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Do Try This at Home

CelebrityDogWalker Profile Photo
#0Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 12:38am

Well, I have to throw my two cents in, and just offer another opinion because yes more than one opinion in the world is a good thing...

Living in New York I have noticed that the people I have met who have been the most successful and lead brilliant creative lives - where they are paid all day to make art and express themselves - go to shows and sit back and let what ever happens on the stage light their eyes up. They go to feel and to dream and not to direct in their heads which is ironic considering they are the very people with the know-how to do just that. To the young people that love these boards (I was a Bette Midler board FREAK as a kid) I hope that your childhoods/young adulthoods are filled with the thrill of ripping open a new album and discovering it and spending hours alone learning to copy a dance or sing a song. I used to skip school to belt "Rose's Turn" on a four hour loop in the living room and eventually one day the neighbors called the cops who arrived mid-performance. I remember learning to play some of Bette Midler's most regrettable songs on the piano (which took hours, I am terrible) and hearing doors slam shut throughout my house as I played atonal chords and belted lyrics like "Watching under Havana lights/dis dee words with transpire!! Only in Mi-a-mi" (or something like that.) I recall having a SENSE that maybe all the songs by the people I worshipped weren't BRILLIANT, Rogers and Hart, Carly Simon, Bette Midler, Judy Collins, etc. etc. have all had their moments, but to me it was always art and always a joy. I do not think anything is gained by ripping a performance to shreds or watching and listening to something with laserbeam eyes just looking for some crumbling element to attack because a well read and smart person will always find possibilities. I am not looking to hault discussion or debate over shows, to each his own and I do theoretically believe the dialogue is a good thing (though it differs from my own beliefs) but just offering another opinion to consider. That's all. Keep having ideas and watching shows. And maybe once and a while ponder the fact that if you walk up and introduce yourself to the average Broadway legend after a performance of any kind, they will list what they liked.

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#1re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 12:44am


since you love my dog I am biased, but BRAVO!! I have been trying to say that on here for 2 years now!

I feel bad for so many that seem to mostly enjoy finding fault...when I was a young 'un, I devoured everything I could get me ears on (mixing my metaphors!!) and simply let the best rise to the top, but had no time or need to bash the less fabulous, I was too busy discovering more to love

there is SO much to enjoy out there, in even the less than perfect...kiddo's, if just for a day, choose to ENJOY YOURSELVES!!!

ok, now I am getting varklempt


ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#2re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 12:45am


We'll tawk amongst ourselves, Marc.

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#3re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 12:45am

And, whatever you do, always remember: Listen to Sondheim.

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

PennyLou Profile Photo
#4re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 12:46am


Grace: My love for you is like this scar (points to elbow) ulgy but permanent!

CelebrityDogWalker Profile Photo
#5re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 12:50am


Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#6re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 12:51am

"And, whatever you do, always remember: Listen to Sondheim."

and that reminds me...listen to s**t written before 2 years ago!!!!! don't deny yourself decades, nay, CENTURIES of heart stopping beautiful achievements...

please?!? Updated On: 12/1/04 at 12:51 AM

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#7re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 12:52am

Well said, DogWalker.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#8re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 12:53am

I admit, I'm probably one of the people that made you want to post that. And for reading your post, I realize what mistakes I may have made. Thanks for opening my eyes, CDW...

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#9re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 1:00am

munk, really, that is the most touching post...I am going to bed with a smile on my face (and ice cream stains on my pillow)

Bravo, CDW! Updated On: 12/1/04 at 01:00 AM

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#10re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 1:01am

Why I love my music collection- there is a show for every mood. Heh. I'm 16- I have a variety of music- people ask me what I want for Channuka/ my birthday- I ask for gift certificates to get new CDs... and, of course- driving out of the student parking lot blasting "If I Were a Richman" is just awesome...

This post was so true CDW. Thanks for bringing up this point.

Sorry for rambling by the way- I'm exhausted...time to go to sleep re: Do Try This at Home

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#11re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 1:02am

Marc, do I sense sarcasm?

I am sweet. We've met before, you probably dont remember. I barely do, I was quite intoxicated.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#12re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 1:03am

I drove out of the parking lot of my all-boy highschool today with the windows down, blasting "When I Get My Name in Lights" and signing loudly along.

Nothing beats that feeling.

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#13re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 1:03am

Have you gotten your ass beaten yet?

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#14re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 1:06am

NO!! no sarcasm at all, I meant it, I am so happy that maybe one person has realized it's more pleasurable to find what to enjoy!!

now, back to sleep

CelebrityDogWalker Profile Photo
#15re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 1:06am

: )

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#16re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 1:07am

I go to a gifted school- and no one ever gets beat up....I mean- our main high school "sports" teams are our Chess team and our Speech and Debate team.

And of theatre- at all- because it is all "we must teach our students to be successful...and theatre wont do that" Eh....right.

As you might expect...I hate my school, but I'll deal re: Do Try This at Home

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#17re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 1:08am

Why would I?

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#18re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 2:14am

I'm just kidding you. I used to do the same thing in HS...except with Hairspray. But, I was friends with all the jocks and they'd all just laugh at me...I miss high school.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#19re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 2:31am

After a lifetime of living in the NY area, I now truly appreciate the beauty of Broadway music! I'm starting a collection of my faves on CD, and have (for the first time) bought two shows that I wasn't around to see (I live (and love) in Omaha now!): "The Boy From Oz" and "Rocky Horror".

son_of_a_gunn_25 Profile Photo
#20re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 2:31am

A Haiku in honor of Hairspray!

Hairspray is awesome.
It brings great joy to my ears.
Though I've not seen it.
(Alternate last line: Cheese is delicious.)

My avatar is a reminder to myself. I need lots of reminders...

broadway_star_tomorrow Profile Photo
#21re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 2:34am

just wanted to thank dogwalker for the wonderful words.

i'm a sap...i know

AKA Idina Pashmina

Type_A_Tiff: There's nothing hard about her. Broadway_star_tomorrow: Yeah. Her arteries.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#22re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 2:39am

CDW, that is a great post. Munk could learn from it if he wasn't so quick to make the snarky reaction.

TO THE YOUTH OF TODAY: Please, find out about the history of theatre. It started LONG before Rent.

Find out about it, study it, and learn from it. We are all part of a great history, it's just a shame that some folks don't think that anything that happened before they were born is important. They are the few who are truly missing out on something wonderful.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

JBGolightly Profile Photo
#23re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 4:36am

Bravo Celeb!

I agree with everything that you said. There is no greater joy than exposing yourself to a new musical. I have a cd collection of well over 300 and everyone is either a cast recording or a solo album by a broadway/west end performer (to tell you the truth I couldn't name a "popular" song if I tried) but anywho.

My favorite musicals come from the era of Rodgers and Hammerstien, Lerner and Lowe and Kander and Ebb and it upsets me to hear someone rave about how much they love musical theatre and when they're asked what shows they love they say "Rent." Now I'm not putting down newer musicals, I am as taken with "Wicked" as (mostly) everyone else. However, all of these new "aspiring actors" need to take some time to learn about the musicals that made Broadway Great. Not just the ones that are riding on the coattails of brilliance.

I apologize if this comes across as rather uppity, but I was just really happy to read this post.

ps I've always been one of those that drive down the street blaring show tunes. Try pulling up to a red light with "I'm Just A Girl Who Cain't Say No" blaring from the car. Or better yet "Aldonza", boy do the heads turn for that one.

If I could find a real life place like Tiffany's then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name! - Holly Golightly
Updated On: 12/1/04 at 04:36 AM

paradox_error Profile Photo
#24re: Do Try This at Home
Posted: 12/1/04 at 9:32am

what a wonderful post!
I don't think its a bad idea encouraging the young people (I'm only seventeen myself) as we all grow up. When I was a few years younger I was absolutely obsessed with Andrew Lloyd Webber. I knew every word to Joseph, thought Cats was amazing...
Then I discovered the works of Sondheim. ALW's works paled in comparison. But back then I would have sworn black and blue that Joseph, JCS, Phantom, Cats etc were the greatest shows ever written.
But I grew up, broadened my horizons, and have never looked back.
Rather than putting these kids down, we should be encouraging them to keep discovering the joys of musical theatre. Encouraging them to use the likes of Wicked and Brooklyn as stepping stones down their paths to knowledge.
just my two cents!
we also need to remember every show has its merits, and sometimes we need to look at those, rather than focusing on its flaws...
