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Catch me if you Can Preview Thread- Page 11

Catch me if you Can Preview Thread

sabrelady Profile Photo
#250Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/28/11 at 8:46pm

I too was underwhelmed, and I SOOOO wanted to love or at least like it alot. Norbert was the best thing in the show ( not an unusual place for him sadly) The Mitch Miller bit did just that- bite. The whole Strong Family Tree did nothing for me.
And I will admit my bias here out front- as a nurse I loathed Doctor's Orders. And as a theatre goer I felt somebody *cough* Jerry Mitchell*cough* owes Bob Fosse's estate a royalty for using large chunks of "Fly Me" from All That Jazz.
This saddens and annoys me- all that talent and ability and THIS was the best they could do?
(apologies to Mark -if u still lurk- not everything can be head of the class everytime)

EDIT: OK part of it was I just couldn't buy Tveit as the "charming" con man- he NEVER seemed to enjoy the scams- he was always treading water, looking for someplace to land. ( I found myself thinking of Norbert's con man in DRS or grifters in Mamet's work -they do this cos they are good at it and it's a lot easier than working for a living!)
Updated On: 3/28/11 at 08:46 PM

kyl3fong2 Profile Photo
#251Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 8:30pm

FINALLY! The official photos for the production are up! I'm even more pumped to see this now! haha

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#252Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 8:33pm

The set looks absolutely hideous from the pictures.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

ReggieonBway Profile Photo
#253Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 8:40pm

Yes, bwayphreak, you're not interested in the show, we get it.

#254Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 9:14pm

I saw the show last night. It was a cute idea (the whole television variety show). Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. The music was great, the cast was great, the set was... blah. It looked very cheap. Almost like they ran out of money and threw it together. Act Two could be a little shorter too. The last song "Goodbye" should be cut. It doesn't mesh well with the rest of the score and really serves little purpose. It's a rock song in the midst of a big band, standard-style score. Kerry's song blew everyone away.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#255Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 9:19pm

Yes, bwayphreak, you're not interested in the show, we get it.

I'm not the only person on here not incredibly interested in the show ReggieonBway. I have stated why I do not care for the show, and asked a few questions regarding the songs, plot, and set to try to understand the show better. I do not see what is wrong with that.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

ReggieonBway Profile Photo
#256Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 9:22pm

There's nothing wrong in not being interested in the show, but calling a set absolutely hideous is a tad rude, no?

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#257Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 9:26pm

I think the set looks hideous. Sorry, that's just my opinion. If other people like it, that's fine. Last time I checked saying you think a set looks ugly isn't rude.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#258Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 9:38pm

bwayphreak234 if you are not interested in the show, why do you keep "trolling" here. Why don't you post negative comments on another threat. Negativity is not productive. There are people who like the show and also people on this board who are WORKING ON THE SHOW and do not like hearing negative comments that are not contructive.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#259Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 10:56pm

I am not trolling. I have asked questions about the show and discussed different aspects of the show. That is exactly what everyone else is doing, and that is what the preview threads are generally for. This is not a Catch me if you Can love thread, so people are allowed to say what they don't like about it and discuss it. Yes there are people who like the show on here, but there are also many other people who don't like the show.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#260Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 11:43pm

I saw the show tonight and I adored it. It's not a perfect or earth-shatteringly brilliant show by any means, but I've found shows like that enjoyable in the past (Wedding Singer comes to mind). Aaron Tveit was fantastic, he's onstage about 98% of the show and he carries it off beautifully. Norbert Leo Butz was great as well...his first act song got the biggest round of applause of the evening (except for maybe "Goodbye"). I really liked Tom Wopat as well. Kerry Butler really annoyed me, though her part is so tiny it hardly matters. I didn't see the show in Seattle so I don't know what it used to be, but she basically gets introduced in the first act, walks across the stage once later in that act, has a few lines/scenes with Aaron in the second act, and sings "Fly Fly Away," which is pretty, but does nothing to move the plot along.

I seem to be in the minority here in that I really really liked the score. The framing device was not my favorite thing in the world, but I didn't hate it....I think it's a good idea but it isn't very well-executed.

The performances are definitely what will make it worth it for me to go back to the show...Aaron and Norbert are both wonderful and I'll be very surprised if both of them don't get Tony nominations.

#261Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 11:45pm

bwayphreak is definitely not a troll.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#262Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 11:47pm

^ thank you bwayfan Catch me if you Can Preview Thread

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#263Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 11:51pm

Though, I will say, the set isn't nearly as bad as it looks in those pictures. It's not great by any stretch, but I found it functional for what they used it for, and I think it's the lighting on that picture that makes it look so ugly. It actually looks pretty amazing in spots, especially at the beginning, but it doesn't change much, so you really get sick of it a bit.

Still, keep expressing your opinion. That's what discussions are for. I've said much worse about shows than "the set is hideous" on things before without being a troll.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#264Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/29/11 at 11:56pm

^ Exactly! I am hoping they will release better photos. I am a HUGE David Rockwell fan and I have loved all his work in the past, so I hope it looks better!

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

goldenboy Profile Photo
#265Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/30/11 at 12:58am

Saw it tonight and I am definitely in the disappointed camp.

The problem as I see it is the misquided Concept of making it a TV special in Frank Abangale's mind. They are locked into that and it keeps the audience from becoming involved in the story. It's not clever enough to work in the sense that Chicago works as Vaudeville.

I'm sure the creators all thought this was a great idea in a creative meeting but this concept is killing the show making it almost unsalvagable..... They should have thrown out this concept but it is way too late for that.

And charming uber talented Aaron Tveit has to narrate and star and act in his own special to make up for a faulty concept ; the tv special idea. This tv special idea simply does not work 90% of the time.

When the tv special worked was when we had a " Sing Along with MItch TV" Special and for about five minutes, the tv special concept worked because for a moment it was clever. Perhaps there should be a Dean Martin TV special section, a Donny and Marie TV Special Section, aCarol Burnett TV Special Section. If you are going to do a tv special concept for God's sake go all of the way. Maybe then the darn musical could work.

The actors work valiantly; sing brilliantly; dance flawlessly but they are obstructed and blocked by this presentational concept that just keeps you out of the story.

The songs are a disappoinment accross the board.

Aaron Tveit is a talent to be reckoned with but he deserves better. Norbert Leo Butz is disappointed in the baddy role.
Tom Wopat is fine. Kerry Butler stamps her feet in an eleven o clock number that comes from a character we know little about. Linda Hart shines brilliantly in a tiny role.

#266Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/30/11 at 7:13am

Quick Thoughts on Catch Me If You Can (The Musical): Better then I expected but not by much, its colorful broadway fluff, Aaron tveit as Frank jr is charismatic but he unfortunately dosnt seem to be consistently singing as strongly in this as he did in next to normal. Norbert Leo Butz is good but he is essentially good at doing a tom hanks impression. The score is a mix of 60s sinatra/lounge/swing which besides a few songs are very forgettable and there are some book issues and the set is lacking. unfortunately if the tony voters go traditional again this year, this will probably win best musical. (6/10)

kyl3fong2 Profile Photo
#267Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/30/11 at 10:19am

And here's to hoping they do go traditional! I'd love to see this show win Best Musical!

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#268Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/30/11 at 1:22pm

Seeing it tonight. Will report back tomorrow.

FYI- got there at 9 AM this morning and was 2nd in line for student rush tickets. Box office opens at 10.

Updated On: 3/30/11 at 01:22 PM

eml358 Profile Photo
#269Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/30/11 at 4:56pm

I saw the show Saturday night and hate to admit I was disappointed. I thought I would love it because Norbert Leo Butz is one of my favorite musical actors and, I'll be the first to admit it, I'm an Aaron Tveit fangirl. But I was mostly bored throughout the show.

The score felt like it was either hit or miss. I'll agree with a lot of the reviews on here that the songs we already knew ('Live in Living Color', 'Jet Set', 'Fly, Fly Away', 'Goodbye') were by far the best. I also enjoyed 'Someone Else's Skin' but I found my mind wandering during the rest of the songs. I also think the choreography did nothing for the show. Maybe I'm in the minority in saying that I loved Ashford's choreography for How to Succeed, but I don't think CMIYC can compare at all. Half the time I was wondering why the dancers were even onstage and wishing they would leave.

I do think most of the acting was great. I loved Butz' portrayal of Hanratty and Tveit sounded phenomenal; they should both get Tony nods. Kerry Butler was just okay. I loved Tom Wopat, but I'll testify that there was definitely something lacking in the characters' relationships- I didn't feel anything at all about Frank Jr.'s relationship with Frank Sr like I did after watching the movie.

Honestly I don't think I would go again, but I'm glad I saw it. The audience on Saturday night wasn't really that into it either and most of the jokes fell flat. Definitely not Best Musical material in my eyes. But then again, neither was Memphis.

jamiekennywicked Profile Photo
#270Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/30/11 at 5:01pm

Why do people not like Kerry Butler?

''With the number of people I ignore, I'm lucky I work at all in this town'' - Helena Bonham Carter

#271Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/30/11 at 5:15pm

yeah i didnt think she was that bad or annoying as people here have been saying....

Amneris Profile Photo
#272Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/30/11 at 5:31pm

I've tried to stay away from the boards and just read comments in most threads but, I did want to add my two cents about "Catch Me.." I finally saw the show with a few friends expecting it to be a boring train wreck from what some of you have described and wound up having the best evening. I found the show entertaining and that is all I care about. I remember Nathan Lane saying in an interview shortly after "The Addams Family" got reviewed: "Can't we just entertain? Is that not allowed?" and this show hit the spot. Aaron is so charming in the part of Frank Jr. and seems to work off his co-actors incredibly well. Norbert was fantastic but then again, he is always hysterical. I think the song was called "Don't Break Rules" or "Don't break The Rules"?? After he sang that, the audience went nuts. Tom Wopat's voice sounds in the best shape it has been in a while! I loved the dancers in the show. They all look so happy to be up there unlike some other Bway shows where the chorus looks like they want to die EX(Chicago and Mamma Mia). Rachelle Rak is always fun to watch onstage and makes the most out of her few lines which again had the audience going wild. Those were my simple thoughts. Not much of a review but, I don't understand why people are being so cruel on here.

Patash Profile Photo
#273Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/30/11 at 5:49pm

dancers happy to be there and not like they want to die-- example Chicago??

Huh? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't mainly the dancers in Chicago the ladies in prison? They're supposed to look happy to be there? What am I missing?

WestVillage Profile Photo
#274Catch me if you Can Preview Thread
Posted: 3/30/11 at 5:50pm

You found it entertaining; lots of us didn't. I personally found it incredibly boring. You liked Rachelle Rak ... I found her to be absolutely annoying and hated every minute she was on stage. So people are not being cruel, they're being honest.
