Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/16
I am so happy-pre ordered album-but Waving Through A Window is available to purchase and listen to now. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that song! I can't wait for the whole album, but happy to have that song now!
Who paid you to make that post, lol.
Yes, everyone's eagerly waiting for the album to come out.
If you are not part of show's marketing and just want more songs, "Only Us" was also released (not as a single, but the studio recording it's on YouTube).
I wish they would release a few more songs. They should have done it the way Lin did with the mixtape...a couple new ones each week! Can't wait for this album!
Both "Waving Through a Window" and "Only Us" are also available for listening on their website, and here's a link to listen to "If I Could Tell Her" http://dearevanhansen.com/thankyou/?utm_campaign=fanclub&utm_medium=email&utm_source=postpurchase&utm_content=website_thankyou
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/16
While I do love all the music-it's Waving Through A Window that I just have been dying to have. Every time it comes on Sirius is always the moment I have to get out of the car!
It's a great score. February 3rd really cannot come fast enough.
slumdogdelaware said: "Both "Waving Through a Window" and "Only Us" are also available for listening on their website, and here's a link to listen to "If I Could Tell Her" http://dearevanhansen.com/thankyou/?utm_campaign=fanclub&utm_medium=email&utm_source=postpurchase&utm_content=website_thankyou"
THANK YOU for this. Was hoping to get a first listen to another song.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/08
Really want to hear this album. Waving Through the Window may be the best song ever. EVER.
Valentina3 said: "Who paid you to make that post, lol.
I have a question an would love to have as many perspectives as possible.
I haven't seen deh. I have tickets for the first week in march. I have pre ordered the album.
Should i listen to it?
I always, always learn music if I can before seeing the show. I just enjoy the show more when I don't have to wonder what the lyrics are really saying.
I would rather know some spoilers from the music than to go into a show cold. But deh is giving me pause.
Ben platt said in an interview that they were delaying the release of the music because they don't want to give away too much.
I understand that the last 15 minutes or so are emotionally intense. I do want to experience and connect with that as much as I am supposed to. As much as is intended.
Will knowing the music lessen the impact of those moments? Thanks.
I had listened to a "dirty" audio of the show before seeing it and it didn't detract from my experience. You should go ahead and give it a listen. I dont think it will give away too much.
I know what you mean, ComdeGreen, about not being able to follow lyrics sometimes. But I went to this show completely blind, and it was a revelation. The lyrics are so smart, simple yet crisp that I didn't miss a single word. Plus the sound design in the theater is pretty good. I don't think you need to listen to it, but knowing it will not detract you from the show. The dialogue scenes are very strong so I doubt knowing the music will diminish the emotional impact of the show.
Thanks ice cream Ben and Valentina. Appreciate the thoughtful input.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/25/04
For those who are anxiously awaiting the album release and can't get enough, on YouTube, there are also videos of Cynthia Erivo singing a powerful version of "You Will Be Found" and Claudia Yanez singing "Requiem". I think the song I'm most anticipating is "For Forever" - it's been in my head since I saw the show last week and I'm desperate to actually learn the lyrics!
I'm one of those people who also likes to familiarize myself with a score before I see a show, if possible. I completely agree that it's not necessary for DEH. As mentioned, the lyrics are very easy to follow on first listen and the sound quality is excellent. Even my husband, who usually has a hard time following along, had no problem keeping up with the spoken or sung dialogue. You could always compromise and listen to the first Act? I felt like I struck a nice balance between having previously listened to the 5 songs and hearing the others for the first time at the show.
Comden Green said: "I have a question an would love to have as many perspectives as possible.
I haven't seen deh. I have tickets for the first week in march. I have pre ordered the album.
Should i listen to it?
I always, always learn music if I can before seeing the show. I just enjoy the show more when I don't have to wonder what the lyrics are really saying.
I would rather know some spoilers from the music than to go into a show cold. But deh is giving me pause.
Ben platt said in an interview that they were delaying the release of the music because they don't want to give away too much.
I understand that the last 15 minutes or so are emotionally intense. I do want to experience and connect with that as much as I am supposed to. As much as is intended.
Will knowing the music lessen the impact of those moments? Thanks. "
This is probably the reason why I tend to watch Broadway shows twice: first time I watch via rush or discounted tickets or SRO and simply watch it without knowing much about the show; if I enjoyed the show I'd listen to the cast album and watch the show again a few months later (even willing to pay full non-premium price) for a really good seat, which is what I consider great acoustics and view of the cast.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/16
I became interested in seeing DEH when listening to Julei James on Sirius talk with the writers. She played Waving Through A Window and I was in love with the song from the moment I heard it. I didn't think hearing the song or knowing the story ruined anything for me. But I also like to know a story before seeing something. I don't always listen to the music, in fact usually I don't but in this case I had heard the one song.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/16
I assure you I have no connection to the show/marketing/etc-I wish! I don't think I have been so passionate about a show and it's music since Wicked. I haven't seen Hamilton, but have heard some of the music but I don't think any song has moved me like Waving Through A Window!
Swing Joined: 6/5/16
I saw the show off-Broadway in the spring without having heard a single note of the score and only knowing a tiny amount about the story. When I saw it on Broadway in December, knowing the music and the full story took nothing away from seeing it. I still bawled just as hard the second time. I also agree with the other posters who've said the lyrics are easy to follow.
Kbaum15 said: "I saw the show off-Broadway in the spring without having heard a single note of the score and only knowing a tiny amount about the story. When I saw it on Broadway in December, knowing the music and the full story took nothing away from seeing it. I still bawled just as hard the second time. I also agree with the other posters who've said the lyrics are easy to follow.
It's fun to go in blind and not know what to expect.
I went into DEH without listening to anything and loved it. I'm sure I would have loved it just the same had I heard the music because if I remember correctly, the few scenes that were significant weren't sung. And they give everything away in that song Waving Through A Window, so sorry,... you've already spoiled it.
I went to Hamilton knowing all the music and still felt moved to see the way it was staged and the way the actors delivered lines.
BTW- *Fangirling* Can't wait to hear You Will Be Found when the album comes out.
Comden Green said: "Valentina3 said: " I don't think you need to listen to it, but knowing it will not detract you from the show. The dialogue scenes are very strong so I doubt knowing the music will diminish the emotional impact of the show."
Thanks ice cream Ben and Valentina. Appreciate the thoughtful input.
Valentina in the quote above did you meant to the word NOT before the word detract?"
I did, indeed. Fixed it :)
I'm actually looking forward to being able to hear For Forever. That song made me happy cry in the theater. And So Big/So Small which made me ugly cry. And.. actually, just give me the album already.
Thanks guys for all your thoughts. I'm thinking I might follow one suggestion and only listen to maybe the first half of the cd. Especially since I will see the show only a few weeks after I get the music.
My my other thought is- what was Ben platt thinking of when he said they were releasing it "late" so as not to give away things? Of course you don't need to tell me but I'm wondering.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/6/11
Cannot wait to get this album: I saw the show only knowing "Only Us", "You Will Be Found" and of course "Waving....." (and the last two regularly reduce me to a big weepy mess) but was thrilled to discover that this is a score full of absolute gems.
I know spoilers can almost always be found somewhere online but I hope some of the more surprising plot developments are kept off the recording.
All in all, this is one of the GREAT musical theatre experiences of the decade, and I cannot wait to see it/hear it again.
I doubt the recording will include many spoilers. It doesn't look like they recorded much dialogue. I was hoping it would at least begin with Evan's opening letter but Ben isn't listed as a contributing artist for the first track on iTunes so unless that listing is incorrect it seems likely that they really just recorded the songs completely divorced from the story and dialogue which is a shame. We'll see though. I think the artist info was up before the album was actually recorded. 10 more days to wait.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/9/16
Jshan05 said: "slumdogdelaware said: "Both "Waving Through a Window" and "Only Us" are also available for listening on their website, and here's a link to listen to "If I Could Tell Her" http://dearevanhansen.com/thankyou/?utm_campaign=fanclub&utm_medium=email&utm_source=postpurchase&utm_content=website_thankyou"
THANK YOU for this. Was hoping to get a first listen to another song.
There are actually three songs out, and doesn't seem like anyone has posted. But "If I could tell her" is also out: http://dearevanhansen.com/thankyou/