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Great Comet Seating Thread

#400Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 9:02pm

Wow, sounds like you got the 1 bad rep at Telecharge.  Can't believe he would say that about the on stage seating.

I'd call back and talk to someone else.  If you get same guy, insist on the going up the chain.

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#401Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 9:26pm

I'm down from the ledge now. To give myself time to cool off I went to A View From My Seat and looked at photos online. I am good with Mezz now. I think the little girl will do fine. Order time....

#402Re: Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 9:34pm

Following up on my way earlier post quoted by 10086Sundays, the one moment I do particularly love from the stage left side is Pierre and Natasha, having the direct sight line when Pierre begins the "If I were not myself..." moment.

I've been all over the Imperial at this point (banquettes SL and SR, table TO, front mezz center and side, last row rear mezz, you get the idea - the sunken tavern is one of the few areas remaining I'd like to try) and each seat does truly give you a different perspective. The only seats I've hated so far were rush seats about 4 rows back in the orchestra almost under the stage left staircase. Due to the stage height, railings, and the lower stage tables, it simply wasn't a great view.

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#403Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 9:53pm

It's done! Mission accomplished. I am actually glad now that I had a bad Telecharge rep because I decided to use my cooling down time to look at online postings of views of various seats for this show. I did not like the look of a lot of the onstage seats, including where we would have been — BF & BG far back. While I could see there would likely be actors passing by us and some interaction, it seemed it would be at the expense of seeing a lot of the show, and that was just not worth it (to me, YMMV).

I did like the views from the front mezz. But I couldn't figure out from Irish's photo what the little flicks of light were in certain spots up there. Where they lanterns? So I enlarged her photo and lightened it, and aha! They look like tables with lights on them! How cute.

And now I see why the Telecharge guy may have been confused. Because I have to be honest, seating for this show is the most confusing thing ever. The Mezz seats don't have unique numbers. They have unique sections but not numbers. Anyway, I am going to pretend that's why he was confused so I can laugh it off.

I was so taken with that cute little table that I got seats in CENTER FRONT MEZZ ROW B surrounding it.

Thanks everyone, good advice!!

So, if you are confused like I was, check out A View From My Seat:

#404Mmm... Pizza.
Posted: 7/27/17 at 9:57pm

Glad you didn't have an issue getting tickets this time.  Enjoy the show!

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#405Mmm... Pizza.
Posted: 7/27/17 at 9:59pm

Thanks Sundays, this time I signed in as a guest on Telecharge rather than as an existing customer and that did the trick.

#406Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:04pm

Some of the various views I've had (zooming may be inconsistent so perspective is not always exactly what you'd see with the naked eye):

Top row

(L): Stage left banquettes about 3 rows up

(R): Table TO

Middle row

(L): House left orchestra

(R): 2nd row house right front mezz

Bottom row

(L): Last row house left/center front mezz

(R): Far house right rear mezz about halfway up

Pizza Slice?

Updated On: 7/27/17 at 10:04 PM

#407Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:07pm

Have a great time, Stage Door Sally! The mezz seats are numbered but it's a tricky seating chart (and some numbers don't exist because they were replaced by tables). The tables are awesome for leg room in the adjacent seats.

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#408Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:09pm

Nice photos! To view them clearly I saved image to my screen then viewed at 200%, perfect.

#409Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:35pm

So after reading Stage Door Sally's post about the telecharge guy not recommending stage seats I'm a bit worried, it's the opposite from what I read on this thread... I got TN 3 which is the pizza slice one... It look a bit more raised than the sunken parts so I went with it... are they good seats?!

Also, silly question, but how does the bathroom situation works when you are seated on stage? Because to get to the stage seating you go through a different area right? So you have to go back through all that again to finally reach the bathroom and quite possible wait in line during all intermission?

#410Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:38pm

See the guy seated in the top left photo of the collage I posted? That's TN, it's right on stage.

At intermission, you can go down the stage right staircase through the orchestra to get to the restrooms on the mezzanine level. You don't pass through the same staircase upstage that's used to take you to your seats. (But if you have issues climbing a large quantity of steps and are onstage, they'll seat you via the orchestra, not the backstage staircase. There's a handicapped accessible restroom next to where the coat check was removed to create that staircase, since there's no elevator to the mezz.)

Updated On: 7/27/17 at 10:38 PM

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#411Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:44pm

Here is a link to a shot of TN 2,3.  Looks good!

#412Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:47pm

HSky said: "See the guy seated in the top left photo of the collage I posted? That's TN, it's right on stage.

At intermission, you can go down the stage right staircase through the orchestra to get to the restrooms on the mezzanine level. You don't pass through the same staircase upstage that's used to take you to your seats. (But if you have issues climbing a large quantity of steps and are onstage, they'll seat you via the orchestra, not the backstage staircase. There's a handicapped accessible restroom next to where the cost check was removed to create that staircase, since there's no elevator to the mezz.)



Thank you so much for answering, I always have bathroom anxiety during intermission so I'm glad to know it's easy just going down the stage into the orchestra!

Also, eek, that guy is seated on TN 1 though right? Must be horrible to have your back to the action... I think TN 3 faces the other way, at least that's what I can gather from all the pictures I've seen.

JPeterman Profile Photo
#413Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:47pm

LxDstv ..... I have seen the show multiple times. I have sat all over the theatre but the majority of the time with on stage seating,  The TN table are some of THE BEST seats in the entire theatre.  Seat TN 1 has a very involved interaction with one of the characters.  You will be very happy with TN 2 as well.  Don't think twice about your decision to sit at TN, it is a fantastic table.  The telecharge rep who was critical of on stage seating is an imbecile. 


Regarding the restrooms, you cannot leave the stage seating during the show unless it is a full blown emergency, and if you do, you cannot return to your seat,  At intermission, you can walk down the stairs into the orchestra section rather than back down the long hallway you entered from, and then you proceed to the bathrooms just like someone sitting in the orchestra.  But yes ... you will have a long bathroom line,  But it is worth it 10x over because your seat at TN is AWESOME!!


Updated On: 7/27/17 at 10:47 PM

#414Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:48pm

Stage Door Sally said: "Here is a link to a shot of TN 2,3.  Looks good!



Yes! Thank you, now I'm excited!! I must have lucked out because it was not premium pricing...

#415Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:52pm

Rest assured because you've got great seats! I've seen the show once on the stage and twice in the rear mezz. The stage seats I had (TQ) were by far my favorite and well worth the splurge! You can sit in the orch or mezz of any other show on Broadway so this will be a nice change of scenery for you. At table TN you'll have a good view of everything and you'll be right near the stairs and old Prince Bolkonsky. I also remember Lucas Steele playing violin in that area during Act II. You'll be much more likely to get perogies and/or egg shakers, pages of War and Peace, love letters, etc than the orch or mezz. The bathroom line gets insanely long but when you sit on stage you have to be back in your seat before everyone else so definitely notify staff if you're cutting it close. Your seats will be amazing and I hope you have an awesome time!

#416Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:58pm

LxGstv said: "Thank you so much for answering, I always have bathroom anxiety during intermission so I'm glad to know it's easy just going down the stage into the orchestra!"

Just don't try going down the center steps, those get blocked off with a chain but sometimes people try before the stagehands get there. If you're female and they let you (my luck has varied) go up the rear stairs by the 46th St exit (stage right) because it'll put you right at the ladies room door. But that might only work if you're quick, once the line starts forming upstairs that becomes the preferred exit route back down and you are directed to cross the rear orchestra, go around the bar, and up the steps on the other side (which is where the men's room is).

Updated On: 7/27/17 at 10:58 PM

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#417Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/27/17 at 10:59pm

I honestly cannot believe this nonsense.  In no way shape or form would it be better to sit in the mez than to miss out on sitting on the stage for this show .... especially since you have a child with you.  The story will be very difficult for her to follow, but the action and interaction right in front of her on the stage will more than make up for it. ABSOLUTELY get stage seats if you can.  Your telecharge rep was an imbecile.

I'm okay with this. If the girl wants to see this show again, and sit onstage, she will. She saw Dolly twice, she saw Matilda twice. However, my husband is also part of this group and he does not care about getting a pierogi tossed to him, or other interaction at the expense of seeing the show. I will hear about it from him forever. So, this is a compromise. Was not an easy decision, but if it backfires, it's fixable.

youwillbefound2 Profile Photo
#418Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/28/17 at 1:23am

Has anyone sat at seats BC1-5? They're in the banquette on stage. I know it's not toward the center aisle so we won't get interaction but are these seats good/worth it in general?

#419Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/28/17 at 6:56am

youwillbefound2 said: "Has anyone sat at seats BC1-5? They're in the banquette on stage. I know it's not toward the center aisle so we won't get interaction but are these seats good/worth it in general?"

I've been 3 times - my first time was in BC1, 2nd time was TN3, 3rd time was BA8. I think BC1 was actually my least favorite of the 3. The view of one staircase was blocked by a wall to your right. But I also like high interaction, so there being little to no real interaction in that seat could have something to do with it. But, if you're okay with no interaction and don't mind not seeing the staircase, I would definitely say it is still a good spot. My favorite seat so far was TN3. Close to ALL the action. Right in the center of it! I'm going back again on my birthday and have TO1. I'm expecting it to have high interaction! 

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#420Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/28/17 at 7:19am

Sally. .

I'm sure your seats will be spectacular. (And the mezz is not without interaction)


Just a word about stage seats...yes, from the photos it seems like you are watching from the wings. Comet isn't staged traditionally so there is seldom a time where you are on the sidelines.  A moment here and there but that's true all over the theater. 


Our Mandy tix (which used to be Oak tix) are in the mezz, and I'm excited to be seeing it from a different angle. 

My son, who then bought replacement Oak tix, decided the extra $ to have stage seats was worth it.  His money, his choice.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#421Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/28/17 at 7:51am

Enjoy the show, Sally!! You have great seats and if you want to go to the stage door, you're in a good spot, as the stairs next to the women's bathroom (which you'll be near) practically land you right on top of the SD. 

Someone else mentioned how they warn you that if you sit onstage, you can't leave until intermission. My 9 year old has a bladder of steel and it wouldn't be a concern, but while it's never been an issue for my 7 year old yet, I wanted to make sure we could easily leave if he needed to. 

Personally, if it were just adults, I'd choose stage seating, but with my own young kids, front mezz was the way to go.  My sister has seen it from rear and front mezz and banquettes, and she prefers front mezz. My husband has been in the banquettes with me in the aisle seats both times and he found the interaction uncomfortable; I, on the other hand, loved it. 

#422Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/28/17 at 8:16am

For those worried about on stage, I've seen it twice (going in august for Patinkin) and I've done on stage every time. I've done the banquettes, the sunken tavern stage right, and am doing sunken tavern stage left this time. 

I always tell myself I am going to do the mezzanine so I can get the full view of the stage, but sitting on stage is an experience like none other. It's something no other show can replicate so I will continue to sit on the stage. 

Nothing will beat Josh Groban walking down the stairs playing the accordion a foot away from me. And nothing can top Balaga sliding across the stage right into my arms sitting in the sunken tavern. I'll sacrifice a little of the big view for experiences like that. 

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#423Pizza Slice?
Posted: 7/28/17 at 9:01pm

All the angst, all the effort, all wasted.

Thank you to everyone on this thread for showing a true spirit of kindness and helpfulness.

Looks like I will be calling beloved Telecharge tomorrow for a refund.


#424Center Orchestra Row C
Posted: 7/30/17 at 9:17am

I have a friend who is considering sitting in center orch row c and is wondering if the view is good. I have never sat in the orchestra so i don't know much. Any opinions?
