BroadwayConcierge said: "Where is the line really being drawn on these boards beyond the protocol that was promulgated after Muringate? If personal interests are being prioritized over users' right to free speech, I will seriously have to question whether I want to be part of this online community going forward."
That is probably fine. I mean this is a forum owned by Broadway World and first amendment doesn't really apply. you violate their rules and it gets deleted, or you get suspended or banned.
Just like every other message board. It has all happened before and it will all happen again.
But if you don't pay for the hosting you don't have a say.
go off and create your own Broadway fan forum and generate whatever rules you like, and I will most likely join you over there, but until then, it is their sandbox, their rules.
And never admitting to trolling new member threads or telling new users to leave is shameful and pathetic.
Don't be silly, Margo. I never told anyone to leave and you know it. You're just grandstanding.
But come to think of it, what WAS your previous screen name? You obviously had one.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
"but I think Patti should also take responsibility for all of the ignorant support her initial blog post garnered given that they all were simply piggybacking on her "shut 'em down" crusade."
You are asking her to take responsibility for other people's actions and words? That she has zero control over? K.
How does one feel UNsafe on a non-physical site?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
"Don't be silly, Margo. I never told anyone to leave and you know it. You're just grandstanding."
Oh my God. Everyone knows you did that. Everyone. Your rude comments about newcomers calling them "sock puppets" and other dumb things. They were deleted due to abuse sadly, it's a shame because I would love to find them again. You drove newcomers away with your rudeness and you know it. Other people have mentioned it in this very thread. There are a lot of ways to tell someone to leave. You know you did that, and everyone else knows too. But yes, carry on in your ridiculous denial/bitterness bubble.
Margo319 said: ""but I think Patti should also take responsibility for all of the ignorant support her initial blog post garnered given that they all were simply piggybacking on her "shut 'em down" crusade."
You are asking her to take responsibility for other people's actions and words? That she has zero control over? K. "
Were her words not a platform for theirs? She was most definitely in control because she got the attention she set out receive in the form of both pity for the Nerds debacle and praise for her so called bravery. In her own post, she established this entire debacle as being about her and her own feelings with the whole (I'm paraphrasing) "this will make me either really popular or really hated in the community" line.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
"Before I came to this one, and was quickly driven away because of what Margo319, ghostlight2, and After Eight very truthfully and accurately describe, I posted at the DressCircle message board in the UK."
Exactly. Thank you.
Your rude comments about newcomers calling them "sock puppets" and other dumb things.
I never called you a sock puppet.
At least not under this screen name. Maybe under one of your old ones.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
"Were her words not a platform for theirs?"
Yes, but no one made them speak or voice support for what she said.
Margo319 said: " "Were her words not a platform for theirs?"
Yes, but no one made them speak or voice support for what she said."
And the thing about what she said is that it entirely focused on all of the negativity to the extent that the boards appeared to be about nothing more than vitriol. She entirely disregarded the outpouring of support for the cast. The platform that she fed her friends and colleagues was one heavily filtered by her agenda.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
Was there an outpouring of support of the cast? It was deleted kinda quick but a lot of things I read were very negative and cruel.
People have freedom of speech. None of them had to agree or speak up. But, I guess they felt passionately about it because of all the vitriol that most of them have experienced here (at some point).
Margo319 said: "Was there an outpouring of support of the cast? It was deleted kinda quick but a lot of things I read were very negative and cruel."
Yes, the vast majority of what was being posted in regards to the announcement was very supportive in the initial thread to which her blog was referring. I distinctly remember many posting sentiments along the lines of "how they could never imagine being in the cast's shoes" and so on. No more than a handful of posters in that thread which was a good three to four pages long had anything that cruel to say.
Or their passion could be attributed to the one-sided story with which they were presented and the unimaginably upsetting situation in which they saw their colleague.
It was supportive and boring .
The problem is most of the acting community that responded to her blog latched onto the "shut 'em down" message and not "let's try to fix the boards and make them a better place" message. That's where her responsibility to correct them comes in as she went on to clarify that she never expected (nor wanted) to shut down the boards because 99% of the users are wonderful and great and only 1% of them are the problem. How hard is it for her to tweet back to Hilty and Swenson something like: thanks guys, but don't confuse my message: There are lots of great posters at BWW. Let's remove the rotten apples, make the place better and move on.
It is hard to keep track of the names that come and go and come and go and come and go. There hasn't been a good popcorn thread on here in eons.
The one person I do come on here to read most regularly is WhizzerMarvin. For years has been one of the most concise posters and I have always looked forward to hearing what they thought of a show.
Today being my 13th year on this board I have seen a lot. The majority of the discourse I feel comes from the same people who go by many different names. Fun for me over the years is when certain members cant keep track of what name they are using and end up calling themselves out in a thread. Thats Priceless. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
"How hard is it for her to tweet back to Hilty and Swenson something like: thanks guys, but don't confuse my message: There are lots of great posters at BWW. Let's remove the rotten apples, make the place better and move on."
It wouldn't be hard at all, but it's nothing she will ever do. She has moved on, and I think everyone else should as well.
I think she will do the right thing.
Who made you her spokeswoman, anyway?
Well, I wasn't suggesting she tweet them now weeks after the fact, but at the time instead of retweeting and liking these sentiments she should have been correcting them and letting her colleagues know that she appreciates the support, but they misunderstood her message.
At this point all she should do is include this into the apology she should make for calling us all a cesspool and wanting the boards removed.
I would like to believe that I'm a forgiving person in real life. I've made my fair share of apologies to people and accepted apologies when offered up to me. I'm all for forgiveness and moving on in almost all situations, but I can't forgive and move on until an apology is given.
dramamama611 said: "How does one feel UNsafe on a non-physical site? "
I never felt "UNsafe", but in my case, as a newcomer, I experienced everything exactly as described by Margo319, ghostlight2, and After Eight. You know how relentless PalJoey currently is regarding an apology? That's how relentless he and the other "1%ers" were regarding:
* responding to nearly everything I posted with two words: "Siddown John"
* PalJoey was relentless in his insistence that I was a shill for the show Matilda. Every post I wrote about that show had a response from him implying that I was someone to be shunned because the date I joined the board (around Tony time) was positive proof that I was most definitely a shill.
* Although my posts regarding topics other than Matilda may not have offended PalJoey, my use of text formatting was definitely not to his liking - so I heard from him on that subject... a LOT.
There was a bandwagon effect to the point that nearly everything I posted received some kind of negative response. Not because of what I wrote, but just because it was "fun" or "sport" for those people. It just got really old, really fast, so I stopped posting and read the board anonymously. Also, I found that I'd become so wary of the negative comments directed at me that I began to make some unwarranted responses of my own.
Dramamama611 may remember me lashing out at her (mistakenly) because her avatar was the same as After Eight's, who had recently sent some snark my way. Also, I recall snapping at Tazber, who had always been pretty decent towards me, over some odd thing (can't remember, now) - so I knew I was definitely not welcome here, and it effected me in a way that I was doing things I found reprehensible.
The things I experienced from PalJoey and the 1% were annoying, but not scarring. The things I saw written about other posters (outright vehemence and hatred) were much more upsetting.
Ugh. I remember that text formatting. That was WORSE than shilling.
People that have been around since the beginning experienced some of the worst/nasty sock puppet nonsense. Our guard went up and stayed there.
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
Puppies are babies in fur coats.
Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator
PalJoey said: "Ugh. I remember that text formatting. That was WORSE than shilling."
Is that an apology?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
"John Adams said: "dramamama611 said: "How does one feel UNsafe on a non-physical site? "
I never felt "UNsafe", but in my case, as a newcomer, I experienced everything exactly as described by Margo319, ghostlight2, and After Eight. You know how relentless PalJoey currently is regarding an apology? That's how relentless he and the other "1%ers" were regarding:
* responding to nearly everything I posted with two words: "Siddown John"
* PalJoey was relentless in his insistence that I was a shill for the show Matilda. Every post I wrote about that show had a response from him implying that I was someone to be shunned because the date I joined the board (around Tony time) was positive proof that I was most definitely a shill.
* Although my posts regarding topics other than Matilda may not have offended PalJoey, my use of text formatting was definitely not to his liking - so I heard from him on that subject... a LOT.
There was a bandwagon effect to the point that nearly everything I posted received some kind of negative response. Not because of what I wrote, but just because it was "fun" or "sport" for those people. It just got really old, really fast, so I stopped posting and read the board anonymously. Also, I found that I'd become so wary of the negative comments directed at me that I began to make some unwarranted responses of my own."
Yes, he's been doing that for years, long before I became a member. I'm so glad him and his band of cronies cannot do that any longer. Sadly, he will never apologize for his despicable behavior or even acknowledge it, and harassing/verbally abusing members just because they joined in the last DECADE.
Broadwayworld is a lot of things: Unsafe is not one of them. Stop fooling yourself