Patti LuPone, as usual, was flawless!
Love her, loved the show.
Catharsis, I was there on the 25th too! Did you see the matinee or 8pm show? I was in the second row on the 25th, and the first row on the 30th. Michael was wearing the same shirt but different pants on Saturday, lol. I gave him and Mano cupcakes on Saturday and they both seemed to appreciate them, Mano sent me a pm through myspace to thank me for them and Michael took like 5 pictures holding the box up, lol. CUTIES> I LOVE THEM. :)Me and my friend are now known to them as their Asian groupies haha.
Goodbye Sweeney, I'll miss you. Those two nights were the best nights I had in a long time. So so sad. I wish I was there right now.
! I'm soo sad it's closing tonight I just stopped crying but I'm going to cry like all night. I will Miss Sweeney SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! I wish I lived in New York.
Its a shame its closing- I never got to see the this show on Broadway. I watched it in London though (many times as I was an usher at the theatre)- it was there four months and I NEVER got bored of it, I watched it every night. I LOVED it!!! Omg, I'd do anything to see it one last time
People who have seen this show in the States are so passionate about this show, its amazing!
Heres a pic from the set (which is exactly the same as the Broadway set):
Revolutionary- I was at the matinee (you mean the 26, right?). I would've gone to the night show, but I had a 5-hour drive home!
If I had gone tonight, I think I would've cried through the whole thing! Today's such a bummer. In honor of Sweeney, I listened to the entire cast recording straight. I nearly lost it several times.
Today, I sat, drinking tea from my Sweeney mug, watching every TV performance from the cast that I taped.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
wow, catharis, that is some extreme SWEENEY devotion
nothing to be ashamed about, though
i feel undevoted now
i just said "oh, SWEENEY'S closing today..."
that's all.
^ hee. I figure there's no better time to enjoy the production. After today, all those performances will be lost in my major collection of recorded DVDs and tapes.
Just tea, catharsis? Hell, I'm on my 2nd vodka...
They started late, but I'm pretty sure it's over by now...
Cheers to "tea".
Why am I in the mood for a meat pie? Or calzone...? Turnover...? Anyone...?
*goes to capture the dogs next door who bark every morning from 6:30 on*
Yes, calzone works.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/3/04
Yeah, I'm sure anyone who wasn't able to be there would love to hear about it.
It's so sad to see this show go.
Saw the second to last show this afternoon, my first time seeing the production. What an incredible performance and an incredible 100% capacity audience. Quite a few cast members, especially Patti, were crying at curtain call. I really wish I could have stayed for the evening show, it must have been magical.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/19/04
It just kills me that we lost two Sondheim masterpieces; this production of Sweeney (which I adored and found very near perfect when Is aw it one last time) and yesterday Sunday in the Park in London (which was sheer perfection to me.
I'm completely devastated that it's over... I saw it July 19th and August 23rd.... absolutely incredible! I went to a summer program in the city and I wrote it on Manoel's character choices for Toby and how it was a "memory play", I got to interview Mano and he wanted me to send it to him... i did but i mis-wrote the address so it was sent back to me so the 2nd time i saw it i was able to give it to him... turns out his best friend (Abe- mentioned in his bio) is the brother of the lady i babysit for and her husband is my band teacher... and 4 of them went to Yale 2gthr! how cute! So, when i gave him my essay (it was 8 pages, mind you and he remembered me!), I told him of our mutual friends and he FREAKED! he was so excited and thought it was soo cool.. hahah... i got a kick out of it
but yeah... Doyle's genious mind brought a whole new life to Sondheim's brilliant work. Sweeney was the first show I had actually felt intense emotions for.... I am very lucky to have been able to witness such a masterpiece onstage.
After I saw the show for a second time, I talked to Donna Lynne about it closing, and she said that she's glad its closing with the original people... "the group" she called it, b/c without them it wouldn't be the same (obvi) and its more special that way
still, its been on repeat all day, and I'm soooo bummed that the crazies from Fleet Street have permanantly been put to rest
the audience was packed. not a dry eye in the theatre, before during or especially after the show. i have gone to several final performances but none has ever touched me the way this one did.
at the curtain call dozens of roses were thrown up on stage. michael and patti gave speeches.
stephen sondheim was there.
the whole cast was in tears. but each and everyone gave an outstanding and beautiful performance.
if anyone would like to know more just ask!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/29/06
More, more, more!
Swing Joined: 9/2/06
I sa the Sept. 1st show on Friday and the entire cast was better than ever!!! Especially Mano and Lauren! I was going to see the closing, but there was only one student rush ticket and I was with two friends. I am very sad to see this show go. Every single person involved is amazing, even the ushers and people at the box office (some of the nicest out of any Broadway theater). I can only hope that the cast will go on to do bigger and greater things.