Chorus Member Joined: 6/15/06
Unfortunately I had to attend a family function and couldn't make it to the show, but I loved reading about your experiences. It sounded like it was a very special night.
Re: The girl. I wonder if someone complained to her mother. Or at least to an usher. Totally unacceptable. Sorry, I would have no patience for that.
so, not to sound like a total nerd (even though i am)...
but "wait" just came on my ipod here at work, and i had to change it because i got that little heart sinking feeling...
i think i was a little more attached than i thought.
I'm late to this thread, and while I usually don't like to post negative things, I have to add that that girl in the second row was really, really annoying. I'm sorry, but she was. And she was just as pushy and obnoxious at the stagedoor (which was crazy enough!). Both she and her mom pushed their way through, kept bragging about how Mano had taken them backstage, and NEEDED a picture with him. NEED? AGH!
That kind of attitude and overzealousness is what ruins it for the rest of us.
Having said that, it was still a glorious, joyful evening, and a celebration of a truly remarkable piece.
My friends and I went to Starbucks to kill some time and skip the stage door craziness. I wanted to swing back by to get Michael to sign my Dog Eared LP, which he did. Anyway, while we were there, I'm pretty sure while we were just milling around, Mano say "Hey, it's Weepy!" and then the mother (I'm pretty sure it was her; looked like same woman with the blazer) said "I'm 'Weepy's' mother." Or something along those lines (I was a couple people deep and chatting with a friend). Yikes!
I'm really sorry if either the mother or daughter post here (because I'd imagine we'll have offended and/or embarrassed them), but it really was a bit much. You know it's bad when more than half a dozen people on here (from all over the theatre, mind you) all took notice of the antics in the 2nd row!! I think "overzealous" is exactly the mot juste here, Chica.
I am not sorry if they post here, I sincerely hope someone who does at least knows them and will let them know that it was not alright to act that way.
Though I will say again, it was a spectacular evening.
Clay, speaking of being spotted in the audience...Was I mistaken, or did Michael point at you during "Epiphany"? I thought it looked like it from my ratty seat in the mezz. Ah, to be in one of the lucky "pointed at" seats. I think it'd be something else to be the one Toby "picks on" during "Pirelli's..." I ended up moving down to the side orchestra for Act II, and it looked like he got shot an extra look towards the end when he laughed a bit louder than everyone else at a line...don't remember exactly which, but Mano was downstage and just kind of stared at him for several seconds (which I'm sure felt a lot longer if you were the one being stared at).
I actually know "Weepy". She's not the annoying second row girl. Mano calls her that because she ALWAYS cries during the show. Always.
She's actually very, very sweet, smart and mature. Any annoyingness at the stagedoor was probably prompted by her parents, and not her. I can't say for sure, cause I didn't witness any of that. But I'm basing it on what I know of her character. She's good people.
Had to point that out
I am pretty sure it was the guy behind me who Michael pointed to, it was mighty close though.
You are right about that guy, he seemed to have decided that he was now "part of the show" so he was entitled to be "in" on the jokes. I believe they were the same people who complained for a long time about being on the front row at all, they thought AA was after Z. But they did seem to enjoy the show, which was nice.
You moved down? There didn't seem to be seats.
My appologies to Weepy, then. Like I said, I was just kind of chatting and my ears pricked up when heard that. I looked up and saw a woman wearing and something similar to "Overzealous Weepy"s mom (suppose in what was left of the mob, the woman I spotted may not have even been "Regular Weepy's" mom, but another woman in a blazer, like "Overzealous Weepy"s mom). Ugh, this is getting way too confusing. Nevermind...We'll just leave it that, in my casual overhearing of the goings-on, it just would have seemed rather fitting for it to have been "Overzealous Weepy"!!
Sorry to all innocent parties!
Yeah, penquin, I was VERY lucky getting to move down. I was "there" with 3 other friends, but we all kind of hemmed and hawed about how much we wanted to spend on the tickets, so we all got them seperately. The one friend who got an orchestra seat, by some freak stroke of luck (we say it was her accrued good Sweeney karma from having seen the show so many times) ended up having THREE empty seats next to her in the 5th row of the orchestera on the side aisle! What are the odds?!?! The rest of the row was filled, so it must have been a group that didn't show up. So anyway, we all got to move down! I'd had kind of mediocre seats the other times I'd seen it, so that was really quite the treat!
Ooh, way to go Mabel.
I moved down to the seat furthest to the left in the front row. Ended up to some BWWers I had been talking to throughout the day, so that was cool.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I'm obviously extremely late to this thread, but I wanted to put in my two cents before it died.
I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable about musical theatre as most on this board, partially due to my former location and mostly due to extreme pickiness and slowness on my part. As a result, I was seriously underinformed (and still am) about the original production and never took a particular interest in seeing the revival. A few of my friends on this board became extremely interested in Sweeney over the course of the winter, which somehow resulted in me becoming even more cynical and disinterested toward the piece for a while.
However, during a trip to New York last summer, I decided to go to the show for whatever reason, despite having only listened to the cast recording all of two times or so and not even having the true background information on the show. I loved every single minute of it; I remember saying that while it's not by any means my favorite show or my favorite musical theatre experience, it was among the most intense and enthralling shows I've seen, along with the Cabaret revival. It's obviously been said many times on this board, but I'll say it again - regardless of your feelings for the show itself, you really have to admire how much the performers brought to that show every single night. I know that I could not be fully involved in a show (i.e. on stage the entire time and playing my own instrument) for a couple hours every night and still keep my energy level where it was when the show opened. That intensity was really what struck me most about the show - not just that the performers played their own instruments or Patti LuPone, musical theatre goddess, was up there on stage - just this overall feeling of intensity. It's not a show that you watch, but rather a show that you're sucked into. (I know, horrible grammar there, but I'm sleepy...)
I had the fortune of moving to New York a week ago and having the opportunity to see Sweeney again before it closed. I was worried that in seeing it again, I wouldn't be able to replicate my first-time experience. I don't know, maybe I was right, but any loss in first-time awe was easily replaced by noticing subtle nuisances that I initially missed.
So... goodbye, Sweeney Todd, a couple days too late. I don't want to end this with a bitter, anti-Wicked/Mamma Mia sentiment, because I suppose everything has a time and place, but it truly was a great piece of theatre which will be sorely missed.
No worries, mabel, honest mistake. I just wanted to clear that up, cause "Weepy" is actually a really great, sweet person, who's quite loved by the castmembers of the show.
I don't know who the 2nd row annoying girl is. But I was seated VERY close to her, and she got on my nerves.
I was in the rear Mezz so, the girl did not distract me, however I must say that when Mano was looking at the woman in the front row center I saw someone seated right behind her (second row center) look like they were half standing up and reaching out to Mano. Im not sure but I assume it was the girl.
I'd say the odds on that are pretty good, myManCape! I honestly didn't notice her during the show, but I definitely couldn't miss her before the house lights went out!
That alternate happy ending fanfiction is called Dancing Flames, if you want to read it...
however I must say that when Mano was looking at the woman in the front row center I saw someone seated right behind her (second row center) look like they were half standing up and reaching out to Mano. Im not sure but I assume it was the girl.
Yeah, that was definitely her. I swear, if I had been either in front, or right behind her, I would've smacked her. GAH!
What was she wearing, does anyone know? Maybe I saw her at the stage door.
Can't remember. But she was the one whose mom was going "Mano took us backstage, but we didn't get a pic with him. SO WE NEED A PIC WITH MANO! LET US THROUGH!!!" GAH so annoying.
Aww, I was happy observing some of the chaos at the stage door a couple steps back, but I missed hearing fun moments like that from where I was.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/05
Was the annoying girl the one that I was conversing at the stage door with or was she "weepy?"
Updated On: 9/5/06 at 09:19 PM
The one you were conversing with. "Weepy" is not at all annoying.
I ran into "weepy' the next day. IT was so funny. She is VERY sweet.
Thank you everyone for your participation, replies, and feedback.
I was so pleasantly surprised at how many pages this humble thread became!
Now, we've all attended the tale.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/18/06
I thought I was the only one who noticed that girl! ahh! I was in the 6th row and I could see everything she was doing. She kept leaning forward whenever Mano came to the edge of the stage and it looked like she was standing up and putting her head between the people in front of her, I was so embarassed for her and felt so bad for the people in front of her. irratating! and I think she turned around every 2 minutes to look for Sondheim. I'm sorry, but I didn't pay $250 to see this girl, who is making larger than life motions, I payed that money to see the performers
Sweeney Todd has profoundly changed my life, I'm the biggest fan *I* know and I hold this show so close to my heart. Ya didn't see me jumping around in my seat. and when I cried, I tried as hard as I could to not make noise and distract the people around me b/c they were there to enjoy the show, not see my own little private show. I saw my first show when I was 7 and i acted more mauture than she did. It's unexcusable. If you can't handle live performances then do not go! you're not in a movie theatre!
and I think she was wearing a green dress. I only know this b/c I kept staring at her! ah!
end rant on THAT person lol
The guy sitting next to me: last place he wanted to be and he didn't hide that at all. he kept audibly sighing and groaning lterally every couple of secondns during the second act. Then kept hitting me with his legs and would get really pissed off about it. Then when I was crying, not making a sound, he just full out stared in my face. I wanted to slap him.
to quote Chicago: What ever happened to class?
ok done!