Auggie, maybe for people in town. The bridge and tunnel crowd isn't gonna go in on a freezing day.
"people enjoy going more when it's cold because you fight cabin fever"
If it made people want to go more, Broadway shows wouldnt be making the least amount of money during this time of year.
Phillypinto, First, if you have not seen it (I thought I remembered that you had seen it at Papermill) then your cheerleading is even more whack than I thought. Second, if you are not willing to understand the numbers then you cannot intelligently discuss what they show. It is like saying the earth is flat because you don't want to sit down and read De Revolutionibus Orbeum Coaelestium. Finally, if you had ANY idea about the numbers, you would never say the show can be a hit because it cannot except in the sort of deluded pipedream you are vacationing in.
And finally finally, the winter is obviously slower than the spring, but if you look at the business being done by other shows, you will see what you are blind to-that they can't give away tickets to this one. That's too bad, but it happens in show business. Folks make theatre, folks make films, folks make records. Some sell, some don't. And when they don't, you move on.
Updated On: 2/26/15 at 10:52 AM
The bridge and tunnel folks come into this town every day, every season, every year. I've never witnessed a significant seasonal drop in that. Larchmont, Hicksville, and Montclair are dull places whose citizens long for excitement and entertainment year-round.
But they don't appear to long for Tony Danza or Jason Robert Brown.
Updated On: 2/26/15 at 11:10 AM
Are you referring to Montclair, NJ? Montclair is a mecca for fine and performing arts and culture in northern NJ. Sure, it's not Broadway, but it's an extremely diverse and cultured area.
LOL less people go to the theatre when it is freezing!! The numbers show that! If you are trying to convince me that the weather has nothing to do with it, you're a fool
Hogan, they are going to start making money soon. Im not even talking about specific numbers like you. You would be a terrible producer because you would give up on your show if it didn't make money in the beginning months in the winter! You're gonna see I'm right
No one is arguing that weather is a factor. They're arguing your silly logic that weather is the ONLY reason and that it's possible for this show to magically become a hit once the sun comes out.
You say you're not rooting for this show but you never shut up about how "wrong" everyone is for being logical and realistic. You keep saying how "it can" and "it's happened before" but can't give a list of shows to back up your points, or lack thereof.
Props for sticking it out this long, though. You're very dedicated to this show...and thinking you're always right, apparently.
Phillypinto, FYI 14 weeks of grosses ~ 47.7% this past week
Philly looking objectively at the numbers, the mere existence of a negative seasonal factor at present does not represent evidence that the show is capable of achieving a break-even point, due to the improving weather.
Looking at previous years sales, they typically tend to head back towards average weekly sales, by around late March. If the show were to get a thirty per cent boost in revenues by the end of the next month as a result of the removal of the seasonal 'drag' on its sales (a huge boost) it would still in all probability not bring it to break-even. For it to succeed there would have to be some other 'catch on' factor at work other than the weather, and that still leaves it several months short of the Tonys. So, it doesn't look as if this one's a runner.
The "bridge and tunnel crowd" actually make their living in NYC, rumors to the contrary. And taste categorized accordingly. They don't all work at strip malls or post-war 3-story office buildings. It's always odd how people in the tri-state area are categorized thus (they live in the tri-state area because it affords them a wonderful living; they eat iin Manhattan restaurants year-round, and go to more than the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, too, shockingly enough). This morning I had to hear on the View, without irony, about women in "fly over states" looking less beautiful than others. I think if the boorish bridge and tunnel crowd and the ugly broads in the fly over states got together there would be revolution.
But they still wouldn't wanna see "Honeymoon in Vegas."
"Props for sticking it out this long, though. You're very dedicated to this show...and thinking you're always right, apparently"
what does that even mean? I am right lmao. You guys are the ones that said this show would have been closed by now. Um guess what? Its not.
Since you say i can't shut up about it, then I'm assuming you've read my other posts. There are examples in there of shows that lost a lot of money like GGLM
Stand-by Joined: 5/22/14
Just ignore PhillyPinto. He/She is an ignorant dolt. Don't feed the troll!
JaglinSays, you're just jealous because people on here pay attention to me. loserrrrrr
"JaglinSays, you're just jealous because people on here pay attention to me. loserrrrrr"
People pay attention to you because your immaturity and ignorance is breathtaking. People pay attention to the drunk mumbling incoherently on the subway platform as well. If that's the type of attention you crave where people just roll their eyes at how dumb your comments are, then more power to you. As you always say, LOLOLOL.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I really need to get "they are going to start making money soon" on a t-shirt.
Didn't Philly once claim that he worked in the industry lol?
LOL you call my comments ignorant, then you must think that all the producers of honeymoon in vegas are ignorant too. And I am in the industry
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
You just told me in the King and I thread that you're 19. You can't really be "in the industry" when you're 19. Unless you're a Newsie.
Also I *do* actually think the producers of Honeymoon are ignorant. So there.
Updated On: 2/26/15 at 02:35 PM
Being a merch boy or something similar is not working "in the industry."
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Maybe he works for TodayTix.
I've done summer stock, and other things here and there. Plus big stuff coming up. Don't you kiddies worry, you're gonna see me performing very soon
I've done summer stock, and other things here and there. Plus big stuff coming up. Don't you kiddies worry, you're gonna see me performing very soon
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
"you're gonna see me performing very soon"
Or maybe people won't. Like not-seeing Honeymoon.
Kiddies? You're nine-f*cking-teen. You're the only kiddie here.
lol yeah because 19 is so young. You know how many great artists have started young? Do you? Do you???