That sounds rip-roaringly hot, Anthony. You are a sexy mortician?
Leading Actor Joined: 10/26/05
Well it's about time, Anthony! So, what bands are you listening to these days?
Hi Fredi, Anthony!
Looks like I got here at a good time.
Anthony, I loved the movie.
Hi everyone!
Dmb, the Rent bible gives a good amount of info about the character's backstories including the following goodies:
Mark & Benny went to Brown together (and were roommates?)
Mimi left home at 15
I'm currently really wishing I lived within an hour of NYC.... or any major city, for that matter, but the movie get-together sounds fantastic. I know you guys'll have a blast. :)
Hi Anthony!
Aww... yay to a new musical for you Anthony! That one sounds especially interesting.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/20/04
so where's it's playing?
tell Marcie hi!!
Someone please do a poor girl a favor and explain this movie outing? *weeps*
Oh and Anthony since we're discussing musicals you're working on and such, any news w/ Feeling Electric? possibly going towards off-bway? You know how fantastic I think that was and would love the oppertunity to see it again.
Hey Anthony-
Good to hear about what you are doing. Can't wait to read your book, i pre-ordered it on Amazon yesterday.
see, I told you guys. I left...and Anthony finally decided to show up.
*waves* hi Anthony!
and my finger has made a new home - on the refresh button
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/04
I don't think the whole play is Mark's movie, no. He wasn't there for all of it, so how could he have documented it?
I'm listening to Death Cab for Cutie, The Decemberists, Superchunk (always), Rilo Kiley, Athlete, and lots more...
Shub, Fredi's planning an outing to go see the movie with those who live in the NYC area
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/20/04
shubbie -
i'm collecting a group from the boards and the old line to go see RENT...
you're in of course.
Well, Ninny wasn't there for all of the events in Fried Green Tomatoes, but she still told the story
Natch. I'll wait for the email?
Updated On: 12/1/05 at 12:21 AM
Understudy Joined: 7/23/03
That sounds so good. I hope it moves along to Broadway/Off-Broadway. That is something I would love to see. I have been dying to catch you in something. It just never works out. I seem to always plan trips to the city at the wrong times.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/14/03
This may be a dumb question Anthony - but you mentioned the music was written on the guitar. Are the musical arrangements still on guitar? That sounds really interesting if so.....
Featured Actor Joined: 12/11/04
so... Ms. Walker-Browne... the filmmaker himself does not see that the whole play is the video. I guess its just how you see it
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/04
Feeling Electric will be having a workshop in the spring, not sure whether or not that will be open to the public. Hopefully it will get scheduled into a season thereafter.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/26/05
I'm listening to Death Cab for Cutie, The Decemberists, Superchunk (always), Rilo Kiley, Athlete, and lots more...
Saw Rilo Kiley open for Coldplay this summer...I was majorly impressed. Are you still into The Postal Service?
Haha Shub...I sent my e-mail address but I'm not exactly sure what it's for either lol. Oh well whatever it is I like BWWers and movies and Fredi, so I'm sure I'll go lol.
Ooh and I just watched Anthony talk about music he listens to on MTV...don't remember the name of the first one(yeah I know like no current music what-so-ever) but he did say Franz Ferdinand.
BTW, loved your holla comments and the pale white boy trying to be ghetto!
Superchunk! Awesome, I've just been getting into them lately. Love the others that you've mentioned, too.
Pretty Dead Girl sounds like a great project.
catching up on the classic film posts...Taxi Driver
Whoa, when did Anthony sneak in... Hello there!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/20/04
refrain - art is subjective now isn't it...
but i base that opinion on the notes that i took way back in the beginning...
"Feeling Electric will be having a workshop in the spring, not sure whether or not that will be open to the public."
Oh I hope so! I missed the NYMTF run and heard nothing but good things