hopefully fill in the blanks.

UnwoundFantasies said: "Filling in a few of the blanks! 

The first skip is Maryann Hu. Not sure the next 3. After Tyne Daly is Sharon Gless. Skipping again, but the two before Anika Larsen are Wilson Cruz and Paul Castree. After Len, I'm skipping 2, so then the order is Roz Ryan, Michael Longoria, Olga Merediz, Montego. 

I could be wrong, but Liz Callaway mentioned on Twitter that her son was in the performance, and I think that might be him between Montego and Alice.

hopefully that helped and I'm sorry if I'm wrong at all ??

Thank you both! This is great.


#26Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 10:37am

iluvtheatertrash said: "If you had the power to give your child and husband fulfill a dream and have all of 10 seconds in the spotlight, wouldn't you? 

Plus, it was James Wesley's idea in the first place. Seems like that earns them a spot on the stage.


uncageg Profile Photo
#27Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 11:24am

I thought they did a fine job. I think it is fine that Seth's daughter was there as well as others people didn't expect. This is a political convention not a paid concert performance. They were there to support a candidate.

Just give the world Love.

#28Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 12:32pm

iluvtheatertrash said: "If you had the power to give your child and husband fulfill a dream and have all of 10 seconds in the spotlight, wouldn't you? 

But he's a bunch of times in a bunch of different events, concerts and benefits. We get it, you want your family to be famous.

But they AREN'T performers at all, much less BROADWAY performers, so why are they involved in something specifically labeled as BROADWAY?



#29Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 12:37pm

It was James Wesley (Seth's husband) idea and helped organize...see link a few posts up.  He can join whatever if he wants to!!  And he may not be a Broadway star but he definitely supports Broadway. And the Broadway community is definitely more embracing if someone supports them.

Updated On: 7/28/16 at 12:37 PM

#30Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 12:40pm

Right, but just because I came up with the idea for RENT, doesn't mean I should automatically be in the show.

Also, I don't buy the story of James coming up with the idea. Seth has that compulsive need to overly praise James and give him credit for anything and everything that ever happens. So I think the whole story is just to try to get James more attention. Weird dynamic.

TFMH18 Profile Photo
#31Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 1:01pm

"But he's a bunch of times in a bunch of different events, concerts and benefits. We get it, you want your family to be famous.

But they AREN'T performers at all, much less BROADWAY performers, so why are they involved in something specifically labeled as BROADWAY?"

Yeah, sorry, I agree with this. It's not a father/husband "fulfilling a dream" when it's four times over. No one would deny it's nepotism, but it is nepotism to a frustrating extent. 

AHLiebross Profile Photo
#32Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 1:09pm

I know Seth's dad and stepmom quite well (Seth, BTW, is a CLONE of his dad in appearance, and his dad has a wonderful singing voice, too), so I'm not comfortable with seeing him dumped on for giving his husband and kid a fabulous opportunity to stand on stage at the DNC. Here's my take: The family's appearance on stage shows skeptics how traditional a nontraditional family can be - a two-parent family supporting their candidate.


Audrey, the Phantom Phanatic, who nonetheless would rather be Jean Valjean, who knew how to make lemonade out of lemons.

#33Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 1:16pm

Especially at a big event like this, when there were limited solos. Fine, have his family be there and sing along in the group parts, but giving a solo to someone who has never been on Broadway, and isn't a famous TV star seems weird.

Especially when as a result, Darren Criss gets to sing half a word and Len Cariou less than that.

#34Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 1:18pm

The entire message was about spreading love and the DNC's values. Y'all are seriously complaining about these people taking time out of their busy lives to do that? Seriously? Try being GRATEFUL that their using their voices for good. 

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

illiniparkie Profile Photo
#35Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 1:18pm

Oh for goodness sake.  It was a show of support for shooting victims and the candidate by the Broadway community.  Who cares who was up on stage and singing?  It was not a concert.  There were no head mics.  If you had the opportunity to be up on that stage, would anyone here turn it down?  Some people like to complain just to hear themselves complain.  

AHLiebross Profile Photo
#36Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 1:19pm

The DNC showed a video last night of a bunch of stars singing "This is My Fight Song." Rob Reiner was there with a little girl that I assume was a child or grandchild. (She wasn't dressed or made up glamorously the way most child performers are). Looks like Seth Rudetsky isn't the only one to include family.

Kristen Chenoweth (sp?) is in the video. I always thought she was a Republican.

Audrey, the Phantom Phanatic, who nonetheless would rather be Jean Valjean, who knew how to make lemonade out of lemons.

TFMH18 Profile Photo
#37Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 1:23pm

Again, though, this does not just pertain to last night. Both were featured on the studio recording, on Maya and Marty, at the benefit concert in Orlando Monday night and then again at the DNC. And as someone else mentioned, it does in fact take away singing time from bonafide Broadway stars. However, Aall who have said it shouldn't detract from how incredible this whole thing has become are completely right. It is admittedly silly to point out something so minute, but I did because it irked me, and others seem to agree. 

Overall, I do think the varying incarnations of this song have been remarkable and it's sort of become a movement unto itself. To that, I say, brava Seth Rudetsky. 

Liza's Headband
#38Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 1:56pm

iluvtheatertrash said: "The entire message was about spreading love and the DNC's values. Y'all are seriously complaining about these people taking time out of their busy lives to do that? Seriously? Try being GRATEFUL that their using their voices for good. 




What if the combination of said voices result in the sound of something like a kine of dying cows? 

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#39Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 2:18pm

AHLiebross, Kristin Chenoweth has always been very vocal about her left-leaning political alignment. I know years ago when Bush was in office she was furious that a so-called Christian was saying such hateful things about gay people. 

#40Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 2:34pm

If people are singing to spread love and drown out hate, especially in honor of the victims of a horrific shooting, I don't care what they sound like. What were you doing while they were singing? Sitting on your behind at home making fun of other people? Get a hobby.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

A Canadian in NYC Profile Photo
A Canadian in NYC
#41Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 2:45pm

If I had paid money to see a benefit concert and this was how it was organized and presented, I'd probably be a bit miffed.  But considering the cause; and that Seth was able to get all these performers together for this one song, AND this performance was at the DNC, I'd say that we shouldn't be too critical. It was badly orchestrated for sure - but it got the message across (I think) and at the end of the day, that's why they were there.  I'm not sure how much money the song and concert raised, but I'm sure all those who will benefit from it will be very grateful.



#42Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 5:18pm

I would disagree that any version of this song has been "amazing"

It's a pretty mediocre song, and this arrangement is nothing special or interesting. And no one has sounded all that great singing it. It can go away now.

And what movement? Has it raised a lot of money? The FUN HOME concert announced right away they raised over $100,000 with their concert in Orlando. That's amazing. I haven't seen any kind of announcement like that for Broadway for Orlando, either the single or the concert this week...

The main cause seems to be getting attention for Seth, and putting his husband and daughter center stage

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#43Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 5:25pm

The single went #1 on the iTunes Charts and 100% of the proceeds went to the GLBT Center of Orlando. That's a lot of money.

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#44Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 6:45pm

God what a bunch of thankless queens.  They're trying to spread some love and raise some money for a great cause.  Honestly, get over yourselves.  And Hariku what a despicable remark.

#45Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 7:11pm

I don't think its out of the question to ask 'how much' has been raised. I'm assuming it is proceeds after expenses, so it is valid to assume that at this point, it could still be in the red. The 'fun home' people were very upfront about what they raised following the performance & I think that is admirable. Asking 'how much' isn't an obnoxious question.

TFMH18 Profile Photo
#46Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 8:08pm

They just announced that the fundraiser Monday night raised 60 K. So you are incorrect in your assertion that it's not doing any good.

divarobbie2 Profile Photo
#47Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 9:08pm

Let's set some things straight.

It was 100% James Wesley's idea. He and Seth came to us while we were recording "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown," and two days later we recorded it. Two days after that, it was released. James has worked tirelessly for months getting it heard everywhere to raise money. The last I heard it has raised over $100K. But we've been doing the Orlando concert and DNC, so I haven't seen any recent iTunes sales reports. I do know that I mail out many CDs daily the people order.

Everything was donated – all the singers, the arrangement, the orchestration, the studio, the musicians, my work, the producers, iTunes, Playbill's filming, even the printing of the CD. 100% goes to the GLBT Community Center of Central Florida. There's more info about that here:

Four DJs created remixes of it because it touched something in them, and they felt called to be a part of it.

Many of the celebs have taken it on as a special cause dear to them – Sara Barielles performing it on July 4, Alice Ripley performing it at a benefit, so many of these people traveling everywhere they can because they believe in it.

From Broadway With Love: A Concert for Orlando was created by Seth Rudetsky, Kenny Howard and James Wesley; directed by Kenny Howard. We recorded and filmed that night, the proceeds benefit three charities. More on that at

Updated On: 7/28/16 at 09:08 PM

#48Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 9:24pm

Thank you, Robbie, for that. 

The ungratefulness and ugliness of some people in this thread is truly astounding.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#49Broadway stars at DNC
Posted: 7/28/16 at 9:26pm

Thank you, Robbie, for that. 

The ungratefulness and ugliness of some people in this thread is truly astounding.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman
