Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
no, it's not overanalysis... there is also a fine, but noticeable difference between arrogance within a character and arrogance within the performer.
Does anybody know when they will be releasing official production photos from the show?
New video about the show!
Stand-by Joined: 9/30/09
I don't get an arrogance vibe from Aaron as a person/performer, it's difficult to judge that without knowing him personally. I think he's played a lot of those types of roles though, even through to Howl and Girl Walks Into A Bar.
Surely they must be gearing up to more publicity soon, it's quite a TV friendly show after all.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/24/09
Do you think there is time before opening to make any significant changes? At stagedoor last weekend, I asked a cast member (don't remember which, but in the ensemble) whether they have changed anything during previews so far and he said yes, several times, but the things he mentioned were all very minor. With only a few weeks, I'm guessing it is pretty much going to stay as it is now? I'm sad that it won't get a legitimate chance to reach its potential, if so. I guess also that the Spiderman situation has given me this false sense that shows in previews can be really rehauled before opening, which just isn't the case usually.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/10/04
they have had how many years and an out of town in seattle to "fix" the show....they aren't going to do it in 3 weeks..cause they don't know how..if they did they would have done it by now.
The show is gonna get killed
Did the cast member say what the "minor changes" made were?
I saw the show tonight and unfortunately I have to add my voice to those who were underwhelmed. I really wanted to like it. I thought the actors were all great, Aaron Tveit & Norbert Leo Butz especially, but the music was not memorable and was pretty dull. The only number I really liked was Kerry Butler's solo from Act Two.
I really really disliked the whole "TV show" concept of the show. It took away any kind of drama between the characters. (For a show all about a chase, it sure was dull. I never got any feeling of urgency or tension that Hanratty was really chasing after Abignale, other than Hanratty saying that's what he was doing.) I really got tired of Abignale introducing all the other characters and commenting on what they were doing. Just play the scene already and stop telling us about it! The number with the family and the streamers was horrid and serves no purpose. I also didn't think any of the big dance numbers were anything special. I liked Hanratty's number with the FBI agents, at least that was something different. I don't know if it was because of the "this is a TV show! You're watching a TV show! Do you get it, the audience is part of the show!" concept, but I didn't feel anything for the Abignale character. I didn't care at all what happened to him, and I thought the ending with the constant references to the audience ("I hope you got your money's worth!") was just stupid.
The stage is dominated by the orchestra/gigantic white staircase. The piddly sets they bring on in front of it don't do anything to help.
I'm a bit surprised to read so many positive comments here, since the person I was with felt exactly the same as I did, however judging by their cheering, the person seated to my right sounded like they loved the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/19/05
I saw it tonight. I was underwhelmed as well.The performances were all fine but I can't remember one song or a bit o tune.
a lot of very similar negative opinions were around for many shows that have run significantly....they just weren't gathered as they are on this thread. Recent memory, though, does seem to bring to mind MAMMA MIA, MILLIE, BLONDE etcetera....
I remember the response to next to normal being pretty vicious. People panned it for not portraying mental illness in a more sensitive light, for being too loud, for trying to hard to be emotional, etc. etc. etc. Not quite as many negative responses - but then, next to normal was a much better show.
To those saying the music was unmemorable; I agree that much of it was typical jazz/Broadway, but Goodbye and Fly, Fly Away were hardly typical. I'd even go so far as to call Goodbye one of my favorite musical theater solos ever written for a tenor - it was totally up my alley, and frankly Aaron owned it.
subjectivity will always be around, but i think predicting runs on what our personal tastes might be is kinda pointless. The merch finds a ready market or not....
Swing Joined: 3/24/11
I saw Catch Me last night and I LOVED it. I have seen every other musical that's opened so far this season (seeing wonderland and sister act this week) and Catch Me if my favorite thus far. I think it's everything a classic Broadway musical should be. It will be an interesting race with Catch Me and Mormon for the Tony, I think.
Catch Me doesn't stand a chance to win Best Musical. A "classic Broadway musical" shouldn't be so dull and boring. Updated On: 3/24/11 at 04:35 PM
I finally got a chance to listen to the demo I was sent, as well as the track of Aaron singing Goodbye. I have to add myself to the group who finds the show- well, at least the score- classic and very entertaining. Goodbye has quickly become one of my favorite Broadway songs, and Aaron absolutely shines. I hope I can get to NY sometime soon and see it in person.
I don't think Catch Me will win Best Musical, but it has a much better score than Book of Mormon does.
Does anybody have the audio for Book of Mormon? I would love to listen to songs from it and compare the two shows.
Typically you can find songs from new shows at f*ck yeah blogs. Google f*ck yeah book of mormon and scroll through a few pages on the blog, you can hear a few. It's not awful music, but it's not great.
You can also find a low-quality recording of Goodbye on the f*ck yeah aaron tveit blog.
I've listened to the demos and I don't like it. I find the music dull and drab. I am only speaking about the demos I have heard, since I have not seen the show. From what I've read on here and what I have heard of the music, I have pretty much no desire to see this.
Thanks Reggie!
Also, I have listened to "You Gotta Pay For Love" at least three times today from CMIYC...I really wish that song stayed in the show. I wonder why it got cut? Hmm...
Saw the show tonight. I wasn't expecting much based on the demo CD I'd received in the mail, but the show was enjoyable enough.
The Book and surprisingly the Lyrics are tight and well-crafted and there were excellent performances by Tveit, Butz, and Wopat (sorry, either Kerry Butler and/or her role were underwhelming)...
but still, true to my original impression, the Music itself is so very basic and uninspired...A few songs are derivative of older big-band sound show tunes and there is one great character song for Butz, but most are really the same simple chord progressions with a lot of percussion over and over again: remarkable for being so un-original and forgettable.
What did you think of the set piece and orchestra being on stage? I know a lot of people have expressed their dislikes about that on here...
Looks like Official Production Stills are beginning to surface on the internet...I found a few on a Tumblr blog
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/28/09
Saw it last night. I really enjoyed it. Sure, it's not as buoyant as Hairspray, but it's really a more mature work. Some songs were thrilling, some dragged, but overall, the show works, I think. I liked the variety show concept (after all, a "chase musical" would get overly frenetic or wouldn't work. It's too filmic a conceit, to my mind) and the set also worked well for me. I love onstage orchestras in general, and this one was well-utilized, I think. Tveit is the real story here. Butz was excellent but not as much of a stand-out as his co-star, or as much as I expected him to be. The rest of the cast is also uniformly excellent, especially the amazing ensemble. I think I liked Book of Mormon better, but not by very much at all.
And as for changes, new book stuff for Act 2 went in last night, and it's going to be frozen as of Monday.