Looks like the Alliance in Atlanta is producing "Ever After." Could it still be kicking around for Broadway? I enjoyed it when I saw it at Papermill.
The production now has a top-shelf cast lined up, so maybe...? Although, the Papermill cast was also Broadway-calibre a few years ago.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
I believe the aim is still Broadway, and this is used as another testing ground for the show. I hope Ever After makes it to the Great White Way. The songs and score are gorgeous! They've just got to make some tweaks here and there from the Papermill production.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
Love this score! Sad to see Christine Ebersole isnt continuing though.
Love the casting of Rachel York as the wicked stepmother (although that's a tight turnaround time with Head Over Heels closing in early January).
Hope this transfers somewhere else, I'd love to see it!
This has had an interesting development process. The first production was by an a-list musical theatre director at a major regional theatre (Kathleen Marshall/Papermill), but –– with all due respect –– the new director and theatre are not quite on the same level of notoriety (Susan Booth/Alliance). That makes me wonder if Broadway is still the goal, or if they're just hoping to refine the show for licensing?
Updated On: 12/5/18 at 02:06 PM
Kitsune said: "Love the casting of Rachel York as the wicked stepmother (although that's a tight turnaround time with Head Over Heels closing in early January).
Hope this transfers somewhere else, I'd love to see it!"
That's what I was thinking too. I hope Rachel doesn't leave HoH early, as she was a big draw for me to see it on the 4th before it closes.
I think the aim is up in the air with this because while the original path was Broadway, and it might still be, if I recall the first tryout had a very lukewarm response. I feel like with this change that the creative team recognizes that the idea of a big flashy musical with a big flashy director is not a good fit for the material. I recall seeing the rehearsal footage from that tryout and just thinking, "EEK" about the upbeat and cheery songs and dance numbers. Very Kathleen Marshall but not very Ever After. The strong suit of the Ever After movie/story was that it was not some big flashy take on the tale. It was smart, intimate, and true to the time as well as history. Taking a step back and going a bit smaller scale on production and director might just be what the piece needs to make it work.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
Scarlet Leigh said: "I think the aim is up in the air with this because while the original path was Broadway, and it might still be, if I recall the first tryout had a very lukewarm response. I feel like with this change that the creative team recognizes that the idea of a big flashy musical with a big flashy director is not a good fit for the material. I recall seeing the rehearsal footage from that tryout and just thinking, "EEK" about the upbeat and cheery songs and dance numbers. Very Kathleen Marshall but not very Ever After. The strong suit of the Ever After movie/story was that it was not some big flashy take on the tale. It was smart, intimate, and true to the time as well as history. Taking a step back and going a bit smaller scale on production and director might just be what the piece needs to make it work."
I hope they will figure out how to make the show work. It has all the right pieces there. Just needs to fine-tune them. I think the future of the show depends on how well it does in Atlanta. The final aim could be Broadway or licensing. There's no way they would just let the show sit there after YEARS of development, plus continued interest in getting the musical out there.
SomethingPeculiar said: "This has had an interesting development process. The first production was by an a-list musical theatre directorat a major regional theatre (Kathleen Marshall/Papermill), but –– with all due respect ––the new director and theatre are not quite on the same level of notoriety (Susan Booth/Alliance). Thatmakes me wonder if Broadway is still the goal, or if they're just hoping to refine the show for licensing?"
The Alliance is one of the most famous regional theaters in the country. You should try driving past New Jersey sometime.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
degrassifan said: "Scarlet Leigh said: "I think the aim is up in the air with this because while the original path was Broadway, and it might still be, if I recall the first tryout had a very lukewarm response. I feel like with this change that the creative team recognizes that the idea of a big flashy musical with a big flashy director is not a good fit for the material. I recall seeing the rehearsal footage from that tryout and just thinking, "EEK" about the upbeat and cheery songs and dance numbers. Very Kathleen Marshall but not very Ever After. The strong suit of the Ever After movie/story was that it was not some big flashy take on the tale. It was smart, intimate, and true to the time as well as history. Taking a step back and going a bit smaller scale on production and director might just be what the piece needs to make it work."
I hope they will figure out how to make the show work. It has all the right pieces there. Just needs to fine-tune them. I think the future of the show depends on how well it does in Atlanta. The final aim could be Broadway or licensing. There's no way they would just let the show sit there after YEARS of development, plus continued interest in getting the musical out there.
It's been over a decade now since they began writing this thing. If they haven't gotten it right yet, well...
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
I agree with degrassifan. I saw it at Papermill, and maybe because I was going in with low expectations considering the footage and music I'd heard, none of which impressed me, is why I ended up being charmed by it anyway. It's FAR from perfect, but it has a lot of potential. What it needs is a lot more creative thought to it's structure and what they want to say with it. The thing is, it was never merely the "feminist Cinderella" to me, as the team put it. It was way more than that, and a lot of what makes the movie so good and loved is gone from the musical. It's not about a "Who-Needs-Love" Danielle. It's about a smart, politically engaged, girl challenging every one around her. Just because it's Cinderella, even with a twist, doesn't necessarily make its good musical either. Loooonnggg before it came to existence, I thought it would make a good/better straight play. It's historical fiction take probably is why. Musicals tend to live in a third dimension of fantasy, and the more "real life" something is, the less 'musical theatre-y' vibe it'll have. There are exceptions obviously. I don't mind it being a musical, but this needs a lot of work before it can be Great White Way worthy, I know Brantley and Green would tear it apart. Isherwood seemingly saw it's potential, but knew it needed work. The book has been revamped for this, no?
As for this cast, I honestly don't know half this cast, but who I do know will be great...minus Sierra. I love Sierra very much, but despite the shows' problems, Margo was a great Danielle. Her comic timing wasn't super great, but she had the natural snark and wit that's necessary for Danielle and as a role, makes her stand out from the boring, no grit or wit, ingenues. Sierra can't seem break out of ingenues yet. I AM happy she gets to return to the role, how many people who did the workshop version and get nixed, can say that?
The show was terrible at Papermill.
Good luck to all involved.
Understudy Joined: 2/5/15
SomethingPeculiar said "The first production was by an a-list musical theatre director at a major regional theatre (Kathleen Marshall/Papermill), but –– with all due respect –– the new director and theatre are not quite on the same level of notoriety (Susan Booth/Alliance)."
Uh, with all due respect, that's a strange comment. Both Papermill and The Alliance are first-rate regional theatres. I'm very familiar with both and have seen a lot of Marshall's and Booth's work. I've loved some... and some, well, I haven't. The Alliance has sent a number of shows to Broadway (most recently, THE PROM), and its batting average is about the same as Papermill's over the last few decades. Booth's done some A-level work at the Alliance, as did her predecessor there, Kenny Leon. And Atlanta also is home to first-rate regionals like Serenbe and Aurora.
Swing Joined: 5/16/16
I am so excited!! I work at Papermill and literally saw it six times during its run. I loved it and I'm so excited that its getting another production.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
borntobroadway said: "I am so excited!! I work at Papermill and literally saw it six times during its run. I loved it and I'm so excited that its getting another production."
Definitely looking forward to the changes that will be made from the Papermill version!
What do we think of this song? I haven't been closely following this show so haven't heard it before myself.
I would have preferred something that evokes the tone of the film, but this song is cute I suppose. Not sure if Danielle referring to her drudgery flippantly for comic relief is the best idea, but maybe it works well in context, if it's banter with her servant friends or something. (Trying not to be too pessimistic here.)
Fan123 said: "What do we think of this song? I haven't been closely following this show so haven't heard it before myself.
I would have preferred something that evokes the tone of the film, but this song is cute I suppose. Not sure if Danielle referring to her drudgery flippantly forcomic relief is the best idea, but maybe it works well in context, if it's banter with her servant friendsor something. (Trying not to be too pessimistic here.)"
The song IS sung to others, as long as it has not changed from last tryout at Papermill. Here is the same song sung by Margo Seibert when it was in rehearsal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8zvZOUw_8o
And it was a perfect example THEN with Seibert as it is NOW with Boggess of why I am so nervous about this musical and as much as I want to see what they do with it...... I am just deathly afraid of it at the same time. This is SO not a song that I could EVER picture Danielle singing or being in an Ever After musical at all. I just don't picture Danielle as a sweet voiced ingenue soprano singing a chipper tune like this about love and hating her chores. I picture her sort of the anti-ingenue and that's what makes her appealing as a character. She's everything that that the traditional women of the time are not.
The only plus here is that yes, Sierra sings the song better from a fundamental stand point. It's just not a good song for the character.
Here is another clip of the BTS event the other song came from and.... gosh my little faith in this is getting smaller by the minute.
I love this movie so much and this is just... I don't like that they are taking the ONE more realistic and kind of serious portrayal of the tale of Cinderella and making it so light and fluffy like all the OTHER already musical versions of the Cinderella story is taking away what made it different and good. This is like the musical equivalent of cotton candy. Light, sugary, and paper thin. I can't fault Sierra Boggess at all for her comedic timing on this is pretty great but the song itself it just... not right for paying tribute to the original source material.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
My Cousin’s Cousin is actually one of my favorite songs in the score. It’s an adorable meet-cute (actually their second meet-cute, but Henry doesn’t know it) song. Not every song has to be serious. The movie is not a dour tale. There are plenty of lighthearted moments in the film. Also, the film has now been adapted for stage. Not everything is going to translate, and I remember people thought the Papermill version was too close to the movie and that was a criticism. Hairspray the original movie and Hairspray the musical are two different entities.
I’m excited to find out more how they’ve reworked the show. Who Needs Love? is no longer sung in the kitchen from what I’ve seen, Out of the Darkness is now the finale number, and the gypsies are now Bohemians.
I like that song a little better than the first one, because I can at least understand how they got from A to B with adapting this scene; the 'cousin' dialogue is meant to be a little funny in the film. But it still doesn't feel like Ever After to me. I agree that it pays to keep an open mind about adaptations, but it's difficult! I wonder how I would react to all this if it were just being sold as another, independent take on Cinderella.
On a more positive note, the artwork on the website is pretty. It looks to be heavily inspired by the film artwork, but made more detailed and beautiful. (If only the score... but no.)
(By the way, if anyone is seeking a more 'serious' Cinderella musical and isn't already aware of it, the film 'The Slipper and the Rose' might somewhat fit the bill. It's still a light, happy film overall, but has a few more serious themes here and there. Sample, spoilery scene and song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEmPMgNoWOY)
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
I agree with most of what JennH said. Ever After isn't serious drama exactly but it should be approached more like historical fiction. I really enjoyed the Papermill production for what it was (including a book that heavily lifted direct passages from the movie script) but it was a little messy. The original movie didn't seem like it was meant for children (or at least they weren't the primary demographic) but the musical tried to bridge the gap between a young audience and the audience who remembered the film. I don't know if it was the right creative team. Rachel York could be great casting if they cast younger for Danielle. I feel like she's too close in age to Sierra.
If they did want to skew younger, I feel like the tone should be more like Ella Enchanted (the book, not the ridiculous movie). I worry that they don't understand what made the movie work and the final product will be more like the Amelie musical.
At FIRST I was going to write something like "Maybe they will play it like her father married a younger woman that is close in age to her." But THEN I realized no wait.... she has two daughters of her OWN that is the same age as Danielle soooooooo yeah the very small age gap is an issue I didn't even think of until now. They are going going to have to read drastically different in age for it to work, one read older and the other read younger.
VintageSnarker, I haven't seen the film, so I'd be interested to hear your take on what makes it "work" that you fear the stage adaptation won't get.
Feel free to use Amelie comparisons, as I saw both the show and movie.