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Fredi's on....

#825local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 11/30/05 at 11:57pm

I'm trying your "right click" post see if I can stay in the thread that way...

***edited to say it works! I just had to refresh the "original" page I was on. Thanks for the tip!!
Updated On: 11/30/05 at 11:57 PM

camerangel Profile Photo
#826local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 11/30/05 at 11:57pm

Fredi was Rafiki in LK..

"All work and no smut makes Cammy lose her edge." ~DG

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and I'm gonna name her L'il Mimi Marquez and I and will sing to her every day and when she's a toddler I will say "L'il Mimi Marquez, clad only in a bubble diaper, will perform her famous play pen handcuff dance to the sounds of breast milk being pumped!" ~Kringas

Footlooser Profile Photo
#827local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 11/30/05 at 11:57pm

OK gotta go, Veronica Mars time... Fredi, you are a beautiful woman and it has been lovley chatting with you. Night all.

"You know just because you put a smiley face after it doesn't change the fact that it was an a-hole comment." ~ Sumofallthings

camerangel Profile Photo
#828local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 11/30/05 at 11:58pm

Night footlooser, good luck naming your car

"All work and no smut makes Cammy lose her edge." ~DG

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and I'm gonna name her L'il Mimi Marquez and I and will sing to her every day and when she's a toddler I will say "L'il Mimi Marquez, clad only in a bubble diaper, will perform her famous play pen handcuff dance to the sounds of breast milk being pumped!" ~Kringas

#830local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 11/30/05 at 11:59pm

starsinger -

classical training is always good - it's like ballet the foundation of all dance...

however - "cross-training" is important if you want the muscle to be able to flex when you need it too...

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

#831local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 11/30/05 at 11:59pm

car names:

Alexandra (regal and strong)
Coretta (attractive, professional, smart and fair-minded)
Jana (attractive, hardworking and strong)
Leigh (wealthy, sophisticated and ambitious)

Broadway_Baby Profile Photo
#832local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 11/30/05 at 11:59pm

Night footlooser!

Honey, I don't produce theater. I am theater.

#833local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:00am

cam - no they're not green - but they do love busting through my shirts!

LOL! *cracks self up*

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

#834local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:00am

Enter the Dragon Never seen that about Chinatown?

Chinatown is a great suggestion! However, it's of the noir genre, and we covered noir in class. Again, boo. So I'm stick with finding something in the action genre. I don't know if I want to use Enter the Dragon, that means I have to go and rent it tomorrow. Wow, and tomorrow is Thursday already? I knew I would procrastinate forever with this. Rock.

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp

#835local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:01am

And now that its officially December (insert panic attack here)... time to sign off...

#836local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:01am


"Driving Miss Daisey"



"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

#837local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:02am

Defying Popular... what a beautiful username. . . . . and av.

Broadway_Baby Profile Photo
#838local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:02am

Nah, only Idina's boobs are green...

Honey, I don't produce theater. I am theater.

#839local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:03am


can't be THAT good a friend if ya named him "tiny"

but yes, pet names for privates (particular those of intimate partners) is pretty much the norm..

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

#840local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:03am

Thanks Refrain... we should refrain from gloves...

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#841local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:03am

You guys still here? I'm home!

#842local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:03am

<3 Fredi. Wait, so are you really going out with some of us renthead guys and gals for the movie? I shall get my $$ ready!

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp

#843local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:04am

dmb - yes

Dragon and Bill

buy both!

my hubby got me into martial arts films - Enter the Dragon RULES

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#844local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:04am

"Xmas bells are ringing..."

HAPPY DECEMBER EVERYONE!!! local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..

#845local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:05am

What has this conversation come to??

yes gloves and pacifiers. please refrain from those.

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#846local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:05am

Hey shub, how are you? Always here late...bowling league tomorrow lol, I will kep you updated. We decided if I get over 100 for the second time in my life they're gonna nnounce it w/ the 200s b/c it's such an accomplishment for me.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

camerangel Profile Photo
#847local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:06am

I'm glad you crack yourself up, cuz I cracked myself up asking if they were green.. I was gonna say you shoudl see a doctor about that..

Welcome back Shub

"All work and no smut makes Cammy lose her edge." ~DG

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and I'm gonna name her L'il Mimi Marquez and I and will sing to her every day and when she's a toddler I will say "L'il Mimi Marquez, clad only in a bubble diaper, will perform her famous play pen handcuff dance to the sounds of breast milk being pumped!" ~Kringas

Broadway_Baby Profile Photo
#848local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:06am

Holy sh*t. December. When did this December come from?!?

Honey, I don't produce theater. I am theater.
Updated On: 12/1/05 at 12:06 AM

#849local authorities and lowjack say Fredi is in the Powder room..
Posted: 12/1/05 at 12:06am

ShuQ - i never call anybody stupid (unless they are...)

i played Rafiki and loved it...

"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam "Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!" OMDB
