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Caroline, or Change

#0Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/19/06 at 11:37pm

Does anybody else LOVE this musical...I seemt o be the only one!!

#1re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/19/06 at 11:37pm

You are so not alone.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#2re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/19/06 at 11:43pm

lol. I am very happy to see many love threads dedicated to this show re: Caroline, or Change (especially this week)

#3re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 12:44am

About 5 minutes into the opening number, I did not think I would be able to make it through the entire show. Something about the opening really turned me off. But then Tonya Pinkins got going and -- WOW. It's not a musical that I would probably ever want to listen to on CD, but it was an amazing show and one of the most incredible performances I've ever seen. I truly can't understand how Tonya did not win Best Actress that year.

C is for Company
#4re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 2:33am

What gave you a notion that you are the only one to like this show, when if you have been around here for at least a day, you will indeed see many devoted fans? I just quoted it on a thread yesterday, many respect it here

#5re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 2:36am

I find the CD addictive, I Listen to it all the time I love it to pieces. Love, Love, Love the show! Can't wait to see it in london in november.

respeck Profile Photo
#6re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 4:07am

Saw it twice last summer. Listened to the album relentlessly until Christmas. Good times. Good times.

respeck Profile Photo
#7re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 4:08am

I meant last, last summer, as it was no where to be found last summer but in our minds.

tophertilson Profile Photo
#8re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 8:17am

This was the last show to have me out-and-out sobbing. Its a strange bird - it's not really a musical, is it? It doesn't have the scope and broadness of a traditional musical. It's so small, focused, personal and intense. More like a verse play set to music.

I have friends who loathe it. To each his own, I guess. For those of us for whom it clicks, wow! What an experience!


"Me flunk English? That's unpossible!" - Ralph Wiggum

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#9re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 8:27am

"Does anybody else LOVE this musical...I seemt o be the only one!!"

What gave you that impression?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#10re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 11:30am

i was about to ask the same question Matt...

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#11re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 11:41am

It's awesome! I can just sit there and listen and listen and never get the tired. It's a very well written show.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#12re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 11:49am

One of the most brilliant shows of the past 10 years! Dont worry u are not the only one.

Buddy Kiss Profile Photo
Buddy Kiss
#13re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 1:12pm

The entire show is breathtaking from beginning to end.

Hopefully it will be revived in ten-twenty years and get the respect it deserves.

"Wickedness is a term invented by society to account for the curious attractivness of others." -Oscar Wilde

Pippin Profile Photo
#14re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 1:15pm

a brilliant show.

this is a long way off, but the Arden theatre co. in Philly will be producing this next summer, a year from now. I can't wait, since I never got the chance to see it in NY.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#15re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 3:43pm

Oh, trust me.... you are NOT ALONE !!! "C OR C" was right up there with "Ragtime" for me as my fave all-time !!!

#16re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 7:31pm

Just got back from seeing this in DC. Will start a review thread if I can find time tomorrow. The quick and dirty:

Julia McGirt Nixon = great voice
The kid who plays Noah = Great
Rose = Thin voice
Chains on the batons and the lock for the moving staircase = really bloody noisy.

Overall: See the production if you can still find tickets. Not the OBC, but still a great cast and staging with some issues that will bug some more than others.

sanda Profile Photo
#17re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 10:59pm

hey, we caught the same show! I saw it today as well.

The production is decent. The cast is very strong. The scene between Caroline and the boy's confict is chilling.

I do find some problem. The show needs to tight up a little. I especially dislike the endings of act1 and act2. Especially act2. I think if they end up with Caroline's last line instead of another song of Emma, it will be much better.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#18re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 11:03pm

A Theatre in Dallas (Theatre Three) has this on their season next year! I can't wait to see it!
I would love to audition, but a little too old for Noah (although I could still play him) and too young for the dad or either Grandpa's.

#19re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 11:03pm

How was Trisha Jeffrey???

sanda Profile Photo
#20re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 11:06pm

She is fine. Her voice is a little bit low when speak. (Well, the theatre is not miked.) But she can be very loud when belt.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#21re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 11:08pm

Were the sets the same as the Broadway production? or did they bring in a new designer?


#22re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/20/06 at 11:39pm

New designs for the set (LOUD sets....every time they flew something in or locked down the moving staircase it was distracting).

I'm good with the end of the first act, but I agree - the bit with Emmy at the end makes sense thematically but feels tacked on music-wise. Ironically this was also covered in the Broadway Abridged version.

Direction-wise, I didn't like that Caroline had been softened up a bit from the Broadway portrayal (at least as it comes off from the CD). The Studio verison has Caroline griping about having to work, vs. using it to kick Noah out of the basement, etc. I think I saw her smile a couple times as well...I don't see Caroline smiling in my mind when I hear Pinkins...

JackiesBroJoe Profile Photo
#23re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/21/06 at 12:59am

this production has nothing to do with the's a regional theatre.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#24re: Caroline, or Change
Posted: 5/21/06 at 1:17am

Any pictuers (legal) floating around?

