Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
Not done!
Lawerance: Usually jewelary inhances a womans beauty, but with you it does just the oppisite: it detracts from what is already perfection.
Muriel: It does?
Lawerance: Oh yes!
(Muriel takes off her earings, and gives them to Lawerance)
Lawerance: (Gasps)That's amazing!
(Muriel takes off her necklace)
Lawerance: Oh! Breathtaking!
(Muriel searches herself for more jewlary)
Muriel: I have a tiara in my room.
Lawerance: That ought to do it.
Sorry if my spelling or grammers off a little today, it's the last day of school for me, so my friends and I went to the mall for a while and i'm just so exausted.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
I just saw DRS for the 4th time yesterday, I have to write more. I'm just gonna write two more quotes and this quote I just added on to:
Muriel: I'm beginning to think someone put alcohol in that champagne.
André: I fear you may be right.
Muriel: I'm Sorry, I don't speak French.
André: Well, I should..
Muriel: Oh yes, well ... me too.
Muriel: I would like to thank you for a lovely time. I'll never forget your generous hospitality. And the sights of your little town, or the heat of you ridding me cross-eyed like some glorious bucking French stallion.
André: Excuse me?
Muriel: Really is a charming place.
André: Yes well, perhaps next time you pass this way I can show you the countryside. There is the most delightful little vineyard where you can once again wrap your legs around my head and squeeze it like a grape until the wine of your lust flows from my eyes.
Muriel: What?!
André: They make cheese, too!
Muriel: Well, I.. Uhh.. I..I doubt I'll be back this way again.
André: You are quite the woman of the world.
Muriel: No! No, I've just seen so much of it. You know how it is: You open a map and close your eyes and point and think 'maybe there'. So you pack your little bags full of dreams and go. Only those bags can get awfully heavy after a while.
André: Maybe it's time to leave them behind.
Muriel: My bags?
André: Yes.
Muriel: Their Louis vuitton!
André: Someone to help carry them then.
Muriel: That might be nice.
André: Or perhaps I could...
Muriel: Yes!
Andre: That is, we might always... I'll call the porter.
Muriel: Good idea.
Muriel: It really is lovely here. Even without a miracle.(Sings) Of the future who can tell.. (Freddy comes towards the balcony tied up with rope)
Freddy: Hey! Hey, Romeo!
André: Shh!
Freddy: Look what they did to me! I'm like Dale Evans on her wedding night!
Freddy: Where's Christine?
André: Gone. The game is over.
Freddy: What do you mean over?
André: I mean you lost. Bon voyage, my friend.
Freddy: WHAT?! No, it can't be over! I gotta go and try to stop her!!
Muriel: Is the balcony moving?
André: No!
Muriel: Oh, thank God.
Freddy: (Runs towards Christine's room) Christine! Cchhrriissttiinnee!!!!
The 2 other quotes are:
Jolene: Where are we going?
Lawrence: Like every royalty: we must descend.
Lawrence: Oh! Look, he likes you! He's munching your flower!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
Ok, another 3 quotes. (This one's completely messed up, I do not have a good memory.)
Lawerance: If you loose, you are only to work in these provinces: China, Iceland, (a spanish speaking country, I forgot the name of it.) And just to show that there are no hard feelings, I'll throw in (A foreign country with a very long name, which I forgot the name of)
Jolene: She she said it's the thyroids, but I think it's the porkrindes!
Jolene: ...She has such a pretty face: I told her, If she could loose 17 pounds by thursday, she could be my maid of honor!
Updated On: 6/27/06 at 06:31 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Bump! I love threads like these!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
Alright, well if anyone could give me the actual line, I'd appreciate it (and sorry if it was mentioned earlier in the thread)
I love when Jolene says "and then, I ordered the ICED TEA!!!"
Could someone give me the full line for that, like what she says before and after then? Its like when Jolene tells Lawerance that they're going to get married and stuff, and she tells him when she told him that :)
I love that part
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
Lawerance: When did we decide we're getting married?
Jolene: Alrighty, you remember the other night when you were tellin' me all about your family ring?
Lawerance: Yes.
Jolene: And then,you said: "My eyes are like the ocean".
Lawerance: Yes.
Jolene: And then I ordered the iced tea?
Lawerance: Yes.
Jolene: Somewhere in there!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
haha, thank you so much
i absolutely loved hearing Mylinda Hull say that, she was hilarious as Jolene!
i miss DRS so much...
Lawrence: I'm sorry, but Randy... is a mute.
wow, completely forgot about this thread! Loved reading it all again. And wicked and I haven't written the whole script yet. sad. But I bet we will soon.
miss DRS
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
Featured Actor Joined: 10/11/04
"It was 6 hours! I don't even like to have sex and eat bacon for 6 hours!" -Freddy
" Why don't you pick?
Well, my birthday's in July. I'm the second oldest. I was a cappa at Ohio about 4?"- Christine
ohhh how i miss the show
Lawrence: I hope you can still say that to me when I'm old and grey.
Freddy: I just did.
Leading Actor Joined: 8/14/05
Ah, so many great quotes. I really miss this show.
This show was so good, unfortuantly it fell under the trap of bad casting at a bad time