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Emmy Rossum: dubbed?

CarolynW Profile Photo
#50re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/24/04 at 9:35pm

The only person dubbed in the film was Minnie Driver and the lady that dubbed her got credit. Do you really think Dale Kirstein would not want credit for sining. Anyway, I am very familiar with Dales voice and she did not sing for Emmy. I heard Dale sing the role and in MCs concerts 10 times.

If you watched THE VIEW today you would have heard what Patrick said about making several tracks for the film and looping. Joel also said and I heard this myself that when Emmy matured in the role and he used a different track for the film. So the soundtrack may sound a bit different from the film But it was all Emmy. With film musicals they make more than one track for singing. Patrick even said this morning they came back after the film was completed and sang some more tracks.

I also have Dale on CD from MCs concert and several audio clips from TV when Dale was in the show in Los Angeles. She has a higher range than Emmy.


Moderator for the WB Message Board. Updated On: 12/24/04 at 09:35 PM

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#51re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 1:33am

Well, Dale having a higher range than Emmy certainly wouldn't make a difference if they're singing the same song in the same range.
I also watched the View. It could EASILY be true that they re-recorded Emmy singing at the end of the process and she sounded better. However, if they did that, I can't imagine that they wouldn't have wanted to re-record "Wishing..." and "Think of Me" because they don't sound like the same singer.
Which, John Popa and Marquise, is my point. Feel free to be annoyed by my "assertion" that she was dubbed. Glad I could give you something new to fret over than Idina toothpaste posts.

One quick thing, it's not about Dale not wanting credit. It's about whether or not they'd want her to have credit. I think, in the case of Minnie Driver, anyone who had heard her sing from her album and whatnot would know she's not an operatic coloratura, so to pretend it's her singing would kind of be ridiculous in the least. To have someone dubbed on one track is a very different matter and very easy to suppress.
Furthermore, anyone watching the View today would have noticed they mention how ALL FOUR leads sang their own parts...and Minnie said nothing.
Of course, I would think a journalist of the caliber of La Walters would have done enough homework to know Minnie only sang on the end credits.
Updated On: 12/25/04 at 01:33 AM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#52re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 12:33pm

Marni Nixon was threatened by the studios in order to keep her quiet. Think they would do the same w Dale in this day & age?

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#53re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 12:57pm

I honestly wouldn't be surprised. I really only like Emmy's voice when she sings the title song, and yes I did notice a difference in the voices. And actually I hope it was someone else singing and Emmy crashes and burns for it, why am I saying that? Because I hate people who get ahead in this world when they are self centered b!tches, I would have A LOT more respect for Emmy if she was a good person. Instead she drives me up the wall. *gets off soapbox*

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#54re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 1:05pm

I can't really comment on Bwaysinger's original post as I have yet to see the POTO movie but what amazes me is to read people's surprise that in this case the 'dubbing' might be a possibility and that ALW etc would try to 'hide' it.

Fact is it happens all the time without the performer getting credit for it. It's obviously in ALW's interest not to admit that there is ANOTHER performer who needed a bit of help.

A friend of mine is 'lending' his voice regularly to well-known recording artists and most of these recording artists have proven in the past that they CAN sing.

I guess sometimes it's a matter of the original voice not being strong in one register, hence they get someone in to sing that part for them.


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero
Updated On: 12/25/04 at 01:05 PM

#55re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 1:22pm

I've heard her sing some song from "Songcatcher" and the song was mainly in her chest register and it sounded quite a lot like her voice in the POTO title song. I think Emmy has a relatively strong chest register and not so much of an upper one, but that could just be me.

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#56re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 1:31pm

I don't think Emmy seems like such a bad person and it's certainly not that I want her to fail. I simply noticed a very specific difference in her voice there. It really is possible she wasn't dubbed but a later session yielded a markedly better take on the title song. Of course, I still wonder why they wouldn't have asked her to re-record the other solos to make them stronger as well.

Oh, and Sabrelady, I do of course believe that Dale would be asked to keep it hush hush. It's not as if Dale is an international celebrity and demanding of recognition.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#57re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 2:16pm

I think it is Emmy singing the entire score.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#58re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 2:29pm

I actually think that she sounds different in almost every song...I've been listening to the soundtrack and sometimes I'm like OH that's good! and then sometimes it's a bit weak. But I think that it's all her. I think the song POTO sounds different since its low. But sometimes her voice sounds weak in the upper range and then sometimes around the same range it will be pretty strong. I think it's just songs that they didn't always get the best takes on....But I don't think she's dubbed, it should be better if she's dubbed.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

#59re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 4:31pm

I'm not really sure where the animosity towards Emmy from some chatters is coming from. Just because she's a strong young woman who knows what she wants and works hard to get it that makes her a bitch? No wonder its taken so long for women to gain credibility in society with that sort of attitude coming from both men and (especially) other women. Updated On: 12/25/04 at 04:31 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#60re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 6:18pm

I found it interesting that on "The View", Barbara Walters boasted that everyone sang their own parts and Minnie Driver did not correct her. I thought that Emmy was being dubbed a bit at first but I watched her mouth during the movie and I think at times her singing to her own voice was off just a tad. Plus she does not, how do I put this, always form the words expressively with her mouth. But from all acounts I have heard, it is all her singing.

Just give the world Love.

#61re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 6:20pm

I think when Barbara said, "you sang your own parts", she was referring to the three leads, i doubt she's dumb enough to think that minnie driver is an opera singer.

uncageg Profile Photo
#62re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 6:34pm

Which is why I was suprised that they didn't mention that Minnie was dubbed. Barbara said "You all sang your own parts". It came off as meaning everyone sitting on the couch.

Just give the world Love.

DreamFlyer22 Profile Photo
#63re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 8:27pm

PR people can be funny. They HAVE put the fact of Minnie's dubbing in the credits and in the soundtrack literature... but that IS different than coming out and admitting it on a nationally successful TV show. When you put it in text, someone has to make the effort to read it. Not saying they're covering anything, but ya know... if they don't ask, why tell?

As for Emmy being dubbed... she DOES sound like Dale at times on the title track, but that doesn't mean anything. There are many vocalists that sound alike. It doesn't make sense that they would dub her for just this ONE song... especially when there are other, WEAKER songs that are much better candidates for dubbing, ("Think of Me" anyone? It IS pretty much the first thing Christine sings, afterall.. why not add more punch to it?). Also as a compliment to Dale, the last note is WAAAY too weak for it to be her voice. That last note has always struck me as weak and airy- two words I would NOT use to describe Dale's voice.

I have come to catagorize Emmy as inconsistant, so it doesn't surprise me at all that her tone is different on pretty much every song. It's like she wasn't quite certain where to place each song in her register, so the overall Christine performance wound up being a plethora of placement.

*~* Every time you double-post, God kills a kitten. *~*

Kay, the Thread-Jacking Jedi
Quando omni flunkus moritati (When all else fails, play dead...)

"... chasin' the music. Trying to get home."

Peter Gregus: "Where are my house right ladies?!"
(love you, girls! - 6/13/06)

Phantomerik15 Profile Photo
#64re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/25/04 at 10:14pm

It's Emmy Rossum's singing in the title song. I can tell. The title song has lower notes. Also, in the end of her solo in "Point of No Return" she sounds very much like she does in "POTO". The "consume us," especially...Listen carefully in the soundtrack.

Back, he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky. With the white road smoking behind him and his rapier brandished high! Blood-red were the spurs i' the golden noon; wine-red was his velvet coat, when they shot him down on the highway, down like a dog on the highway, and he lay in his blood on the highway, with the bunch of lace at his throat... (The Highwayman. Sung by: Loreena McKennitt)

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#65re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/26/04 at 1:28am

Well, I would agree that the case for dubbing isn't strong when you consider how bad "Think of Me" sounds in comparison to the rest of the stuff.
On the other hand, if they went back and re-recorded a much stronger title song and other things, why would they so glaringly miss that song?
Also, it's very common, as noted here before, to have bits and pieces dubbed in Hollywood. Completely uncredited.
Maybe the ultimate problem and the reason I still think she was dubbed in various parts of the show, is because of her inconsistency.
OF course, I think the ultimate hilarity of this entire thing is that both Lloyd-Webber and Schumacher stressed the need to find real singers for this production. Did they?

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#66re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/26/04 at 6:56pm

"Did they?"

Well, they did find Margaret Preece...

#67re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/26/04 at 7:13pm

And since no one else seems to have heard this rumor, there's really no reason to believe it. To the poster who mentioned that Emmy being 'only' in the children's chorus of the Met not making her an opera singer, that's a fairly simplistic statement. Emmy actually performed with the Met for over five years while training there, appearing in probably close to 20 operas, playing various children's roles. It's not like a typical chorus, but to then claim that it doesn't make her an opera singer isn't quite fair. She was there from the age of about 7 til she was around 12 or 13.

#68re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/26/04 at 7:38pm

I'm not diminishing the accomplishment of being in the Met at that age- I knew someone in school who did the same thing. But it's a little deceptive, because it makes people think she was a full-blown operatic soprano at age 16. Which she wasn't (and isn't.)

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#69re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/26/04 at 7:40pm

Yeah, my chorus performed at the Met. So technically, I have performed at the Met, and therefore...I, um, performed at the Met.

#70re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/26/04 at 7:43pm

Hardly the same thing, littlefish.

Plum, I don't think anyone thinks of Emmy as a 'full-blown operatic soprano'. Being one, at her age, would be pretty much a rarity.

#71re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/26/04 at 7:48pm

erinrebecca, it all depends on who you talk to. Let's just say not everyone gets that. *shrug* It's not a big deal. By most accounts she's the best singer of the 3 leads, and she definitely deserves credit for what she's done.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#72re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/26/04 at 9:03pm

DreamFlyer22 you put it perfectly! she is very inconsistant and I noticed from listening to the soundtrack every song sounds different.

I noticed certain notes she puts in the front so it goes into her nose a bit...and she does that in POTO, which I don't think Dale does.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#73re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/26/04 at 9:22pm

ooh, Plum, I disagree. It's not his best work, but I would say Patrick Wilson is the best singer of the three.

Marquise Profile Photo
#74re: Emmy Rossum: dubbed?
Posted: 12/26/04 at 9:26pm

seems to me someone has it in for emmy rossum
