Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/06
What's your favorite quote; song or monologue?
"I don't even like to have sex and eat bacon for 6 hours" Freddy Benson....greatest quote in the show.
quotes: look in my sig.
song: really difficult. maybe Dirty Rotten Number?
moment: right after Oklahoma, right before Ruprecht, balcony scene!
well, I love the whole show. that was hard.
Yeah Dre those are all great parts/quotes. I really like your picture.
thanks. I made others.
Honestly, there are just too many dialogue gems and scenes that I could categorize as the best. I do like the quotes (like the one in my sig) from the DRS parady at
I can't remember the exact quote, but when Christine is deciding on a number to bet on at the Roulette table. "How 'bout 4?" It cracks me up everytime.
And I live for that entire balcony scene. It's hysterical!
So many!
"She's so deliciously low..."
"If it's a roller coaster you want, I'll take you to the fair. I'll even buy you a pencil. They have these big pencils, and--I don't know."
"I hope you could say that when I'm old and grey."
"I just did."
"Oh my god, the whole thing turns."
"Fresh shaved testacles on Christmas day."
[shakes hands after touching...himself]
"He's very affectionate."
"...Guide me to my exit ramp."
"The left bone's connected to the ankle bone..."
"My hotel gives away free shampoo"
"I can finally afford to see a Broadway show."
"Why don't you pick?
Well, my birthday's in July. I'm the second oldest. I was a cappa at Ohio about 4?"
"Call me Buzz."
"I ripped it up, and put him right down there in J13"
"Did I miss a scene?"
"I thought I could be of help to someone in the second act."
"[you say] Don't snore at the opera."
"It was Wagner."
"It was 6 hours! I don't even like to have sex and eat bacon for 6 hours!"
"I bring you this message from abroad:" ::waves scarf::
"Good evening, Sargant Benson!"
"Plus I get there's a perk."
", wow, wow. All I can say is!"
"Come on, she gave me tongue!"
Okay, I guess that's enough from me.
Okay, my attempt to put together the Balcony dialogue.
"Well, I'll never forget you showing me your little town, or the image of you riding me wildly like some buck-eyed stallion. (can't remember if there's more to this...)
"Excuse me?"
"It really is a delightful little...something"
"Well perhaps next time you're[in the area?] I'll show you the countryside. There is a delightful little vineyard where you could once again put my head between your legs and squeeze it until the fruit of your lust flows from...(damnit people are usually laughing by now, I can't think of the last word(s). I think it ends with "me"...or maybe "my head"?)
"They make cheese too."
Well, there you have your answer Dre. I do not know every single line in DRS.
"ok, well, my birthday is in July, I'm the second oldest, I was a Kappa at Ohio about 4?"
Thanks, Dre and wickedrentq, for refreshing my memory!
ETA: I also love "Lying there on my back, while he... tended to the front." and "Eskimo pie". Viva le double entendre!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I typed out the balcony scene once...
Found it...Page72...
Good job Cat.
I maybe got half of it...oops.
"Maybe its time to leave them behind."
"My bags?"
"They're Louis Vuitton."
I LOVE that quote! The way Joanna says Louis Vuitton is hysterical!
Freddy: I am better looking than you.
Lawrence: Now you have gone too far.
Lawrence: I'd admit you made rather an effective prop
Freddy: Wow, prop. Ruprecht was the star of that show. You were just the MC.
Lawrence: I would consider myself the venquilitrist.
Freddy: Which makes me what, the dummy?
Lawrence: My God, that was easy.
Freddy: I'm charminger than you.
Freddy: And if I win?
Lawrence: Then I abdicate.
Freddy: Great. Uh..
Lawrence: Step down.
Freddy: Great.
some more good ones from the bet scene.
" they make cheese too".....
"they sell those big pencils... oh, I dont know"....
Oh, there are SOOOOO many !
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
While i'm reading all of these quotes, im laughing my head off.
I love all of these quotes, i actually forgot about a few of them.
"Will you miss me?"
"Only if you leave."
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
After Jolene leaves Freddy says: 'Well she seemed nice'
(That line always makes me laugh really hard.
Also.. i'm not too sure of this one, but it was.. after. or before GBS when their talking about how Freddy could be one of their great advantages, Lawerance and Andre are like making their conversation seem a little 'dirty' so Freddy's like: "Hey, guys, you know i'm still in the room."
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
"Those fries are French."
I almost used this one as my senior quote:
"It was a ball; it was a blast, and it's a shame it couldn't last, but every chapter has to end you must agree."
"Well, she seemed nice" is awesome! loved the silence before that line. and the looks on all three of the guys are aweome! check out my av! that is that scene!
if I had seen the show before I finished senior year, I would have had that line. cause it is so true! and when John was leaving, he started to choke up when singing it. it was so sad!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
I also have the balcony scene. Greg e-mailed it to me.
"Yes well, perhaps next time you pass this way I can show you the countryside.There is the most delightful little vineyard where you can once again wrap your legs around my head and squeeze it like a grape until the wine of your lust flows from my eyes, they make cheese too!"