haha, and i checked, the meet the wedding party videos still exist as long as you use the link! :)
I'm surprised no one went and tried to steal the set off the street.
Or even peserve parts and sell them @ Broadway Cares Flea Market.
so sad to see the set on the street.
Haha, that would be hilarious if somebody tried stealing the set. I could see somebody trying to steal Holly's closet...haha
Oh believe me, I wanted it. But they literally took EVERYTHING and loaded it on the trucks.
As Eric used to say at the end of single, BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
Also, I went to Broadway New York earlier this afternoon and the blue Wedding Singer shirts are already in the 1/2 price bin....for $15. Um...no.
Yay for links!
I just remembered how during curtain call when Tina ran out she threw the heart confetti all over us. Awwwwww. Good memories.
Haha, imagine someone just rolling the "Vegas Air" podium down the street. Hilarious.
There was so much confetti. I don't even think I noticed Tina do that!
I heart Tina
Aww, cute.
Broadway New York? Which store is that so I can go stock up on shirts??
I think that's the one near the Marquis. Not sure.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
This is very very late, but I had such an amazing time at the Friday and Saturday matinees (yes, I got to go on Saturday,too!) Got to meet AMY!!! and Laura, and Robyn, and yeah, I had the greatest time ever
Don't feel like writing reviews, but if you have any questions, just ask!
I really wanted to see the closing show, but had GREY GARDENS tickets for then and couldn't sell them
But I just feel good that I got to see the show 3 times, the most I have ever seen any show before. Haha, pretty sad, but I'm happy!
And those pictures, liotte, are so sad! Was that today or yesterday? I would seriously steal Holly's closet, I'm telling you...
Anyone know when they might take the marquee down? I would pay somebody to get me a piece of it...
It was nice meeting you!
I'm going to miss the show, a lot.
Those pictures were taken around 10am this morning.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
oh, i left the city around 6:30 this morning
and it was really nice meeting you too, dancing! :) twice, haha
i also met xerotheory at the stage door as well
so im assuming its all over now?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
I'm not 100% sure but I'm going to say yes.
Tchi, sorry for those multiple PMs, I don't know what my phone was doing!!
haha, i didnt get any pms from you actually, haha. i was thinking the one i sent you might not have sent, haha.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/05
It says I sent them to you. I'll send it again
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/06
oh ****. that just made my heart stop liotte. :sighs:
did they take the marquee and signs down too?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Chances are the marquee will still be up until Curtains goes on sale.
Chance are tomorrow they will be loading out the lights and whatnot, so if you wanna try and grab a gobo, it's your opportunity. I will be surveying the area tomorrow and will be sure to post whatever I see.
GAH! i sooo wish i was there! lol. i want a gobo!!!! and a gel too! why not! im actually heading up to the city next weekend for a lighting expo, i was hoping, by some miracle, it would be held at the al hirschfeld. haha, but i HIGHLY doubt that :/
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
well, if anyone is there when they take down the marquee and the theatre displays, i will gladly pay something for a piece!
so if anyone gets any info about that, just let us know!
just one piece from this amazing show would be worth it...
i picked up a ton of ads yesterday at the Marriott Marquis from the show...31 of them.
I swear I did know what a gobo is, but I totally forgot.
haha, its a piece that goes into an elliptical (light) that creates a shape out of a light. for example, a window or even words. i hope that makes sense