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Great Score, Shame About The Book- Page 3

Great Score, Shame About The Book

antonijan Profile Photo
#50re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 7:45am

Was it the same on tour?

If you ask me it's a snoozer!

mallardo Profile Photo
#51re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 8:07am

Obviously the Piazza book wasn't changed for the tour. It's a great libretto. Ditto, Parade. The book was improved in London but it was always good.

As for Gone With The Wind, the book worked pretty well until they got into the second act where it sprawled out of control. The score was just mundane.

For a show with the good-score/bad-book syndrome see Marguerite, now playing in London. Michel Legrand's music is gorgeous, as the world will learn if they ever get around to an OCR. The book kills the show.

Faced with these Loreleis, what man can moralize!

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#52re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 9:26am

The Secret Garden.

Yes, I realize it won the Tony for Best Book but the book is banal and expositional and kills the momentum built up by the otherwise wonderful score. The book scenes are devoid of direction and energy and grind the show to a halt, particularly the simplistic comedy of the scenes with Martha and Dickon.

#53re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 10:34am

Secret Garden could have been a great show with about 15 minutes cut out.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#54re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 11:30am

The Baker's Wife

Since when does The Frogs have a great score? The book, though substantially better in the revival than the original, was practically the only thing it had going for it.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#55re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 11:32am

There were not Bush jokes every five seconds. There were 2 Bush jokes in the first act. Obviously two too many for you. You must be a Republican or a humorless teenage girl.

#56re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 12:02pm

I agree on Marguerite, its like someone took Moulin Rouge (which is based on the same Dumas story) and took all the subplots and anything deep, meaningful or interesting out.

#57re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 12:17pm

Eh, I still think that Parade's book is weak compared to the score. Maybe it's because the score is so great. But, to each their own.

LitP has a fantastic book. See the movie and you'll see what a disaster the show could have been. re: Great Score, Shame About The Book

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

luke-h*** Profile Photo
#58re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 12:22pm

Bat Boy

I think the story
is good, but written
badly. I think the
music is good, but the
lyrics to almost all
of teh songs are quite
bad as well. Good Score,
Bad Lyrics, Bad Book,
Good Story.

THEATRE 2016: Grey Gardens; SwkPlayhouse, Cats; London Palladium, Into the Woods; Royal Exchange, Show Boat; Sheffield Crucible, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, Prsicilla Queen of the Desert; UK Tour, Narrative; RWCMD, Mojo; RWCMD, The Barber of Seville; WNO, Rabbit Hole; Hampstead, The Marriage of Figaro; WNO, Figaro Gets a Divorce; WNO, Tom: The Musical; UK Tour Upcoming: Anything Can Happen; RWCMD, Cysgy'n Brys'ur, Long Day's Journey Into Night; Bristol Old Vic, Only the Brave, The Caretaker; The Old Vic, People Places and Things, Blue/Orange; Young Vic, Bernadette Peters, Carole King, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts I & II

#59re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 12:32pm

Parade? Really?

The reason it was so black and white was because that's how the real-life case was. There were massive amounts of evidence that would have cleared Leo's name, but it was disregarded because he was Jewish. Doing it any other way would have detracted from the fact that the writers were hammering that point home... that this man was wrongfully accused, wrongfully imprisoned, and wronfully murdered. It's a tragedy at heart.

And luke-h***... you obviously missed the point of Bat Boy.

#60re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 12:53pm

No, it wasn't black and white. There were Jewish people on the jury. There was racism on both sides--many people believed that Frank couldn't be guilty just because he was white. There was a hurried and therefore botched police investigation due to outside pressure--this is why they did not notice the evidence in the elevator shaft--and a poorly done autopsy (it was done after the body was enbalmed). There were numerous recantations and confusion about whether Frank was really in his office at the time of the murder--Monteen Stover said that he was gone when she came in, for instance. In fact, claims of anti-Semitism only alienated the southerners and hurt Frank, because people felt "Oh, just because he's Jewish, we shouldn't punish him for a murder?" Parade doesn't even touch upon the most important testimonies or even importance evidence like the murder notes, instead focusing on the character witnesses and testimonies about Frank's supposedly deviant behavior.

It also overemphasizes Leo's "Jewishness" and Lucille's "Southerness." Lucille used Yiddish words, for instance, and Leo was born in Texas. During the day of the Memorial Day Parade, he had planned to go to a baseball game--he wasn't against celebrating it like in the musical.

Though Frank was most likely innocent, it wasn't as black and white as "Oh, he's Jewish, he had to have killed her."

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 6/18/08 at 12:53 PM

#61re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 1:32pm

In case you didn't know, PARADE book writer Alfred Uhry has a connection to the case. His granmother - the inspiration for the title character in DRIVING MISS DAISY, was a close friend of Lucille Frank in her later years.

StephenSondheimWHOO Profile Photo
#62re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 1:50pm

Most Sondheim/Lapine shows, I think James Lapine writes the worst books, it's like he has no idea what people actually sound like.

logan0215 Profile Photo
#63re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 2:34pm

My ONLY problem with PIAZZA, and it's a biggie, is Fabrizio's mother's address to the audience "I know I don't speak English, but I have to tell you what's going on" -- followed by her song in English.


Way to destroy what up to that moment was a stunning, near perfect musical.

Are you for ****ing real? That's probably one of the most brilliant moments in the show / musical. The tension of the second act opener had to be broken and Patti's delivery was so spot-on.


I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

Weez Profile Photo
#64re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 2:41pm

I'm fine with Signora Nacarelli breaking the fourth wall like that. It's in the middle of a highly dramatic theatrical song, so works well in that context, and works much better than most of Margaret's little asides. Some of Margaret's monologues are fine, but the little asides just don't sit right with me somehow.

Other than those, I think the book's fine. :3

Updated On: 6/18/08 at 02:41 PM

logan0215 Profile Photo
#65re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 2:46pm

I love Margaret's asides...

Maybe it only came off well when Victoria did it, but some of the lines were a pisser.

"You have NO idea what it does to me to see her happy like this..."

Some of them were awkward but I think it was actually the underscoring during them that caused that.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#66re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 3:01pm

The story of Piazza stinks...that was the only problem I had with it.
Retarded girl pawned off as younger than she is in a foreign country? Creepy!
Glorious score, wonderful performances, amazing design... lousy book.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

#67re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 3:35pm

LitP does have a bad story, I will admit there. But the book does a good job with it, considering.

Jon: I am aware of that, and I am not saying that they did not know the real story. I understand that they had to make cuts and add things to make the story more entertaining and fit the musical format. I just feel that some of these decisions weren't the best, and the book suffered because of it.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 6/18/08 at 03:35 PM

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#68re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 3:46pm

I actually liked the Little Mermaid's score (although not a "great" score, but I thought the book was mediocre and didn't like the changes they eliminating Vanessa.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#69re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 3:50pm

Am I the only one captivated by PIAZZA's highly intricate study of love, which to me is the real story? The seasons of love, as describe in "Octet." Love passes through different phases- different seasons- which, as is spectacularly presented in book, score and direction, is exemplified in the 4 relationships (Clara/Fabrizio, the Naccarellis, Margaret/Tom, Franca/Guiseppe.) That's what I get from that show, and WOW- it hits me in the perfect spot.

But I do agree about that moment in "Auitami." It would help if what she is saying in English was actually very important. Although it does set up her relationship with her husband (suspicion etc.-- a "season" of love), it just seems irrelevant at the moment.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#70re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 3:53pm

Retarded girl pawned off as younger than she is in a foreign country? Creepy!

The story is set in the 50s, so the attitudes of the characters and their situations really made sense. Even though the daughter wasn't born that way, any type of disability or retardation was viewed as something shameful and/or freakish. It seemed as if it was the only way the mother could offer her daughter a semblence of a normal life in an unforgiving society. And the mother's overprotectiveness of her daughter was fed by her crumbling relationship with her own husband. She was desperately clinging on to the only family she had left. Had the story been set in a more modern decade, then I could understand the derision, but as it was presented, I never found it creepy. Sad and pitiful at times, but not creepy.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#71re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 3:58pm

I wonder if all the people who keep proclaiming in this thread and especially other recent Funny Girl threads that Funny Girl's book is so horrid have actually ever seen it, or just read it (or heard that it was bad).

It's not that bad. Perfectly acceptable. The book is no Gypsy or West Side Story and might be on the high end of mediocre, but it is by no means bad.

I saw a community theater production of it, and really enjoyed it. The Fanny was great (considering it was community and Babs wasn't available!)

The Little Mermaid does have a great score--at least the songs from in the movie. The book is atrocious.

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#72re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 4:02pm

I wouldn't compare GYPSY and WEST SIDE STORY. GYPSY's book is flawless. WEST SIDE STORY, while a near-perfect musical, does suffer from some pretty dumb writing, especially between Maria and Tony. However, the musical is brilliant and is hardly even affected.

Just saying.

#73re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 4:11pm

Interestingly enough, Clara is only mildly retarded, since she has the mental age of 10 years old.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

bwayboi4life42 Profile Photo
#74re: Great Score, Shame About The Book
Posted: 6/18/08 at 4:15pm

The book to Funny Girl is dull and doesn't flow well. The changes that were made for the movie were huge improvements.

"I believe that art does not exist only to entertain, but also to challenge one to think, to provoke, even to disturb, to engage in a constant search for the truth." - Barbra Streisand
