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Enron is a big YES for best play this year!

Enron is a big YES for best play this year!

#1Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 11:51am

I know I don't always like every play on Broadway, but ENRON was such a theatrical experience to me more than a play. The director seems to be such a visionary and the playwright has been able to take a situation like ENRON and turn it into a really entertaining night in the theater.

I bet people will be talking about this play when the Tony season begins! But see it now while the discounts are still available.

I hope I am able to get better seats next time I see it. The orchestra so packed last night for a first preview.

#2Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 12:28pm

I have an upcoming TDF ticket and am very much looking forward to this play.

April Saul
#2Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 1:38pm

I trusted I'd love this one and got front-row tickets with the discount code yesterday, so this is great to hear!

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#3Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 1:58pm

I still expect critics and audience members alike to be split on this one.

MeganW Profile Photo
#4Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 2:07pm

I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much. I have TDF tickets for next weekend, so I hope I'm as enthralled.

If people have split views about your work, I think it's flattering. I'd rather have them feel something about it than dismiss it.
Stephen Sondheim

#5Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 2:51pm

Anyone know how long Norbert Leo Butz is contracted to perform in Enron? Thanks! Enron is a big YES for best play this year!

#6Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 2:53pm

From what I heard the cast all signed yearly contracts, assuming it runs that long.

musical_ash_09 Profile Photo
#7Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 4:44pm

I got front row seats to see this at the beginning of June. I'm so excited! It's going to be a very interesting part to see Norbert Leo Butz play!

If I didn't believe in you We'd never have gotten this far If I didn't believe in you And all of the ten thousand women you are If I didn't think you could do Anything you ever wanted to If I wasn't certain that you'd come through somehow THe fact of the matter is, Cathy I wouldn't be standing here now -The Last Five Years

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#8Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 10:27pm

Got good orchestra seats for Sunday from TDF.

Looking forward to it.

Poster Emeritus

#9Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 11:02pm

Just got out of it.. It is so bizarre and unlike anything anyone has ever seen but it is so fantastic.. There were a lot of technical errors tonight though, mics turning off early, delayed lights, an entire forgotten monologue where lines had to be given... But the show itself draws u in none of that matters.. I loved it and I don't often make repeat visits to shows but I will be back to see it.. Norbert, as always, was perfect

singtopher Profile Photo
#10Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/9/10 at 11:36pm

I just saw it tonight as well, and I was blown away. Some of the stuff went way over my head for a bit because I really don't understand the stock market all that well, but none the less I was invigorated from start to finish.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#11Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 12:22am

I saw it tonight too and liked it as well. Loved Norbert.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#12Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 12:24am

Anyone know if they're doing rush?

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#13Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 12:28am

a friend asked and apparently not until after it opens, idk if that's really true

musical_ash_09 Profile Photo
#14Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 12:30am

I saw this on here and I was wondering....

What does TDF and rush mean?

If I didn't believe in you We'd never have gotten this far If I didn't believe in you And all of the ten thousand women you are If I didn't think you could do Anything you ever wanted to If I wasn't certain that you'd come through somehow THe fact of the matter is, Cathy I wouldn't be standing here now -The Last Five Years

#15Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 12:48am

Gonna have to be a dissenting voice here. This play was a lot of things. Amazing? I don't think so. Watched it tonight and there was something, something I could not pt my finger on about it. Perhaps that the play was a mass oversimplification? That the gimmicks, if we'll call them that, may have obstructed the possibility of the play?

Dunno. I do know I paid $250.00 for a guy to totally break character, call "Line," for lights to be all over the place, audio to be nuts and for the music level to blast me to hell every 10 to 15 minutes.

Norbet, as everyone is saying, is very good, perhaps the sole redeeming thing about this production. Why it's a huge success in London, I can't say I can tell from the thing I saw tonight.

Now, please, don't get me wrong. I'm an actor. I'm a writer. I'm a theatre enthusiast. I went into this play having read it, having high hopes for the production and production values and to (dare I say wishing) to have a moving experience in the theatre. What did I get? I'm not quite sure, but moving does not come to mind.

Where to start? The writing is all over the place. Prebble manages to sandwich really interesting, complex ideas in between oversimplified, sometimes trite, paper thin characterizations. There were times I literally thought a scene and it's succeeding scene were written by different scribes. There's some inconsistency that makes for a bumpy ride. The material? What is its POV? I thought I knew until the last 15 mins when the thing takes a 180. Considering that the Enron Documentary (The Smartest Guys in the Room) and Michael Moore's films (Fahrenheit 9/11 and Capitalism: A Love Story) have all shed considerable light on this tale of hubris, I'm just not sure this play covers any new territory. Or knows what it wants to be.

I've read some others on here saying the play went over their heads, and while I don't claim to know a lot about finance, I got it. Over and over again. Greed, bad.
Interestingly, I attended the show with a few people in the business/finance sector and they laughed (and not AT the play). The general consensus? The piece was sloppily generalized, under-researched and a damn near comical rewriting of history. I can't speak to this as I'm no expert, as I say, but in NYC, the financial nerve center of this country, I'm curious if the play will be able to hold water.

In its current state, it relies heavily on the "fresh" and "innovative" presentation... but is that enough? Bigger, brighter, louder? Is this the future of Broadway? If so... God help us.

Pop Culture references and satirical caricaturing aside, I have to ask myself what's the draw of ENRON? What's it supposed to be? Who is their target audience? I saw a lot of people check out during intermission and a few more as the 2nd Act progressed and, honestly, I found the second half better executed than the first.

To give them some cred... There are some truly interesting theatrical devices and stage pictures in that act that may leave lasting impressions, but that's if and only if you don't lose the audience to some of the other (SUPER HEAVY HANDED) fluff.

The actress who played the analyst was also very good, in my estimation. Never seen her before but I look forward to watching for her in the future. Marian Mazzie (sp?) clearly was rocking the material she had but I felt it ultimately was beneath her obvious talent. I'm not sure Meryl Streep could have made gold from the coal Prebble's written for this character.

I hate to be scathing, if this could even be considered that, but I went in with high expectations and they were sorta dashed. I know half a dozen people in the cast and for them I hope the play finds an audience, succeeds and continues to help them pay their bills, but for my money... which on this particular night was a hefty sum... It did not past the stink test. As punchy as it might sound, ENRON's own slogan best sums up my experience and my feeling about the whole thing..... why? Why? WHY?
Updated On: 4/10/10 at 12:48 AM

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#16Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 1:34am

Well said. But I disagree with, like, every word of it. As we're already seeing, after only two previews, this is going to be an insanely divisive show. We won't be getting a ton of "it was okay" or "I kinda liked it."

#17Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 5:26am


I am stunned by some of your reactions!

I saw it tonight and HATED it. HA.TED. IT!

I thought the scene work was interesting and I definitely enjoyed seeing the story play out from that point of view but I thought the staging with those "ditties" as I like to call them were kind of painful to watch and, IMHO, quite disjointed. The lasers! What in the F were those silly green lasers? Gregory Itzin went up on his lines so badly tonight, that after calling for line 3 times they just bull dozed into the next almost-song.

Those abstract sections where they are either pretending to sell stock in slow motion or using theater school black cubes to be...whatever, it felt like a play that wants desperately to be a musical, and was about 45 min too long.

I just have to say, I'm THRILLED that I my ticket was free. Updated On: 4/10/10 at 05:26 AM

#18Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 9:00am

This show will clearly be the most talked about this season!!

When I saw the first preview, no one went up on lines and there were zero light issues etc. Since they have a few weeks of previews, I assume they are cutting and working parts of the play, therefore the actors and such may be going up on lines - not sure.

What I CAN say is I was absolutely ENTHRALLED by the play. It will be an obvious critical success and from others reaction, a true theatergoers delight. Everyone will be trying to see this show to have their own opinion.

I think debate is great in the theater! As opposed to almost every critic hating Addams Family and yet I still can't get a ticket.

This is high energy theater which will be around for a long time!

Sleeper2 Profile Photo
#19Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 9:27am

I'm mixed. I thought the writing was kind of a big mess. I was able to overlook the many technical problems, but I couldn't get past some core issues in the script. Norbert was fantastic, though.

#20Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 4:19pm


I'm not sure if you're somehow affiliated with the show, but it's clear you want the thing to succeed. As a NYer and an artist, I have to agree having actors working is always a priority for me, however, I'm just not positive this is the ONE.

"This show will clearly be the most talked about this season!!"... What brought you to that conclusion?

I understand the whole New play being tweaked to fit the market, but I just don't think the play is all that well written.

"It will be an obvious critical success and from others reaction, a true theatergoers delight."

Again, perhaps this is your optimism speaking but what are you going by here? I have a feeling that the audience will likely be divided among age groups. A lot of the older people I saw there last night were OVER IT and in a big way. It was loud and very in your face. Very MTV. Very silly. Then out of nowhere, the play completely changes in the second act for no apparent reason. Perhaps this is the target audience... But those kids will be at American Idiot.

"This is high energy theater which will be around for a long time!" ? From your mouth/fingers to the theatre gods' ears. I think this thing is far from a sure bet. I'm certain it was an expensive investment. Wouldn't surprise me if they sank 2-5M into this thing and they will HAVE to find an audience for it and quick.

The more I think on it the more I think it was a hyperactive production of a juvenile play. I wish em well and I wish em MASSIVE REWRITES!

#21Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 4:50pm

I think it is wonderful! i believe that it is not for everyone, but it is real, enjoyable, truthful and entertaining. Does it need tweaking? does it need to be shortened a bit? yes on both counts. I think the talent that has been gathered here, is some of the best. London audiences gobbled it up! But we are Americans, and Broadway is a different animal. I understand where you all are coming from with your difference of opinions & views, but I agree, it will be talked about and ruffle some feathers here and there. I say it will be nominated, and Norbert too....just not sure it has all the appeal a Tony award winning play has?! But the jury is still out on that?! right? by the way, someone said they liked the actor who played the analyst...just curious as to why? but i agree!

#22Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 5:02pm


That was me. I thought she was good. Very specific, very simple and it was effective. I actually thought her turn as the laid off employee was the best, most personal touch in the whole play.

I enjoyed her explanation of the mystery of Enron. All in all a good actress. I could not help but think if they ever make a play about Cindy McCain she will be a SHOE IN.

Sean2 Profile Photo
#23Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 5:14pm

Personally, I can't get past hearing that a professional actor on Broadway didn't know his lines. Really? That's one of the most appalling things I've ever heard.

#24Enron is a big YES for best play this year!
Posted: 4/10/10 at 5:41pm

sean2, i know what you are saying, but it is in previews, and there were people passing out, throwing up, calling for a Dr.! But the opening preview jitters just got to him i guess?
and CAX i actually thought that this being basically a
"mans play" about a "mans world" of money, privledge, desire, con-men, greed, intrigue and on and on....the few women in this were very good and had some great moments! Norbert rocks though!! i was supposed to see la cage and adams family, and thought how funny it was that i would be seeing Frazier and Lileth!
