Instagram page is live for curtain call.
Walter Bobbie is delivering a speech with the designers, some alumni, and some staff / producers also on stage with the cast.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/28/15
Despite the last minute notice, tonight was an EVENT and very special. (I will also say right off the bat that I am terrible with spelling names, so apologies in advance if I misspell any of the names below)
Outside the theater was a red carpet and the marching band playing as you entered the theater. They were also handing out “25 years” pins while we waited in line.
At the top of the show, a representative for Bill DeBlasio came out to officially commemorate the day as Chicago day in NYC. They were joined by Bebe Neworth, James Naughton and Joel Grey who all gave speeched. Joel talked about the journey of the show, James mentioned all of the members of the cast and creative team who were in the audience (including John Kander) and finally Bebe said some brief words for the members of the original company who are no longer with us (including Ann Reiking, who’s name she announced while holding back tears). They left the stage, and then Bebe came back out and said “and one more thing” before donning the signature bowler hat and delivering (what I assume are) the opening lines of the show (“This is a show about murder…&rdquo
At the end of Act 1 they told us to remain seated and the mayor elect came out to say some words.
At the top of Act 2, Lilias White came out and introduced the original conductor of Chicago. He gave a speech about the orchestra (3 of the original members are still playing in the orchestra today) and then introduced a video tribute to Ann Reiking. When the screen from the tribute lifted, Charlotte D’Amboise appeared striking a pose and delivered a touching tribute to Ann as well. They then played the entre’acte, which was conducted by the original conductor before handing the baton back to the current conductor.
At bows, the marching band came back and played in the aisles. Every single cast member (including swings) was called out by name and then they called out almost the entire creative team, Bebe, John, Joel as well as the producers to take bows as well. The producers gave a nice speech about how no one wanted to fund this show and now here they are 25 years later. And finally, Walter Bobbie closed out the evening with yet another speech talking about how special the night was and thanking us all for coming.
Really hope the house was close to being full last night for this. Nothing like celebrating the 25th anniversary in a house at 60%/70%. Might be a sign it's time to close up.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/28/15
ACL2006 said: "Really hope the house was close to being full last night for this. Nothing like celebrating the 25th anniversary in a house at 60%/70%. Might be a sign it's time to close up."
The house seemed to be almost completely full! Although who knows how much of that was comps/papering. Was definitely glad to see a full house though!
I figured there'd be a ton of comps for former cast and crew.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/28/15
I would say this feels like a final gasp for CHICAGO in an attempt to boost sales before making a decision about closing...except they do these anniversary celebrations every 5 years.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
I went to see Chicago for the first time ever yesterday. I figured with all the unsold houses and recent show closures, I might as well get this Broadway permanent fixture out of the way until it's too late. Maybe I was lucky and chose the best day (25th anniversary celebration) to see this show or it's always that good, but yesterday was simply electrifying. One of the best experiences I've had since the reopening of Broadway. I didn't care much for all the special guests and speeches as I'm not familiar with the show and its long history, but boy, the actors and the orchestra have delivered yesterday! We couldn't peel our eyes of the bare stage with incredibly talented people performing, without any distractions. If this is what Chicago always like, I'm not a bit surprised it lasted for 25 years and will probably have more anniversary celebrations in the future (I sincerely hope it survives). I kept hearing for years not to bother with the show because the movie is so much better, and I loved the movie. the show exceeded my expectations. This was a kind of the night in the theater that will remain in my memory as one of the most thrilling.
Updated On: 11/17/21 at 12:17 PM
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "I would say this feels like a final gasp for CHICAGO in an attempt to boost sales before making a decision about closing...except they do these anniversary celebrations every 5 years."
100%. Unless there's a name lined up for the Winter, Chicago's days may be limited.
I don't know. I feel like message boards have had Chicago at death's door for at least the last decade. And yet there it is, still standing. I hope it sticks around, it's an institution, but I really just don't see it ending.
I mean, the future mayor just plugged the show last night on Colbert!
Just caught the videos that BWW posted from the anniversary show. Charlotte d'Amboise's tribute to Ann Reinking was beautiful.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2022
Producers Barry & Fran Weissler announced today that a new block of tickets is now on sale through September 11, 2022 for the Tony Award-winning, record-breaking hit musical Chicago at the Ambassador Theatre (219 W. 49th St., NYC).
Beginning January 3rd, performances on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays will begin at 7PM.
Patti LuPone FANatic said: ""
Hopefully they post a better quality video. This one is terrible and it’s out of sync also. It ruins the choreography. Everything is off by a quarter-second.
Tom Hewitt is the new Billy Flynn in "Chicago". (per the Chicago the Musical Official Website)
Patti LuPone FANatic said: "Tom Hewitt is the new Billy Flynn in "Chicago". (per the Chicago the Musical Official Website)"
Tonight's performance was cancelled due to two COVID positive cases on the staff.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/2/13
I am frankly stunned it took this long for the show to cancel. I knew on Tuesday that the Roxie and Velma both tested positive. Amra Faye and Dylis both brought in to cover the show.
Now 5 days later they announce??? That is a crime to let people come to work and know this! Awful!
troynow said: "I am frankly stunned it took this long for the show to cancel. I knew on Tuesday that the Roxie and Velma both tested positive. Amra Faye and Dylis both brought in to cover the show.
Now 5 days later they announce??? That is a crime to let people come to work and know this! Awful!"
The press release stated it was two crew members, not cast members. And why would AFW be brought in from South Africa? Why not just go with the understudies?
ACL2006 said: "The press release stated it was two crew members, not cast members."
Unless you saw something other than the press release that was C&P'd on this and other sites, it said "two people who work at the Ambassador Theatre." That does not suggest that they were crew, or that they were not cast. Do you have some other press release?
I know nothing but if there were in fact two cast members (and no others) who tested positive, the protocol would be to continue with negative test performers if you had them available. To me it is of greater concern if the two employees were front of house employees in which case there is a heck of a lot of contact tracing that needs to be underway.
If you have some info beyond what I recited, please let us know.
She lives in New York and may also be a U.S. citizen.