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Good news BARE fans!

rKrispyt Profile Photo
#75re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 1:00pm

#1 - can someone get me info on how to obtain rights, etc. regarding an Inconcert version of the show this summer in Cleveland - my friends and I are talking about wanting to possibly do it and I need to know how to look into this further - who has the rights?

#2 - I'm hopin' someone on the board can help with this: My friend and I were at the store and she sees a dVD of the movie Camp, and is like "which one is in Bare?" and I point to the girl on the cover (I suck, I can't remember her name right now) and she's like "okay, Toya, Lucas' girlfriend..." and I'm like "where did you get that from?" and she swears that at some point in the show (she says during Neverland) it's so obvious that they're dating and stuff - I, first of all, didn't even realize they told you her name her character supposed to be dating Lucas in this show? If so, I completely missed it...I'm really hopin' to be right on this one, lol, and that that's all a figment of her imagination, hehe.

If anyone knows about either, please respond or PM and lemme know :)

Thanks in advance!

If I show you the darkness I hold inside, will you bring me to light?

magic8ball Profile Photo
#76re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 7:45pm

A theatre in California is currently attempting to acquisition the rights. Everything was going smoothly until about a week ago. There is still a lot of confusion with the availablility of the rights, it seems, and there is a lot of red tape to get through.

"Goodness is rewarded. Hope is guaranteed. Laughter builds strong bones. Right will intercede. Things you've said I often find I need, indeed. I see the world through your eyes. What's black and white is colorized. The knowledge you most dearly prized I'm eager to employ. You said that life has infinite joys."

#77re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 8:22pm

Every time this thread reappears I jump with home and excitement. sigh.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#78re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 8:44pm

Me and my co-producer are currently in talks to produce this show in a year. That is all I wanna say about it now, but things are looking exciting.


rKrispyt Profile Photo
#79re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 9:01pm

LinkLarkinWannabe - out of curiousity, where are you at? (where are you doing the show possibly?)

can you PM me with any info regarding when they're allowing the show to start being produced if you know? if not, that's cool - I know you said you didn't wanna say much yet.

If I show you the darkness I hold inside, will you bring me to light?

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#80re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 9:08pm


the only thing I will say is it will be in Canada. I really dont wan't to give too much info only for the sake of if it fails to come into fruition I dont get anyone's hopes up.


MissElphie Profile Photo
#81re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 9:10pm

If it happens, and it's here in Canada, I may just lose it...but I will not allow myself to get excited till you can confirm more...

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#82re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 9:13pm


Don't worry MisElphie, once we get the rights and the venue then I will definitely make it known on this board. But just a note. Canada is a very big place...


rKrispyt Profile Photo
#83re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 9:23pm

Canada, dang!

So I guess it's not restricted to certain cities, etc., lol. One last question, feel free to PM me if you'd rather not say, but is there a restriction as to WHEN people may start performing? And again, anyone who can tell me at least the name of the licensing company to contact to get information regarding rights?

If I show you the darkness I hold inside, will you bring me to light?

Footlooser Profile Photo
#84re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 9:25pm

Their is a phone number on the first page of this thread. I still havn't heard if it is confirmed the number works. Anyone?

"You know just because you put a smiley face after it doesn't change the fact that it was an a-hole comment." ~ Sumofallthings

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#85re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 9:33pm

The phone number does work. It directs you to the operator of the Creative Artist Agency, then they will direct you.


magic8ball Profile Photo
#86re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:01pm

And, for whoever made the comment, it IS restricted in certain cities. It cannot be performed within a certain distance of New York City or Los Angeles.

"Goodness is rewarded. Hope is guaranteed. Laughter builds strong bones. Right will intercede. Things you've said I often find I need, indeed. I see the world through your eyes. What's black and white is colorized. The knowledge you most dearly prized I'm eager to employ. You said that life has infinite joys."

#87re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/15/05 at 11:17pm

Awsome. I was planning on getting tickets when it reopened, but it closed. Great show, even though I've only seen it on coughvideocoughlalala.

zzannahk Profile Photo
#88re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/16/05 at 12:01am

hey, Ebonic_Singer, PM me and let me know where i might be able to get one of those coughs!!Thanks ~Suzanne

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#89re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/16/05 at 12:17am

Akiva! you'd totally fly me out there to star as Ivy right?? lol j/k :)

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

#90re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/16/05 at 8:10am

Shhhhhhhh. re: Good news BARE fans!

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#91re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/16/05 at 3:30pm


Steph...Unfortunately I dont think that is quite in the budget. Plus right now Ivy is the role I am worried least about casting. I have two potential girls interested in the role, both quite amazing. One has been in Stratford musicals and the other has sang solo at Carnegie Hall...hah. I think Peter and Jason are gonna be the hard ones to cast.


#92re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/16/05 at 3:37pm

It stands to reason that they'd be the hardest to cast.

#93re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/16/05 at 3:37pm

My apologies - double post. Updated On: 6/16/05 at 03:37 PM

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#94re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/16/05 at 3:40pm

is there a website or email for this?

#95re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/21/05 at 1:33am

Hey are you looking for BARE rights?
I cant say much but ill give u a tip, the rights are still held by the creators and their lawyer who is based in LA. Copywrite is 2004. Good Luck & Shhh

magic8ball Profile Photo
#96re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/21/05 at 1:36am

sammisam, did you read any of this thread? There is definitely one theatre already in the process of getting the rights to the show as well as some others planning to do the same.

"Goodness is rewarded. Hope is guaranteed. Laughter builds strong bones. Right will intercede. Things you've said I often find I need, indeed. I see the world through your eyes. What's black and white is colorized. The knowledge you most dearly prized I'm eager to employ. You said that life has infinite joys."

teh_pretty Profile Photo
#97re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/21/05 at 8:12am

Link Larkin Wanabe, you will definitely have to let me know if/when this production comes to fruition. Thank goodness you're in Canada. :)

#98re: Good news BARE fans!
Posted: 6/23/05 at 6:37pm

So I called the number and the operator asked for a name of a person. She said the theatrical department wasn't enough. Needed a name. I'm producer of a theatre in New Jersey and I'd really love to do it here. It's small, intimate and stocked with talanted college students. It would be wonderful! But I need a name! Or at least a step-by-step to get the rights!!

~ Ophelia

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 1/19/06 at 5:11am

The news isn't so good anymore, friends.

Someone over that the LJ community "bareopera" emailed Steve (Damon's manager) regarding the rights and was informed that they were no longer available. I emailed Steve myself and was told the same thing. Infact, the email pretty much stated that Bare will never be performed again. Drama occured, things changed, etc...

I just don't know how to handle this news. :(
