"the Glee Club" from "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown"
Chorus Member Joined: 1/3/05
Shiksa Goddess
Understudy Joined: 5/9/05
Avenue Q - Schadenfreude
funniest song
Leading Actor Joined: 11/24/04
All the good bway ones have been mentioned so I'm going off bway and saying the Altar Boyz... the whole soundtrack is histerical. Especially "Something About You" and "Epiphany"
All About Ruprecht and Great Big Stuff from DRS.
YOU REMIND ME OF YOU from MINNIE'S BOYS. A hoot especially if you like the MARX BROTHERS
Springtime for Hitler
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
All of the songs from Avenue Q always has me laughing out loud, but I would have to say My Girlfriend who lives in Canada, You can be as loud as the hell you want, and If you were gay are really making me laugh right now. Other songs that make me laugh are:
Shiska Goddess
Great Big Stuff
What is this feeling?
A Miracle Could Happen.
springtime for hitler is very hilarious! but the worst musical number is Shaka Laka Baby from Bombay Dreams! worst show! lol
"Climbing Uphill" -Last Five Years
"Storms a Brewin" -Great American Trailer Park the Musical
Everything from Alter Boyz
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/9/05
The funniest song of all time is probably "A Little Priest." It just got funnier and funnier by the minute.
I think its the Simple Joys of Maidenhood from Camelot. Just the lyrics and the way Julie ANdrews sings it always makes me smile.
Rhythm in me: Alter Boyz
Cracks me up.
I would have to say "Betrayed" from The Producers.
Stand-by Joined: 10/6/04
"Creation of Man" from the Scarlet Pimpernel. I had a fever of 101 degrees the first time I saw it and I was laughing so hard I was crying.
Springtime for Hitler
You Won't Succeed on Broadway
If You Were Gay
I'm unoriginal I know.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/9/04
Right now I have to say...
Hernando's Hideaway from The Pajama Game
I haven't laughed that hard in a show for a while!
it's a tossup, but since everyone's posted one of my two choices already I mention the other:
I'm an Ordinary Man (from My Fair Lady)
You Won't Succeed on Broadway
The Song that Goes Like This
Popular if the Galinda is funny.
I can't believe "Love is my legs" only got mentioned like once or maybe twice...i've listened to DRS for like a yr probably once a day on my ipod and i still laugh everytime i hear it. And seeing it in person when the magenta lights come out and sherie opened the closet door and the people were inside singing w/ candles. Love when Norbert starts to stand up, and when he says "It's was all in my head.....now you GET ON THAT BED"....soo funny.
I have to say A Little Priest. It's so darkly funny.
Popular, but only as performed by Megan Hilty and Shoshana Bean...Popular was different and hilarious EVERY TIME with the two of them
Big Ass Rock
The Grass Is Always Greener
Nobody Steps on Kafritz (new personal favorite)
everything from I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change
Alto's Lament for those who asked, is by Heisler and Goldrich, the songwriters of Taylor the Latte Boy and other great cabaret numbers. They have three musicals that I know of, Adventures in Love, Junie B Jones and Dear Edwina. However, Alto's Lament is not in any of them, and I've also heard they can't publish it and nobody can record it because of copywright laws with all the songs they used/ parodied... unfortunate, but it does make sense...
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
"Gee, Officer Krupke"
Hands down