I'm surprised that there haven't been any photos of her first night as Roxie. Strange.
Wow...those are some signifcant crowds at the Chicago stage door. (It's funny how the author of the article describes it as "backstage." https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Photo-Coverage-Broadways-Newest-Murderess-Brandy-Norwood-Greets-Fans-Backstage-at-CHICAGO-20150502
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
If anybody watched Brandy perform on the Wendy Williams Show, you might have noticed how choked up Wendy got after the show because of how much she loved being in the show herself. In the After Show video on youtube, she reminisces more about her time in Chicago and how much she loved it. Really nice to see.
It would be fantastic for this show to have both Brandy & Carly Hughes together up on that stage. One could dream.
This is a feature of Brandy's dressing room at the Ambassador Theatre. http://www.instyle.com/news/video-go-behind-scenes-brandys-dressing-room-chicago-musical
Leading Actor Joined: 11/21/10
How wonderful was Brandy in the role? Saw her Tuesday night and I was just in awe of how funny she was, how beautiful she sounded (and the crazy vocal runs she threw in - ear candy), and how well she danced! I loved her solo numbers and how she kept up with Amra (in fact when they sang together she kind of overpowered her a little). The last number choked me up a little, I was so proud of her! I loved the show overall and it was fun for a first time! I was so impressed by the actors who played Mama Morton (Natasha Yvette Williams), Amos Hart (Raymond Bokhour), and Mary Sunshine (R. Lowe).
sephyr, I couldn't agree more. I've been telling everyone, she was surprisingly above average maybe even flawless. In fact, I'm sure if she didn't have other commitments, the Weisslers would sign her to a full year contract. She breathed so much life and humor into the role of Roxie. And you're right Brandy completely out-shined Amra. Overall, I thought everyone was pretty solid. The only thing that pissed me off was the sound and Mary Sunshine's diction. I couldn't understand a word she sang, and the leads mic levels needed to be turned up when singing with the ensemble.
FANtastic news!! Marco Zunino is Broadway's "Billy Flynn" from June 1-14, 2015!! He's an awesome singer! Marco has one of the longest "the" notes ("Both Reached For The Gun") that I have heard.
https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Brandy-Extends-Run-in-Broadways-CHICAGO-20150601 Apparently, she's good for the box office. Plus, she seems like a nice person.
I was hoping she'd extend. Too bad AFW remains.
from these pictures it looks like Donna Marie Asbury was Velma & possibly Sharon Moore was Mama last night.
Donna did the weekend
amras gone till the 14th
terras back
"That was great but she comes across as more of a Velma to me."
I wish they'd bring Carly Hughes back.
JBradshaw...that is awesome news about having the chance to see Miss Terra as Velma on Broadway!!
Swing Joined: 6/26/12
Hey, Chicago experts! With Brandy extending in the show for the summer, I'm thinking I may have to make a visit back to Chicago. Does anyone know how the rush seats have been location-wise? I know when I went several years ago they were near the front of the orchestra on the sides, but I wonder if anybody has more recent information.
Rush is side orchestra.
Sometimes they sell side mezz seats.
Orchestra seats are usually in the first 10 rows.
Theatre re is small, not really any bad seats.
A different Velma? A new Mary Sunshine? Is this bizarro world? Because if so I'd like two tickets please! I love R. Lowe, he's so damn consistent and excellent, but this repeat viewer appreciates someone new in the role. Seen the dude dozens of times! As for "international stage sensation" Amra-Faye, well...Carly Hughes, where you gone? Come back!
According to Playbill.com, Marco Zunino will be Billy Flynn in the upcoming Seoul production of "Chicago". Terra C wil be Velma, with Dylis Croman as Roxie in South Korea. I think Dylan Ratell will be Mary Sunshine. C. Caballero will make an excellent Mary Sunshine (understudy).
Terra C is on as "Velma" until June 9th. I'm seeing the show on June 8th, so I'm thrilled!
Oh be still my heart. I just had an extended conversation with Jason Patrick Sands. He was ever so nice and recognized me when he saw me. He looked especially buffed up close. I was waiting by the entrance. I need smelling salts.
Oh be still my heart. I just had an extended conversation with Jason Patrick Sands. He was ever so nice and recognized me when he saw me. He looked especially buffed up close. I was waiting by the entrance. I need smelling salts.
Sorry, but I am typing on my smart phone. I also met Richard Ridge while waiting to enter the theatre. He was very nice. We had a brief conversation. It is actually a full house for tonite's show.