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Emmy Rossum: dubbed?

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#0Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:14pm

Ok, so, i listened to the soundtrack of the Phantom film. It's very clear that Emmy is singing...mostly.
It's also fairly clear that it's someone else singing during "Phantom of the Opera." I have heard rumors that Dale Kristien was brought in to record that song and it sounds as if she might have been singing during other parts of the movie as well.
Does anyone know anything for sure? IT's clearly not the same voice singing the title song as the majority of the film but I'm wondering if they're just trying to be hush hush about it right now and say it's all Emmy.

And, sidenote: Too bad Minnie Driver can't sing operatic colorature but she's surprisingly excellent singing the end title song.

zepka102 Profile Photo
#1re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:17pm

you crushed me when you told me about it... I NEED TO KNOW!!

hehe jk... i'm curious... it doesn't take away from her hotness though :P

::bust a move::

#2re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:21pm

Minnie Driver released an album this year, so she must have a passable voice. And she's great on Learn to Be Lonely. And I'm sure I saw Emmy say it was all her. She wouldn't lie. Would she? Updated On: 12/23/04 at 09:21 PM

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#3re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:23pm

I don't know where you got this. From what I heard Emmy Rossum sings the entire show herself. It is Minnie Driver who is dubbed the whole time...I don't think one note of that singing was her voice. I didn't notice any difference between the title song or the rest of her singing. But, that's just me.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

#4re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:24pm

not relating to minnie.. but just fyi, an album does not mean you have a passable voice..

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#5re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:25pm

Oh, I knew Minnie was dubbed and it's clearly noted in the album and on the cast credits of the film, I believe.
But it's definitely not Emmy singing the title song, unless they recorded it last and she had an amazing quantum leap in her vocal quality between that recording session and the previous one.

#6re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:27pm

I too don't notice any difference...
And bwayguy2 - true, true.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#7re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:27pm

"From what I heard Emmy Rossum sings the entire show herself."

Hm. "From what I heard..." - I think that bwaysinger's "but I'm wondering if they're just trying to be hush hush about it right now and say it's all Emmy" would mean that what you hear may not always be true. In other words, you're probably hearing what everyone else is hearing, which may be a bit of propaganda. I haven't listened to the CD enough to comment on this, but don't believe all you hear.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 12/23/04 at 09:27 PM

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#8re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:28pm

I feel like a geezer saying I can't remember exactly, because I just saw the film yesterday, but I think I know what you're talking about. I also noticed a difference in the tone, but I think it could just be that Emmy's singing voice is actually stronger than it seems on film (likely the director's choice to make her more breathy and weak - I mean the girl's sung at the Met, but her voice in the film would likely not even get her in the door!) and the title song is her singing as she really is.

I'll listen to the soundtrack again and see. Sorry if that sounds incoherent. I'm breathing in bleach right now. But if Emmy's voice sounds stronger on "POTO" than the rest of the movie, I'd bet that's her singing "like normal". (Esp since people yesterday said her voice sounded much better on GMA than it does in the movie.)

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#9re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:31pm

And wasn't ALW really fussy about singers getting the parts?
Doesn't explain Minnie, though. Oh well, why would they hide it if was true? It's only a movie, and they're upfront about Minnie.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#10re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:31pm

Bwaysinger, I know you were being sarcastic about whatever "quantum leap" between the singing in the title song and the rest of the show, and I haven't listened to the soundtrack enough to remember too clearly so you could be right. But I'll also just remind everyone that it says in the 2CD booklet that a lot of the singing was dubbed right before the take was done, so there *is* a chance that Emmy's voice matured and her range improved, and maybe the title song was one of the last scenes to be filmed.

Is there really that much of a notable difference??

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#11re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:38pm

Wasn't she part of the children's choir or something at the Met? That's not the same as being an opera singer.

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#12re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:42pm

To me there is a notable difference. I thought the title song sounded like Dale Kristien (whom I saw in the role in LA and have seen in many other shows). I even mentioned it sounded like a dubbed singer trying to "Sound younger" to match the rest of Emmy's singing.
By the way, guys, I'm not drubbing Emmy's performance. I also think she sounded much better on the film than what I remember on the soundtrack. Point is, though, there's a great history of dubbing in Hollywood that is hush hush...Marni Nixon dueting with herself on West Side Story, anyone?

wickedfan Profile Photo
#13re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:43pm

There isn't a big diference. She's not singing in her operatic range so it may sound different. Every Christine did it, Sarah Brightman etc. This number MAY have been the last number to be re-recorded so her voice may have matured as it went on, but I can tell it is her.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#14re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:46pm

Plum, oh, is that what is was? I don't remember - I just remember reading "Emmy Rossum" and "sang" and "the Met" together and figured she was featured there.

Yeah, she might have been dubbed and I'm not surprised they're keeping it hush-hush - the big selling point is having actors who can all sing (save for Minnie) and admitting that Emmy had a little help doesn't sound as good as making the sweeping statement that she did it all on her own.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#15re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:49pm

I have to disagree with you, Wickedfan. Listen to it again. And then listen to Think of Me right after. Lather, rinse, repeat. It's a very different tonal quality, right down to the vibrato. the title song singer has a markedly faster vibrato than Emmy does in the rest of the score.
Again, let me repeat here, people, this is not some kind of personal attack on Emmy.

wickedfan Profile Photo
#16re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:49pm

If Emmy was dubbed it would have been leaked out by now. Just like in Flasdance with Jennifer Beals and her dance doubles. It wasn't supposed to come out but did like a week before the movie came out. If emmy was dubbed than it would have come out.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#17re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:51pm

"If Emmy was dubbed it would have been leaked out by now"

That is very untrue.

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

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wickedfan Profile Photo
#18re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:52pm

Bwaysinger: It's always different in the range it's in. It's a very VERY low range, if she was dubbed i'll be the first to admit that I'm wrong and I'll apologize, but I personally think it was her. I know it's not an attack on emmy, I just think it was her.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#19re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:54pm

I'm not arguing with you about the register. Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again is also lower in the beginning. Emmy has a nice low register but I will still maintain the opinion that it is a different voice singing the title song. I can quantify the reasons why but I really don't want to get into all that vocal mumbo jumbo and start discussing tambre and whatnot.

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#20re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 9:55pm

Um, without someone who was *actually* involved commenting does anyone REALLY have insight into this?

With recording technology being what it is, it seems fairly stupid to bring in another singer to sing one song that the other singer could clearly handle but, again, unless someone who sincerely knows something says otherwise we could all sit here and guess whether or not it's true until we're blue in the face and we'd still be no more correct in our guess than anyone else.

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#21re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 10:00pm

JohnPopa, they might be able to do wonders electronically fixing Cher or Madonna, but did you hear Gerard Butler sing?
Excuse me, shout?
A truer case for dubbing hasn't come along in a long time.

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#22re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 10:06pm

Well, a truer case for better casting, maybe ...

#23re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 10:06pm

She was in the children's choir with my friend... that's it. She took some lessons with the Lady of the Met as well, and so has my friend who is definitely a opera godess in the making.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#24re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/23/04 at 10:11pm

Any idea if she's actually a better singer than she lets on in the movie? Because she's not bad but her voice seems pretty breathy and thin in many parts.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell
