I saw this production back in March. When it was first announced, I was skeptical about the actors playing the instruments on stage, etc. Well, when I sw it, I really liked the actor-musician concept. It added a certain fluidity to the proceedings. I can truly say that it was one of the best nights of theatre in my life. Everything about it was brilliant. I wish I had the chance to see it again, but at least I got to see it once. Goodbye, Sweeney Todd, and may there be many other revivals of it in the future.
I saw this show last December- not living anywhere near the East Coast, that was the only time. However, I think that increased the magic of it. The cast was positively astounding, and this production carried originality that is sorely lacking otherwise on Broadway today. Now that this has closed, it seems even more obvious commerical enterprises and movie stars are taking over the Great White Way.
"Goodbye to Mrs. Lovett's Pie!"
Broadway Star Joined: 6/5/03
I saw the show again on Friday night, and it was terrific to see and hear the response the cast got from the audience at the end of the show. And as well they should...the fact that they are responsible for the performances, the music, and moving the sets and props around, etc. - it is just amazing ensemble cast work, and it's a joy to watch them in action. They always give 110%.
The show will be missed...I'm very sorry to see it close. (And yeah, I'll be there tonight, as well...)
I first saw Sweeney on April 19. I did have tickets until that day, because I wasn't planning to go a show that night. I knew of the show, its plot, and I'd heard a little of its music. I decided to check it out.
It was absolutely stunning. Even from the rear orchestra I could feel the emotion emanating from the stage. I was so blown away by the show's intensity and staging, I decided that I have to see it again. I got tickets for a Friday performance two days later. I was still rear orchestra and it was still the most amazing thing I have seen performed on stage. It also happened to be Patti Lupone's birthday, so she was all dolled up. I was glad that I was able to snap a picture with her to remember the night. It was at that performance that I promised myself I would see it one more time before it closes. With a click on Telecharge, and a 5 hour drive later...I did.
Sweeney Todd isn't just a show, it's an experience. I finally, completely realized that last Saturday, August 26. I was 5 row center orchestra. When the beginning Ballad started, I knew that this would be different from the first two times I saw it. Let me say, Epiphany scared the s**t out of me. The intensity is so pure. All the emotions were so palpable in the audience.
By the last 20 minutes, I had completely forgotten that I had seen the show before. The performances were so incredibly strong that day. By the end of the show, I was shaking. I don't know exactly why, but I was. Even at the stagedoor, my heart rate was still up. I am so glad I bought a shirt from Lauren Molina so I can remember the experience.
I am certainly going to miss this show. In a time of Mamma Mia and Wicked, it's nice to have a reminder of what good musical theatre can be.
In honor of the completion of a magical and triumphant run, I present to you this link to my favorite Sweeney thread:
Those were the days, discussion wise!
Congratulations to all, and thank you.
It took me a little while to really fall in love with Doyle's "concept," for lack of a better term, but I'm glad to have become a convert. :) Experiencing this show has been both a privilege and a pleasure, as it will be to be in the audience tonight. It is, as I've said before, truly theatrical bliss. It's what theater should be. We're losing a great gift tonight.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/7/06
Best experience I have ever had in the theater. Period.
I could only see Sweeney once, but I am so happy I did. I would give anything to be there tonight, but I don't live anywhere near New York.
I had wanted to see Sweeney when I heard that there was going to be a revival, but wasn't able to see it until about a month ago. I'm so happy I was able to see it before it closed. I LOVE Sweeney Todd. What a fantastic show, I'm so sad that it's closing.
Today is a day of mourning for all us theater folk...
I saw the show on the 3rd preview, then again 10 days later, and twice more this summer.
Once this is gone, there will actually be no more Broadway.
I'm so sorry for everyone's loss.
RIP, Sweeney, may you rise again.
I would never exchange my front row center Sweeney experience with anything...such an amazing show.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/19/05
Bye Sweeney! Can't wait to see you on tour!
Well I saw the show for the first time in early July and it was probably the first show that I walked out of TRULY blown away. When I got out of my chair I just lost my balance and my hands were like shaking b/c idk....this is probably the most amazing thing I have seen on a stage. For those of you who are really into those huge spectacle shows and were turned off by the lack of set in this one then all I have to say is that this show has a cast with so much talent lighting that stage that has surpassed any chandelier or helicopter.
I must say though- Michael Cerveris's portrayal is probably the most inspiring I have seen in a while. Both times I've seen the show, he has had such presence and CONSISTENCY that you'd have no clue that he performed this 8 times a week. Above all, he is a great person as well and extremely humble. I remember seeing the show for the second time, I told him how much he inspired me and that I hoped to be as great as him one day....I totally felt like such a dork haha....but he said to me "Well maybe one day, I'll be waiting for YOU to come out that stage door" and I said "Well maybe we'll be on stage together!" and he replied with "Yes! Exactly!".....and yeah yeah yeah- I know he's probably said that to a lot of people...but if the odds are that it ever comes true, then I could say "Hey- you told me [insert dorky story here]....I guess you were right!"
Overall, I'm just really thankful for seeing this show....I mean- it's a classic! I could go on and on- but I just wish this cast the best of luck w/ their future projects!
BTW- That picture was for all you guys that were digging his smile...haha...I wonder if he ALWAYS smiled like that...like even in his grammar school pictures lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
I only saw the show once, but I really enjoyed it. It was just so amazing. It was one of the three shows that I thought were the best of the last season(Jersey Boys and The Drowsy Chaperone being the other two), I'm just so sad that this maginficent production has to close. I really wanted to see it more than once, but alas I did not.
Swing Joined: 1/7/05
I just got back from today's matinee, and all of you going tonight are in for an amazing evening.
The entire cast was as fluid and in-the-moment as I've ever seen them, even just a few hours before they'll have to give their last performances.
The audience went nuts as the lights went down, and the cast got every laugh, gasp, and cringe they could out of us throughout Act I. It's impossible to single out an actor for praise, but every scene and every moment worked brilliantly. Patti and Michael were playful and completely ON for A Little Priest -- it was a lot grabbier than usual.
Act II ruins me every time I see it, no matter what, and today it seemed to ruin the cast just as much. The cracks really started showing during Not While I'm Around, which was devastatingly performed. Everything went normally until Patti sang her first line: "Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around." Then she had to speak her next line while choking back tears. Manoel had been keeping it together to that point, but then when he turned to face the audience again you could see two streams down the length of each cheek where his skin tone was coming through his whiter stage makeup. This only got worse as the act went on, but thankfully the character of Toby allows for more emotional outbursts/crying/letting go than the others.
As soon as the show ended, the screaming and clapping began. The entire orchestra was on its feet by the time the actors got to the stage for bows, and then everyone just kept going. Several people around me were sobbing, and no one seemed to want to leave. Someone from the audience handed Patti LuPone a bunch of roses, which she immediately dismantled (with the help of Michael Cerveris, as rubber bands are trickier than they look!) and handed out to the rest of the cast. It was such a beautiful ending to the show -- an ensemble piece to the end -- that more people around me started crying. West 49th Street isn't going to be the same without this show.
I saw this show first in February. After begging for months, I was able to go and see my favorite show. I was blown away and breathless from the time the curtain came up, to meeting this phenomenal cast after the show.
After my first experience, I saw the show two tohers times. Every time I saw this show will remain as the best theatrical experience I have ever had.
I wish it didn't have to close. I will miss this show. Thank to the cast and crew for giving Broadway this amazing show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/16/05
I never got a chance to see Sweeney. But the stories, the clips, the videos...it was so magical, live or not. I wish I was there to experience it. But, I did mail a few of the actors and actresses in the show, two who I had admired long before Sweeney.
Donna Lynne Champlin sent me the best mail by far. She did send me a signed headshot, as usual, but she also wrote me a sweet note, and sent back three rags with stage blood on them. I was thrilled!
Those rags will stay in my "box of theatre things", and they will always be there so I can remember the brilliance that is the Sweeney Todd revival.
Ohh, and my avatar (for today and maybe a few more days) is a dedication to the revival. It's a screencap from the infamous Broadway.com video. As you can see, they're all laughing in some sort of way...it's way to remember the fun times of the dedicated and talented cast. Because we all know they had a lot of fun doing this.
So, there ya go. My story.
I'm confused, sfrp! Wasn't the 2pm performance THE last one? They don't usually have a Sunday evening performance.
I saw it again last Wed and the cast gave one of the most amazing performances to date! The audience cheered for what seemed like forever; we wouldn't let them leave the stage.
It will be missed.
Oh well, bells ring, doors chime, in comes COMPANY!!
Swing Joined: 1/7/05
There was a sign in the lobby stating that a performance had been added for this evening, and telecharge is still selling tickets to it -- 7 p.m. I don't know when it was added, but I'm envious of everyone attending!
Whew, glad to hear! It will be a giant tear fest...
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/29/04
Sweeney was my first Broadway show. I saw it the day Tony nominations were announced in May, fourth row. It was an absolutely incredible experience that I'll never forget. Fantastic performances from the whole cast(I walked out a fan of everyone on that stage), and a very enthusiastic audience--the ovation seemed to last forever. I can still acutely remember how hard my heart was pounding when the music swelled and Sweeney climbed out of the coffin during the opening Ballad. Terrifying.
I love the extra dimensions that this concept adds--there's so much to look at in terms of character interpretations and relationships, and I was struck by the beautiful symmetry of the music and staging. I wish I could have seen it multiple times to get a better picture of some of the things I only caught in passing, but I still feel very lucky to have seen it once, and to have met the wonderful cast. I couldn't have asked for a better "first Broadway show" experience. I hung up my signed windowcard in my apartment yesterday, actually, and looking at it now brings back lots of good memories.
Anyway, I'm done being nostalgic. Though I'm sad to see this show go, I'm very much looking forward to the tour and the cast's next projects--and post lots of reviews of the last show tonight, damn it!
like i said on another thread, why couldnt it be tarzan closing
Swing Joined: 9/2/06
Thank you, sfrp, for your nice discription of todays matinee. Although I will not be able to be there tonight, my heart is with all the people (onstage and off) who live this very special show for the last time together tonight.
I love Patti's dismantle of the roses at the curtian call; proving what a true joy they all find in the ensemble world Mr. Doyle has created.
Patti has had quite an emotional couple of weeks... I was lucky enough to be thrilled and levitated (with the rest of the audience) by her Rose at Ravinia. Another example of a good ensemble piece.
Great live theater experiences are a magical couple of hours like theese... created with passion, sacrafice, wit, wisdom, bravery and talent.
If music be the food of love, play on.
In my world, it's sometimes the food of life!
I never saw this on B'way, but I know Patti says that this was the best show she had ever done. I'm so sad for her.
Updated On: 9/3/06 at 08:06 PM
Swing Joined: 12/31/69
im so bummed
i will miss it dearly
im gettin a little misty just thinkin about it
excuse me but its too sad
i cant write anymore
Patti LuPone, as usual, was flawless!
Love her, loved the show.