I'm very surprised this posted a closing notice before Summer, HOH, or GTBBT.
Summer is not losing money, Carousel is. (And how many times do we have to explain that the percentages don't mean anything in this equation.) Why would you expect a closing notice sooner? Second, we let shows open and run a couple weeks before we are "surprised" they haven't closed.
HogansHero said: "Summer is not losing money, Carousel is. (And how many times do we have to explain that the percentages don't mean anything in this equation.) Why would you expect a closing notice sooner? Second, we let shows open and run a couple weeks before we are "surprised" they haven't closed."
What is the weekly nut of Summer?
I don't know but I don't think it is over $600k which is the net gross for the current frame (which, incidentally, is way below any prior week). The reality check here is that over 17 frames, the show is netting close to a million dollars per week. Now if the show continues to fall at the last week/this week rate, it will not last long, but (a) I don't think that's a reasonable projection and (b) if/when we will be surprised if it doesn't close.
As a huge R&H fan, I am disappointed that this production turned out to be such a dud.
Olivia11 wrote:
" I understand those that love Carousel and were disapointed by this production (or downright despised it)...I really do, I would be very unhappy if one of my favorites was mistreated, but hopefully this helps.
From someone who had never seen a production of Carousel, I’m glad it existed. There were flaws for sure: questionable direction, poor set design, odd costume choices, etc., but there were some beautiful vocal performances (Joshua Henry, I’m looking at you, as well as Jessie Mueller and others); a wonderful full orchestra; outstanding choreography and dance performances (yep, I acknowledge it was balletic in nature and a bit disjointed with the book, but wonderful nonetheless); and Lindsay Mendez.
I enjoyed the evening and my first introduction to this work. I understand it could be better, but I’m glad I got a chance to see it. It is now part of my theater fabric and I occasionally bust out the Carousel Waltz in my car. I’m engaged. Without this production, I would have no experience with it. In this case, partially great is better than non-existent. "
Thanks, Olivia - actually, it does help. Carousel is one of my 3 favourite musicals. Seeing 4 songs (Stonecutters, Geraniums, June reprise, and "give it to em good, Carrie/intro to June", whole scenes, and lots of dialogue hacked out of it was heartbreaking. Especially considering that i have been desperately hoping for the past 6 years that the absolutely perfect, heartwrenching 2012 Goodspeed production would eventually find its way to Broadway and be preserved in a cast recording.
It felt awful to think of people seeing this one as their first exposure, and never knowing how much more moving, emotional, and heartbreaking the actual show is compared to the hacked-up version with the same misleading name that is on Bway right now. So knowing that it is a "gateway" to someone who otherwise wouldn't have it on their radar is actually encouraging. I just hope it doesn't push others away wondering what the big deal is, who might never be aware that they did not see the full show (perhaps because they don't read these types of discussion boards).
Broadway Star Joined: 4/2/10
Surprised it wasn't mentioned in the announcement that Renee Fleming is still going to leave on September 2. On Telecharge, the last two weeks have the note that Renee Fleming will not be performing. I'm assuming one of the Nettie understudies will be playing the role for those final two weeks?
Can anyone compare the singing of this production with the singing of the 2013 Live From Lincoln Center concert production. It starred Kelli O'Hara, Nathan Gunn, Jessie Mueller and Jason Danieley. This was broadcast on PBS, although not live, and Live From Lincoln Center even got around to releasing a DVD about three years later.
If this version were sung better, there would still be time for me to see it. Well, really to listen to it.
OlBlueEyes said: "If this version were sung better, there would still be time for me to see it. Well, really to listen to it."
General consensus is the singing is what was actually good about the 2018 production. And the recording showcases it beautifully. It’s the directorial choices, cuts, and design that most people disliked.
Swing Joined: 11/14/16
ElphabaGoodman said: "Surprised it wasn't mentioned in the announcement that Renee Fleming is still going to leave on September 2. On Telecharge, the last two weeks have the note that Renee Fleming will not be performing. I'm assuming one of the Nettie understudies will be playing the role for those final two weeks?"
--Any absences noted for Jessie Mueller?
Stand-by Joined: 7/26/14
Angpensa said: "ElphabaGoodman said: "Surprised it wasn't mentioned in the announcement that Renee Fleming is still going to leave on September 2. On Telecharge, the last two weeks have the note that Renee Fleming will not be performing. I'm assuming one of the Nettie understudies will be playing the role for those final two weeks?"
--Any absences noted for JessieMueller?"
I saw her understudy went on for her the other night. And then the next night went on for Carrie. Not sure if they were scheduled.
The singing in this production was amazing. The cast recording is well worth the money. That was never the problem here.....
I went out a limb and decided to make a return visit to Carousel this weekend. The first time I saw this was the third preview back in March of this year, and I absolutely hated it then. While what I saw this afternoon was far from perfect and still plagued by some extremely poor directorial choices from Jack O’Brien, I have to admit that I enjoyed it more the second time.
The performances were so much more polished. The chemistry between Joshua Henry and Jessie Mueller was so much better and stronger than it was when I saw it before (it was basically nonexistent then). It was also nice to have a Nettie that didn’t look lost at sea onstage, and being able to understand her was nice. Lindsay Mendez is an absolute star.
The Starkeeper was nowhere near as distracting as he was before which was a huge plus. There were still some scenes where he was positioned right between Billy and Jigger while they were talking which was annoying, but this didn’t happen as often as I remember it happening earlier. Also, thank god they cut the ridiculous angel wings in the final moments of the finale!
The cuts to the dialogue and score are still unforgivable, and always will be as far as I’m concerned. Certain scenes are still terribly played and suffer from Jack O’Brien’s terrible directing. Billy’s death and the porch scene which are two of the most important scenes in the show are rushed beyond belief and feel glossed over.
I’m definitely glad I gave this a second chance as certain aspects of the show have improved. The vocals, orchestrations, and choreography are top notch, and I play the new cast album frequently, but I still can’t help but thinking how much better this revival could have been in the hands of a director who knew what they were doing.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/6/16
i agree and gave it a second go this weekend. while i really liked it in april, there was a rushed feel. i wasnt expecting it to be even better now, but im glad u think so too.