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Fredi's on....

#850local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:06am

december... can't believe a year went by so fast.
ahh the rent references.

i remember the wagon thread a year ago!! i miss those days...

#851local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:07am

defyingpoupular - cool name.. welcome

interesting idea - i'll try it...

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

#852local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:07am

Oh Fredi, good! Because I've never seen do you think Enter the Dragon would be good to compare with Kill Bill?

Does Enter the Dragon happen to be a revenge story ?

EDIT: Ok just saw that you responded thinking it's a good idea! I need to look up ETD on imdb....oh but still, is it revenge?

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp
Updated On: 12/1/05 at 12:07 AM

MUNKY Profile Photo
#853local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:08am

As for call names...

Angelina...(hot, fast, & picks up married men)

"Now I may not have much, but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet." - Big Fish
"Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." - Swordfish

#854local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:08am

defying popular ... cool username for an uncool girl.

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
Broadway_Baby Profile Photo
#856local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:08am

"I never call anyone stupid (unless they are...)"

Oh Fredi, that's great!

Honey, I don't produce theater. I am theater.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#857local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:08am

Bowling... good luck!!!

I miss the Wagon too. What's up, guys? Hi Cam!

#858local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:09am

Whoa One Last Refrain. You could use some prozac!

Thanks for the welcome Fredi!

#859local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:09am

hey shubrt!!! how many wagoners are here at the moment?

#860local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:09am

Aww, I love December. I'm so jealous. I'm on the west coast, so it's still November here local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..

Pillowpants. 'Nuff said.

#861local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:10am

Thinking "sidekick"

how about - "Festus"

or - "Robin" (boy wonder...)

or even "Tonto" hahahaaa

other famous "sidekicks"?

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

Violet Tree
#862local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:10am

I think I am more amused that the entry say's Fredi's on. That made me happy after 6 hrs of a take home test.

#863local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:10am

Smee!! the best sidekick name

#864local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:11am

I like Tonto, my favorite sidekick!

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#865local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:12am

Or Sancho! (From Don Quixote). He's the quintessential sidekick.

Onelast-I'm not sure. Has Tiff been around?

camerangel Profile Photo
#867local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:12am

How was rehearsal Shub??

Tonto!! mauhahahahah I love it

"All work and no smut makes Cammy lose her edge." ~DG

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and I'm gonna name her L'il Mimi Marquez and I and will sing to her every day and when she's a toddler I will say "L'il Mimi Marquez, clad only in a bubble diaper, will perform her famous play pen handcuff dance to the sounds of breast milk being pumped!" ~Kringas

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#868local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:13am

Sidekicks, hmmmm
Sancho Panza (Don Quixote), Marcie (Peanuts), Sam (LOTR) or Pippin and Merry for that matter...

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#869local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:13am

Who are we naming, by the way?

Rehearsal was irritating. You Could Drive A Person Crazy is too fast. And I'm tired of my bitchy director. But otherwise, it's fun. I love the cast.

How could I forget Samwise??? Updated On: 12/1/05 at 12:13 AM

Whiteboy Spice
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:13am

Got the invitation to this chat, but can't stay long -- have to brush up on some of my music for tomorrow's rehearsal of the Pretty Dead Girl workshop I'm doing...

Hi Fredi!

#871local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:14am

Yeah Tiff was around earlier.. and I know Cam's here and Ebonic was and NTG was.

hilarious defyingpopular. How about we just de-admin ourselves from this little convo?

Broadway_Baby Profile Photo
#872local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:14am

I was about to say Sancho!

But an even better one is Pinky (as in "and the Brain).

Honey, I don't produce theater. I am theater.

#873local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:14am

dmb_ yes..

revenge is a central theme in most martial arts films - especially the good ones...


and yes - the movie's on - i'll get back to everyone in a group email and we'll set a date...
for those of you who missed it - if you live within an hour of NYC pm me your email and i'll put you on the list!

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#874local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:14am

Well look who finally decided to crash local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..

Hola Anthony! Coma Estas?
