^^ Beautifully said! Let the war begin!!!!!
The Autobots will win!! Who is going to play the role of Optimus Prime? Nicole Parker? Or maybe her & Alli could play the 2 "racist" autobots!
Alli Mauzey is Optimus, thus Lin dying to bring her back.
What an adorable and short Optimus she is :)
What does she transform into? A sparkly pink bike with handle bar tassels?
You know what, that would not surprise me at all actually. Sounds pretty powerful to me! Fear the pinkness of the bike!
Understudy Joined: 3/1/09
defygravity777 i'm sorry but here's some news for you!: julie reiber was one dimensional! she was constantly angry! where were other emotions? humans aren't so contrived.
What does Julie Reiber have to do with Transformers?!
From what I gather, her robotic lack of emotions? I am not too sure.
Tell me if this apply's to anyone or if it's just me. I personally love certain actresses who have played elphaba and glinda, OUTSIDE of wicked. Example, Shoshana Bean. Loved her in Godspell and Hairspray, but then she started thinking she was Celine Dion and riffed the theatre to shreds. Another, Julia Murney. I love her acting in Wicked, but she sounds like a goat in many of the songs in the show. Saw her in saved and thought she was a diffrent woman. Sorry, that just came to my mind.
Stand-by Joined: 7/17/09
Updated On: 8/11/12 at 09:08 PM
NickChopper, She is "Good" or else she wouldnt be in the show. However, IMO I wouldnt say she was excelent (sp?)
Try and think of a monkey banging tambourines when she sings... makes her a lot less dull!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
There are plenty of YT videos of her for you to judge for yourself.
I think she sounds just like many of the other Elphabas I've heard. I can't imagine her not being good...
Stand-by Joined: 7/17/09
Updated On: 8/11/12 at 08:31 AM
Understudy Joined: 7/9/08
Whenever I see her she looks a little drugged up or out of it - very much "the lights are on but nobody's home". In close up videos her eyes are always red and watering and she pulls Idina-like facial expressions, plus she has that lazy diction that makes it sound like her mouth is full.
Understudy Joined: 7/6/09
Wow, this thread sure took interesting turns...
1. Jenny was probably the nicest person I've met from Wicked at at stage door (besides perhaps Kristy Cates). How can you say she's SNOBBY? I don't know, maybe you caught her on a bad day.
2. Yes, I LOVE seeing WIcked people outside of Wicked. It's the only reason I'd go to 9 to 5 haha I think it's more fun seeing them in completely different roles than the ones they played in Wicked. It shows just how talented some of those cast members are.
Understudy Joined: 7/9/08
Who cares how she acts, Jennifer Dinoia has the voice of a whiny 5 year old. Get in a real singer.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/4/09
I'm seeing her August 5th. I'm slightly nervous, but at the same time, I'm sooo excited (because I'm in love with Wicked). So we'll see. I'm trying to not let everyone's bad opinion of her get me down, but at the same time, it's good to have lower expectations going in so that maybe she'll sound amazing.
Edit: Link didn't work
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/25/08
Nick, Jenny isn't that old- Marcie is 34, I believe and Julia was older, and Anna was 42!
Ana was 38-39 when she played Elphaba. She's 42 now.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/10/09
Some of the newer Elphabahs and standbys on now are much younger...mid 20's I think.
Both standbys for broadway look very young but don't know their age. I will be there for Nicoles last show.
I've seen Dee play Elphaba a handful of times, and she's always the most boring person on the stage.
I'm sure she's a very nice person. . but her Elphaba is just a mediocre copy of Kristy Cates' version. . weak acting, weak voice, no stage presence. I really don't care if she lives or dies by the end of the show.
Eric Mackey, on the other hand, is a gem. I'm so happy that she is planning to take over for Glinda. . I've seen 3 different Glindas live, and Erin was the best by far.