I'll be in a purple dress and I will have a very loud friend with me! :-p Say hi if you see me!
"If we don't live happily ever after at least we survive until the end of the week!" -Kermit the frog "I need the money... it costs a lot to look this cheap!" -Dolly P. "Oh please, Over at 'Gypsy' Patti LuPone hasn't even alienated her first daughter yet!" Mary Testa in "Xanadu" "...Like a drunk Chita Rivera!" Robin de Jesus in "In the Heights"
"B*tch, I don't know your life." -Xanadu After that if he still doesn't understand why you were uncomfortable and are now infuriated, kick him again but this time with Jazz Hands!!! -KillerTofuBroadway Legend Joined: 5/3/06
Will do!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/5/05
Swing Joined: 7/12/05
I did.
My friends and I arrived shortly after 5 a.m. By this point the line was wrapped down 45th st, turned the corner on 6th Ave and we were about halfway between 45th and 46th. By the time sign-ups began at 9 a.m., the line had continued up 6th ave, down 46th st, down 7th ave and wrapped back down 45th st essentially making a giant circle.
At about 8:30, interns came began walking down the line handing out a two-page FAQ sheet and taking count of how many people were there. I heard a couple of reports that estimated somewhere around 1200 people showed up. They were only able to give out numbers to 800 people and collected head shots from the remaining 400 or so folks.
At 9:00 they handed out stickers with a time to return and a number on them. 50 people for every half hour. You were instructed to return 10 minutes before your assigned time slot and line up outside the building in numerical order. At this point they would take you upstairs, "type" everyone and those typed in would sing immediately.
The process was very efficient and actually ran ahead of schedule. What happened in reality was they would hold you outside and send you up the elevator in small groups of about 10 or so. Once upstairs, you were ushered in a room, where you stood in front of a table (behind which sat what appeared to be interns). They "typed" by handing out red stickers with ANOTHER number on it. If you received a red sticker, you had to write that number on your resume and immediately get ready to sing.
Once pass the type, we were ushered up the stairwell to the 12th floor. There were two rooms of auditions, and you were sent into one of the rooms. Once in the room, you gave your music to the pianist, sang, and then if called back were handed a green sheet of paper. You then took this paper back down to the 11th floor, where you exchanged it for another sheet with detailed instructions about the callback and any sides from the script they wanted you to read. At this point, you collected your belongings and took the elevator back out.
All in all, it was a pretty organized process. I noticed they were looking for TRUE high schoolers and ethnic actors (it is Roundabout after all). Once you were inside the building for the type and singing portion, it got a little frantic and stressful, being sent all over the building, but they seemed to have it pretty organized ahead of time.
I heard rumors of deciding to cut it down to 8-bars later in the day, as well as a very large group of high schoolers arriving too late to get numbers. Apparently, they were trying to figure out ways to see this group because they were the exact age group they are trying to cast. No word on what ended up happening.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/8/08
Wow, thanks for the thorough report. When is the callback?
My friend tried out and got a callback for the 14th!!
Updated On: 4/4/09 at 05:16 PM
*Sorry double post* Updated On: 4/4/09 at 05:17 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/3/06
I wasn't able to make it.
Would I be able to email them my headshot/ resume you think?
Swing Joined: 4/5/09
that's amazing that your friend got a callback! was your friend from the New York area? or an out-of-towner? Most people i saw who got callbacks were from out of town. i was also at the audition.
did anyone hear of people from local new york getting handed callback sheets?
Updated On: 4/5/09 at 03:46 AM
Swing Joined: 4/5/09
My 14 year old daughter was asked to come back to read for Kim. Anyone know if Kim is cast and these are just the sides she was given?
Not sure if Kim is cast, but I assume their Kim probably won't come from an open call (although you never know). They will more than likely go with someone who has more experience through an agent submission. However, Kim does needs an understudy.
Swing Joined: 2/7/08
A good number of my daughter's friends received callbacks yesterday - they are all true teenagers (not a one over 17), and all local. Some girls got Kim sides and are going back today; others receive Urusula sides and are going back in a couple of weeks. Boys, too, some going today and some going back mid-April (Hugo sides).
My friend got a callback for Kim. She's in college and lives in the city. I think she's going back mid-April.
I'm from earlier agency auditions. I was asked to have 2 full songs and 3 sides prepared for today. Other Equity/Agency CBs (that I know of) have same info...with different times for appt... all in the late afternoon, all today. We were not told if lead has been cast...just to be prepared to read Kim sides. Past experience....you never know what's really going on until it's over...don't make assumptions....could be they have a big broadway star lined up already, or maybe they are looking for an unknown fresh face. And, they might not know which way to go and are seeing what they've got for both options!
oops...double post..
Updated On: 4/5/09 at 10:27 AM
Swing Joined: 4/5/09
I auditioned yesterday and they had called me to audition since i left my headshot with them but i just got asked to sing. Do you think they will call you for a callback for ensemble or that if you didnt get a callback yesterday your probably not going to get called?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/25/08
I auditioned at 5:00, it was still 16 bars.
My friend got a call back for today for Hugo...he is 20
I went to the dance audition last Sunday. Does anyone know when they will be having callbacks for dancers?
There is a dancer who was called to come in for Kim today from last Sunday (no dancer friends have gotten calls yet for dance CB).
Regarding the "all high school kids at CB", I have graduated from high school, all my friends too...but no more than 22ish --and we all look like high schoolers -- either baby faced or kinda short! Do well everyone - gotta run......will fill you in tonight.
Updated On: 4/5/09 at 02:27 PM
Swing Joined: 2/7/08
Sorry - didn't mean to imply that all the people going to callbacks were high schoolers - I was just passing on the info I had about the callbacks from the open call (also re the "local" question), based on the people we know (and we admittedly don't know too many college students).
Good luck to all who have callbacks!
Updated On: 4/5/09 at 03:44 PM
does anyone have a link or know where and when it is and for what ages? Thanks!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/07
It's over.