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Fun home or an American in Paris?- Page 3

Fun home or an American in Paris?

#50Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/17/15 at 10:24pm

When it comes to original score, how would you all say Bullets Over Broadway got left out in the cold for what was supposedly that same reason?  Critics of the show made it sound like it shouldn't be considered because it wasn't original music either.  

Yet some shows have not only been nominated but won the Tony without being completely "original."

As to the question of which show should win?  So hard to tell!  They are all so different.

I see Fun Home as brilliant, with an original score and a message that is provocative and compelling.

An American in Paris is just plain beautiful.  And enchanting.  Personally I feel that the staging and the dance are the high points.  The acting and singing by the leads was good, but it was other elements of the show that stood out more than anything.

The Visit….there was something haunting, and original, and mesmerizing about it.  If it won (which I don't think it will, but stranger things have happened), I wouldn't be disappointed.

Something Rotten.  I really loved it.  I know it has its critics, but it was original, even if it did have some familiar components to it.  The Bard is overshadowing these two brothers who try to outdo him….by setting a play to music.  And then begins to foreshadow a bunch of well-known, contemporary musicals in the process.  I thought it was fun.

Personally I won't be upset over any of them winning.  I saw them all and thought they all had their special qualities which made them deserving.

It's just too difficult to choose, because one can find a way to support any of them for the win.

AAO26 Profile Photo
#51Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/18/15 at 1:44am

The Visit.

#52Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/18/15 at 3:03am

"I hope Tony voters are able to set aside any lesbianphobia..."

And their Francophobia (An American in Paris), their Swissphobia (The Visit), and their Anglophobia (Something Rotten) as well.

Fun Home for book, score and director.  AAIP for the win.  

theatredk Profile Photo
#53Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/18/15 at 3:47am

The Visit

#54Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/18/15 at 4:30am

Fun Home. 

Updated On: 5/18/15 at 04:30 AM

RingOfKeys2 Profile Photo
#55Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/18/15 at 4:37am

Fun Home is the smartest new musical in years and undoubtedly deserves to sweep on June 7th. It explores corners of the human condition that have been untouched by any musical ever. Jeanine Tesori and Lisa Kron deserve to win in their respective categories (Book and Score) for the chillingly seamless story they've constructed out of Alison Bechdel's life and art. Sam Gold is worthy of the Tony Award for Best Direction of a Musical, Michael Cerveris for Best Leading Actor, and Sydney Lucas for Best Featured Actress. Of course I adore the work that both Emily Skeggs and Judy Kuhn do in Fun Home, but at the end of the day, I believe Lucas gives the most fully realized performance (though I suppose you have to give some of that credit to the show's authors). Ben Stanton's lighting design plays a pivotal role in the inventive storytelling so I'm rooting for him to win Best Lighting Design of a Musical. And if it weren't for the fact that I'm crossing my fingers for Kelli O'Hara to finally win a Tony (deservingly so) for The King & I, Beth Malone would have my vote for Best Leading Actress. 

I hope the Tony voters are ready for Fun Home to receive the recognition it deserves. Nothing against the other three nominated musicals (all very good in their own right), but I think any choice other than Fun Home for Best Musical would be playing it safe. 

Updated On: 5/18/15 at 04:37 AM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#56Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 11:01am

Finally saw the last of the nominated musicals Fun Home

Of the 4, I hope Rotten wins than followed by Tommy Tune's Favorite The Visit. AAIP left me cold. I enjoyed it but I cannot help but comparing it to the film. Only 4 numbers from the movies survive. Classic numbers like Nice Work, By Strauss & Our Love Is Here To Stay are gone replaced by inferior numbers.  One classic number (I Got Rhythm)is diminished  as the kids in the movie are gone. The actors playing the Kelly & Caron roles are adequate but do not make you forget Kelly/Caron. The choreography deserves a Tony but I still think it was a tad overrated

Now on to Fun Home. Glad I saw it to round out seeing all the nominees. Having said that do not see why all the hoopla. Did I enjoy it? Not as much as the other 3 . There are a few standout songs & the performances are all good but it simply did not do it for my wife & I. I know brickbats will be hurled at me but I said my piece. If it got to you more than it did us great.  

Poster Emeritus

#57Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 11:13am

Mr. Roxy-I'm really glad you went with an open mind. You are more than entitled to your opinion and not every show is going to appeal to every single viewer-that's why there are a lot of different kinds of shows.

I think American will win. The Tonys aren't known for being terribly adventurous. The announcement of a tour won't help one iota. Plus, there's the mentality that 'bigger is better'.

Sad, but true. Ah's just a stupid awards show that will sell An American in Paris to the big tour houses.



Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#58Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 11:28am

Thanks for the kind words

Watch out now as your defense of my opinion may get some older board members to put you in their crosshairs if you get my meaning.

Poster Emeritus

#59Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 11:35am

I think guessing this year is a fool's errand.  This thing could easily go either way.  And, I wouldn't completely rule out "Rotten", although that does seem unlikely.  One thing for certain: this will be one of the most exciting and suspenseful ceremonies in years.  The musical revival race is also a doozy.  All three of those contenders have strong support.  I wouldn't put much stock in the pundit's predictions either.  These races are just too damn close.

Updated On: 5/23/15 at 11:35 AM

#60Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 11:36am

I can see where you're coming from, Roxy.

I saw all of them myself.  And I'd be happy if any of them won really.

I thought AAIP was beautiful, and the leads were quite good. But in a pleasant serviceable way.  But maybe not Tony winning.  I know many might disagree with me on that.

Their dancing was obviously outstanding.  If they win, this will be what they'll be most recognized for IMO.   These two are talented enough they should be around for a while.  They deserve to be.  But for this year's Tony, I might look at the other nominees more closely.

For musical? They are all so different, it's hard to say.  Again, they all have their strong qualities and are deserving.  I certainly won't be saying, 'Are you serious?' when the winner is announced.

I do know that I felt a little disconnected from AAIP. Couldn't totally put my finger on it.

I'm perfectly fine if a story strays a bit from the original, and this did…spoilers ahead….


The Oscar Levant character, also being in love with Lise.   I didn't get how that was really necessary.  It really wasn't developed all that much either from what I could tell.  Having Henri and Jerry the two contenders was enough, IMO.

And as far as the references that have been mentioned on various boards here about Henri's mother questioning if he likes the fairer sex.  And then he does and says things throughout that lead you to wonder yourself.  I didn't sense a real tension between he and Lise….until the end.  And even that didn't come off as very strong.

But then again, it's all in the interpretation.  Some might have seen it more than I did.

 Definitely the movie was in there….but overall, a slightly different feel.  Especially with differences in music too.

I liked it though, and if it wins, I'll be happy for all involved. 

#61Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 11:43am

God I hope Fun Home wins or Something Rotten. American in Paris was incredibly boring. It was more of a ballet than a musical. There was this one dance scene that went on forever and ever. I was like KILL ME.

BrerBear Profile Photo
#62Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 11:53am

"Thanks for the kind words
Watch out now as your defense of my opinion may get some older board members to put you in their crosshairs if you get my meaning."

Plenty of people have voiced criticism of Fun Home without being attacked, and I doubt you will be either. There's nothing wrong with not liking a show.

Of the two I remember being singled out, one went on a crusade to try to convince us that the show was abusive to children, and the other kept posting repetitive but unexplained negativity despite never actually seeing the show.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#63Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 11:58am

Truth be told, we enjoyed OTT more than AAIP.

Poster Emeritus

#64Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 12:01pm

"There are a few standout songs & the performances are all good but it simply did not do it for my wife & I."

A large group of devoted fans who feel passionately about a show?  If there's one thing that turns Roxy completely off before seeing a second of a show's performance, it's that.  Give him a flop with a teeny number of supporters who do not see or are willing to completely overlook what's wrong with it and he is all in.  He is one of the rare ducks who can see what a success the show should be and lament the injustice that it is not. When that show closes, as all shows must, Roxy will exclaim that he USED to care about things like that, but he no longer does.  He is not invested any more.

This is not a brickbat. This is the well established pattern.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 5/23/15 at 12:01 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#65Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 12:05pm

To Brer

Some on this board would criticize me if I said 2 and 2 are  4. I ignore them but do not want a newbie to get crapped on immediately. Many people will hurl crap at you for liking or not liking specific shows. It happens all the time

Poster Emeritus

#66Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 12:27pm

Nobody craps on anybody for not liking a show.

Most people would rather have a good discussion that goes a bit deeper than four or five canned phrases repeatedly used over the years.  "My wife & I did not care for it," "It didn't get to us," "We had no interest in seeing it," "We do not get the hoopla," et al.

The interesting discussion would have substance.  It would separate the "hoopla" from the actual piece of work and look at both but not hold the one against the other.  Once you managed to do that, you could ask yourself: Why didn't you like a show?  If the answer doesn't come to you, it would be interesting to explore why you think you might have had a negative reaction.

I do know that gay themes make some old conservative audience members very uncomfortable.  Again, that's just how it is.  Would love to know WHY they make them uncomfortable.

There are a few standout songs & the performances are all good

Geez, that does sound terrible.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#67Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 1:13pm

I enjoyed On the Town more than AAIP, as well.

Two different categories, otherwise that would be an easy pick for me.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#68Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 1:16pm

I didn't love either show.  Neither did I hate them.

But the overrated Fun Home is a hell of a lot better than the vastly overrated An American in Paris.

I greatly preferred all three of this year's nominated revivals to the two front running best muscial nominees.  On the Town is the best of the three.

(it goes without saying, of course, but this is my own opinion)

Updated On: 5/23/15 at 01:16 PM

steven22 Profile Photo
#69Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 1:54pm

I've seen both FH and AAIP. Fun Home was definitely more my type of show. I really really loved. It. AAIP was good but I will probably never see it again. 

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#70Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 2:01pm

Enjoyed Vegas and Last Ship more than AAIP and Fun

Poster Emeritus

#71Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 2:11pm

"Enjoyed" is a start.  Now, why?  What was it you liked about the first two?  What didn't you like about the other two?  

The first two meet your gold standard of shows that couldn't sell tickets.  Was there anything about them other than that that put you so squarely on the booster squads of those shows?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 5/23/15 at 02:11 PM

#72Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 3:15pm

I am at Mamma Mia matinee (I have seen it a couple times but not on Broadway) and it is so much fun!!!  My kind of show! No interest in seeing FH or AAIP this visit but I am looking forward to Something Rotten tonite! I know off topic but it is an expression of my disinterest to the topic lol lol 

#73Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 3:46pm

What is it about those shows that makes you have no interest?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#74Fun home or an American in Paris?
Posted: 5/23/15 at 5:14pm

^Thanks for asking. Well I've found out I don't like dancing I was bored at OTT and left at intermission. And  read AAIP was much of the same. With FH I just couldn't get into the cast recording it was so meh for me (I know that's a minority opinion) So I'll just wait for these shows to go on tour I pay $30 per show for my 5 show season tix in Iowa (and great seats too!) That way if I have buyer's remorse it isn't too bad in my wallet.

Updated On: 5/23/15 at 05:14 PM
