My favorite line is during the scene where Freddy and Lawrence first meet on the train. I'm not sure if this is the exact wording...
Freddy: Do you know what it feels like to take a woman for $20?
Lawrence: I believe that's a bit out of my price range.
It's such a hilarious double entendre.
I think Lawrence's responce is:
"Im afraid thats a bit out of my class"
Then Norb tells him not to sell himself short.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
I think Lawrence's responce is:
"Im afraid thats a bit out of my class"
yep. it is
The sex and bacon joke already mentioned has always been my favorite quote. I laughed so hard I choked at that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
I love "Ew, nougat!" and the ensuing hilarity.
"Cheer up buckaroo, have some jerky!" (and all that ensues after it)
Wiicked, the conversation before Norbert says he's still in the room isn''s a direct quote from My Fair Lady.
" I too have felt the benefit of the mild antihistimine"
"I can blow up your little neck pillow"
Love when Freddy's first getting on the tran with the book-"That Judas, what a character" (or something like that)
neck pillow! I always 'awww' after that!
Almost any line from Great Big Stuff:
Now I know where I belong-
A life of taste and class
With culture and sophisitication
pouring out my ass
The Islands in the winter
The Hamptons in the summer,
The fashion plate I date'll give me
Hummers in my Hummer.
I just want someone to
Love me...
For my money
and on....
Broadway Star Joined: 2/7/06
Love when Freddy's first getting on the tran with the book-"That Judas, what a character" (or something like that)
Love the Bible quotes...
Broadway Star Joined: 7/25/04
I love the "Well, merde!" after the roulette scene.
Oh it's been so long since I've seen this show... I've missed all of these fantastic lines!
First one that popped into my head was the sex and bacon quote. They're all brilliant.
Some more in the honor of procrastination:
"You're a man, she's a woman, you're French." (or vice-versa)
"Only by birth and affectation."
"That's lovely my boy!"
"Doctor, he's so happy, he's crying!"
"I believe what I have fever."
"When I woke up I was completely numb...from the waist down."
"I caught her with the Dance USA orchestra."
"The entire orchestra?"
"Nope, just the brass section."
"If music be the food of love, he ate my schmorgas board"
"An entire nation will lick your head."
"You have a lot of energy, don't you?"
"I'm charminger than you."
"Well, it's not like you'll be the only royalty there."
"I won't?"
"Nope. There is a Dairy Queen right down the road!"
"Jolene as your people say...ya!"
Norbert after saying well she seems nice: "O-K-L-A-H-O..."
"It's a little funny."
"Oh, it's like the David!"
"Well, I work out."
"You love me? Well, yeah, I guess I'm pretty lovable."
"You go that way, k?"
"I think we're good now, thank you."
"I can't stand to see him like this."
"Yah, perhaps you're right."
::shuts door::
"Is the balcony moving?"
"Buzz, who is the one person in the entire world that you would like to see at this moment?
"Umm, umm, grandma?"
Enough for now.
always my favorite in the song, Like Zis/ Like Zat
Greg: And though I am no prance
Joanna: No, Prince
Greg: My looks might make you wance
Joanna: Wince
Greg: I offer you romance
Joanna: Romince
Greg + Joanna: "Oh" "ah"
Greg: Come on let's dince
Keep in mind there have been numerous changes made to the dialogue since John Lithgow left, some better, some worse. The show is just a gem. Why aren't you seeing it there now!
My GOD, it's like the DAVID!
Genes are important, but lighting is everything.
Love is my legs, and you are my love, so you are my legs, my Love.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/25/04
I loved the whole scene where Joanna was playing tour guide in an art museum. Does anyone happen to have the script to that scene? I especially liked when the statue turned to show it's naked ...
As an Art History major, I appreciated that moment.
Lamc...I think it's breeding is important...I'm honestly not positive.
Yeah Liir, I used quotes from both.
breeding, genes, whatever...
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
i love all of these quotes
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
i love all of these quotes
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
i love all of these quotes
"....And though two aces beat you blind, they'll never beat three of a kind...."
My very favorite line in the entire show!
"Well, it's not like you'll be the only royalty there."
"I won't?"
"Nope. There is a Dairy Queen right down the road!"
best by far