Umm, I guess she wasn't. I was just yaaying Rachel York, and then waiting for Greg's mention after the Joanna story, so I wasn't at all thinking about her. Ah well.
"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli
wrq, would you have cared so much about acknowledging the standbys if you hadn't been acquainted with them? I understand wanting them in general to be acknowledged, but you seem to have a personal stake in it. It just surprises me that that's what you come away primarily commenting on from the closing show. However, to each her own.
Updated On: 9/4/06 at 02:14 AM
well guys, this was nice. I'm really going to miss these sweeney discussions.... but we can all count on looking forward to the tim burton sweeney movie discusions! Good night
Oh wasn't the show wonderful! I just got back from the city a little bit ago and I'm on such a buzz!
The fact that Stephen Sondheim was there, OMFG!! I saw him when he was walking to his...pilar and I had a mini seizure in my seat and we all kept turning around and staring lol! that must have been so great for him when the curtain went up and everyone went crazy. I'm so happy for him. Then Patti's husband was sitting behind me and me being the ****ing idiot and I am, didn't know it was him! I was like, "oh how are you liking the show? isn't it great! you know Patti? that's awesome" and then someone in that row had a cell phone on and I turned to her husband and was like, "haha don't mess with "The Patti" she'll kick your ass!" *smacks self* but he was such a sweatheart though and we could hear him laughing and crying the whole show. then after we talked to him for about 10 minutes after the show and he shook our hands and was like, "it's so nice to meet you, I'll tell her you said hi."
It was so electric, the audience pounced on every joke and screamed every chance they got.
I cried from when the curtain went up until it went down. Just watching these people work is like watching a miracle, it's so incredible how much they love this show. Patti was walking around wiping her eyes every 3 seconds and had tears streaming down her face. She was so intense.
The curtain call was a show in itself. It was like half an hour long! I think I have bruises on my hands from clapping so hard! But before the show my friend and I got 7 dozen roses and passed them out to the rest of our friends. So it was really fun to throw them on the stage. I threw a bunch right at Manoel's feet and I thought he was going to trip! haha! Then when Patti was talking she said, "Thank you Stephen Sondheim!" and she points in my direction, I turn around and STEPHEN F*CKING SONDHEIM IS 4 FEET FROM ME!!!!!!!!! I thought I was going to pass out! God himself was within reaching distance. If there's anyone I love more than Patti, it's Stephen. He was so proud and happy to be there and I got 2 pictures of him!!
The stage door kinda sucked b/c everyone and they're uncles were there so I could only see the tops of people's heads lol. but Manoel came out and I had a red bouquet of roses for him and I said, "you gave Patti the roses at her concert from me so I wanted to give you some" and he was like, "oh yes! How are you!" and hugged me and then said, "they were white" and everyone around me was like, "oooooo" hahaha it was really nice. He is such a wonderful guy.
so i'm going to try and get pictures up soon. I have about 30 of the curtain call.
"I slept through the nominations, as I always do. Anything I need to know, I'll find out when I get up at a reasonable hour!"
-Michael Cerveris
It seemed at the beginning of the show that the cast was having problems getting the words out. Patti was doing her usual reallyreallyreallyfasttalkingthatnobodycouldunderstand at the vert top of act 1.
What a great show last night! I really enjoyed those leg kicks Patti threw in during her tuba playing. Seeing Sondheim was really cool considering during curtain call he was standing about four seats over from where I was. Like everyone said the stagedoor was a total zoo, but still well worth it. How about the stagedoor attendant getting a Barbie? And I officially have a huge crush on the young female usher with curly brown hair. Hopefully she'll be there when Spring Awakening begins. (Yes I am a straight guy)
Oh- mrslovett7, I was right next to you at the stagedoor last night when you were talking to Mano about the roses. I was wearing the Sweeney logo t-shirt and had glasses on.
PS- Sorry I didn't get to meet any of you. I didn't know what any of you look like and I didn't really want to yell out at the stagedoor "Who's from BWW". Besides it was crazy enough that nobody would have heard me anyway.
Updated On: 9/4/06 at 10:11 AM