Understudy Joined: 5/15/08
i dont think any of us should go by an "official" email, because anyone can say that they got an "official" email. but like i said, that logically doesnt make sense, because then Matt and the girl playing Kim are going to look extremely out of place, with the rest of the cast being actual teens and them not. when we get an actual official announcement on playbill.com, then i'll believe it. if that is true, that's really stupid though. 22 year olds shouldnt be playing 14 year olds...stupiddd.
It could depend on how old Kim will be for the production. The original script says 15, but I've seen that line modified to say 16 or 17. A young looking 22 year old could easily read 16. I'm 26, and when my hair is in a ponytail I've been mistaken for 16 a lot! (I've been told I'll appreciate that when I'm 40).
I saw Matt in Spring Awakening and he reads young to me. He could definitely pull off 17 in my eyes as he didn't look out of place with some of his younger cast members to me.
Either way, nothing official has come out article-wise, so I wait for that one. Good luck still wished to those who auditioned!
Swing Joined: 4/11/09
I have a teenage son with a Broadway credit already. He auditioned at the dancers call on March 29 and we got a phone call from his agent a couple of days later with a side/script callback on April 5th for Hugo. He sang and read on the call back and was told that he'd be seen again in a couple of weeks. So, like always, we walked out an didnt look back. No, we havent heard anything yet and if we never do, so what? Here's my point- It sounds good, but you never know! This is acting! It's 'over the top' competitive. Go on with life and focus on the next auditon. We're focused on two others for next week. Look, the odds are more likely that you will NOT get the job, but it doesnt mean that you're not good. It simply means that you're not what theyre looking for at this moment. It's just that simple! If you keep thinking about this one audition, it's going to make it harder when you realize that you didnt get a callback. If you consider each audition a learning experience, instead of trying to 'nail' it, it will make your future auditions that much easier- and then, watch what happens...
Swing Joined: 12/31/69
i went to the agent/equity call a few weeks ago. just got a callback last night for ursula. anyone else hear anything?
StageMama2, brilliant!!!! You are so right. If you don't get the job, you can't take it personally. Yes, talent is a large portion of the audition, of course. But, another HUGE part of it, is a look..........do they look right for the part. Do they look right for the show.
That's why so many times people are typed out immediately. It saves time and energy.
Understudy Joined: 6/16/04
When is your callback? I've heard some have callbacks for next week & I think they had callbacks today for some that were at open call.
Stand-by Joined: 2/14/04
i was there at the callback today.
didnt get called back. still a great experience. they gave me a lot of compliments which was nice and i got to read the entire scene and did my entire song. a lot of kids were asked to leave after their song or they were cut off half way through their reading.
maybe 5 kids, TOPS got called back today. and i was there for nearly 2 12 hours. a few ppl said they werent giving ensemble callbacks yet..and that they wouldnt start giving dance callbacks until the parts/understudies/standbys of Kim, Hugo, and Ursula were cast.
great experience for my first professional audition! good luck to all!
Chorus Member Joined: 10/8/08
Understudy Joined: 6/16/04
Can anybody who was at dance auditions a few weeks ago tell me about the dancing? Was any tap involved? I'm asking for a friend who will be at callbacks next week & was told they would dance.
Swing Joined: 4/17/09
We were at the open call, but did not hear anything yet...Is it still possible to get a callback for the ensemble????
Stand-by Joined: 2/14/04
well, its certainly possible. im guessing that they will dance the people at the callbacks next week..however they only called back potential hugos, kims, and ursulas...so. after next weeks callback they will probably call additional people to dance for ensemble and/or sing again. however, i would assume that they would only pick from the people who had initial principal callbacks from the past week or so. but ya never know!
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
my callback is for 4/20 for ursula. i need to sing a song (of my choice) and read the side i read for the audition. my callback was for the 24th but i got an email from my agent a few minutes after saying they changed a bunch of people to the 20th so...wish me luck!
Swing Joined: 4/19/09
good luck! if you don't mind me asking, what was the date of your first audition?
Swing Joined: 12/31/69
not at all. the date of my first audition was....april first. and i got the email from my agent about my callback on the 16th.
Swing Joined: 4/11/09
For those of you new to the business, "Welcome". One of the fist things you notice, is that casting people rarely contact you if you didnt 'get the part'. If you dont hear in a week or two for something, you just have to assume, youre not getting a callback or didnt book the role. I would like to share our timeline with you. March 29 audition, April 5 callback, April 20 callback. Are we excited? Yes! But we are still level headed. It's acting! You never know what casting people think or why they choose the way they do. We're always left saying "Go figure!"
Swing Joined: 4/11/09
This is to taintedxl0ve. There is no logic... But there is logic to why they sometimes cast young adults to play teenagers. Young adults dont need tutors or wranglers and are more mature and less likely to bring troublesome stagemoms around. This saves producers a truckload of money and peace of mind. In case your not aware of this, they sometimes do the same with younger kids roles and teenagers. Some of the kids in 13 the Musical were older than thirteen and the boys in Billy Elliot are older than the eleven year old character theyre playing. One of them is fifteen already. Like I always say... "Go figure!".
'The Keeps'- Keep going to vocal lessons, dance lessons and acting workshops, keep auditioning, keep your chin up and when its your time, it will come. Break a leg!
Swing Joined: 4/17/09
I just thought that they might call people for ensemble callbacks after they cast Kim, Ursula & Hugo...
Swing Joined: 4/21/09
I auditioned Sunday, March 29th at the equity chorus dance call (even though I'm not equity). I got a callback for Sunday, April 5th for ensemble. I also have not heard anything about ensemble callbacks and had gathered from some of the posts on here that they would be doing callbacks for the ensemble after Hugo, Kim and Ursula callbacks...
Does anyone know if this is true? Has anyone who was called back for ensemble gotten another callback? For anyone who was called back for Hugo, Kim and Ursula, any idea when those callbacks finish?
I would just like to know for my own peace of mind. I would love to stop compulsively checking my phone. Haha. Thanks all! Congrats to everyone with callbacks!
Swing Joined: 12/31/69
anyone who had a call back on 4/20, please lemme know if you hear anything!
Swing Joined: 4/21/09
So I have talked to a few friends. None of them or their friends have heard either way about ensemble callbacks...so far, good news...
Swing Joined: 4/17/09
So maybe all hope is not lost...My dd sang her 16 bars at the open call, but then she was asked to sing it again while dancing around like a happy teenager...I thought that was a good sign, but we never heard anything since.
My friend went to the callbacks on the 20th, and he told me he got another for this Thursday.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
hm. initially i had my callback for thursday and then got a follow up email from my agent saying "sorry, they just moved a bunch of people to monday". i wonder if they eliminated people not called back for this thursday or if they are calling back a few just to make sure or what...
Swing Joined: 4/11/09
bwayboy07- My son was at the same call as you on March 29, only he is Equity. Like you, he got a call back on April 5, but it was for the role of Hugo. My thought is that Hugo, Kim and Ursula are already cast and they will choose the ensemble from all these Hugo, Ursula and Kim auditions, which are really just to see if auditioners can act and sing. Afterall, why else would they have the Hugos sing? If memory serves me correctly, Hugo DOESNT sing in the play... Does anybody else remember if Hugo sings?