Colored Spade from Hair the first time I heard it I ws too shocked to laugh, then it kind of sank in
I would have to say "Keep It Gay", "Springtime for Hitler", "The Internet is for Porn" and " Over The Moon" are the funniest songs I've heard.
Bumping this thread, since it inspired the current playlist on my internet radio station (see below). Over 100 of what I think are the funniest songs from musicals (Broadway, Off-Broadway or Movies). I included most of the songs listed in this thread. Maybe you agree or maybe you don't, but they make me laugh...
Sho-Toonz - Funniest Songs From Musicals
Updated On: 8/30/05 at 05:49 PM
"Everyone's A Little Bit Racist"
"Four Jews in a Room Bitching"
Leading Actor Joined: 12/31/69
i LOVE "i'm not that smart" from spelling bee but it's better live.
and also "my unfourtunate erection"
basically everything from Q
"I'm Not That Smart" is a pretty funny performance, but if you think about the lyrics, it's actually pretty sad. Yeah, some songs are much funnier when you see them than when you listen to them.
I'm not sure why, but "All for One" from Spamalot cracks me up every time.
Chorus Member Joined: 8/23/05
Story of My life from Hello Again
Songs about impotence are funny....
Definately All About Ruprecht.
Very funny:
Funny/Duck Joke and Welcome to Brooklyn - My Favorite Year
Going back to the 1940's....
"Where is the Life that Late I Led" and "Brush Up Your Shakespeare" from Kiss Me, Kate
"I Just Can't Wait" from Subways are for Sleeping
"Therapy" from Tick, Tick, Boom
"Farmer's Tan" and "The Night Dolly Parton was Almost Mine" from Pump Boys and Dinnettes
"A Little Bit of Luck" and "Get Me to the Church on Time" from My Fair Lady
Yeah, "Funny/Duck Joke" is pretty hysterical. Just about anything with Andrea Martin cracks me up. She made My Favorite Year much more tolerable! I added that and some of these other suggestions to the playlist.
Understudy Joined: 3/16/05
You Wont Susceed On Broadway from Spamalot when I first heard it in the play I almost wet myself!
Wont succeed on bway if you dont have any jews ! Spamalot
Wont succeed on bway if you dont have any jews ! Spamalot
Now, am I the only one who doesn't find "Won't Succeed on Broadway" very funny? I was hoping they would cut it after I saw the show in Chicago, but it's David Hyde Pierce's only big number. I didn't care for the Lancelot number either. I think "Song That Goes Like This", "Not Dead Yet" and "Diva's Lament" were much funnier.
La Vie Boheme from RENT
"bisexuals, trisexuals, homospaiens, carcinogens, hallucinogens, men, PeeWee Herman" and "to leather to dildos to curry vindaloo" and "to faqqots, lezzies, dykes, crossdressers too!" Sme of that might b from La Vie Boheme B. Same basic concept.
Contact is close..."I think I missed...don't be pissed. It was bad for me. Was it bad for you?"
Swing Joined: 4/2/05
The Creation of Man from The Scarlet Pimpernel. The song itself isn't so fuuny, it's what they do with the song that makes me laugh (especially the version they did on the tour).
Featured Actor Joined: 8/31/04
Has anyone mentioned Sondheim's "The Boy From..."?
Everyone's a little bit racist
You can be as loud as the hell...(just for playing it in your car reactions)
Over the Moon (I would LOVE to have seen Idina's audition where she thought it was a serious performance piece. It had to be a riot.)
I can't believe no one has mentioned "Paris Makes Me Horny" from Victor/Victoria. My voice teacher assigned this to me a few weeks ago, and it took me a few tries to get through the first sing-through...I was laughing so hard!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
what do you mean?
Idina said that when she read the script she was baffled by over the moon. She just didn't get it. She took it to her mother, who is a psychologist or something similar and her mother told her that she thought the piece was about a woman betrayed. So, when Idina went in a read the part, she read Over The Moon completely serious. They let her get completely through it before they explained it to her, I believe. I know I read it and of course now I can't find
ETA: I knew I could find it:
quote: [Idina:] "I got the thing back - 'Over the Moon' - and I had no idea what it was. I didn't read the script, nothing, and it just read to me as a sweet monologue. I didn't know it was supposed to be performance art, I didn't know anything -- So I went in and I just did it really realistic, you know? Like *sweet speaking voice* 'Last night I had a dream... I found myself in a desert. Called Cyberland. Hot.' (???) So Michael Greif, the director -- *laughs* And he let me do the whole THING like that!!! I called my mom, and I told her 'Mom, you know, what do you think this means?? I don't understand.' And like, she's a therapist, and she's like 'Well. It sounds like the woman's really been betrayed' and all this crap!"
Like, there is like a website and like you can hear her like actually say like the actual quote.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/11/05
Basically any song from Avenue Q. I don't think it's the funniest song from a Broadway show, but I love "There is Life Outside Your Apartment", there are some really great lyrics in that song ("And a homeless man who only wants to buy something to eat...sorry, can't help you!"). And I think "I'm gonna jump!...don't do it!...ok!" is hilarious.
"the Glee Club" from "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown"