Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
"summer stock, and other things" does not mean you're in the industry.
yes i am because I'm always auditioning, and getting close to big things. Just you wait :)
lol yeah because 19 is so young. You know how many great artists have started young? Do you? Do you???
Younger than the majority of posters on here that you tried to refer to as "kiddies." You're an entitled brat who's going to get a harsh reality check the day you try to get anywhere in the industry.
Do you know how many artists have started young and didn't get anywhere? DO YOU? You're not Karen Cartwright. Even Karen Cartwright wasn't Karen Cartwright. Get a grip.
Pinto: "Im not even talking about specific numbers like you."
I know; that's the problem. you say "they are going to start making money soon." Let's play that out. Let's assume that effective immediately, instead of selling tickets at the ridiculously low 29.07% of the gross potential, as they did last week, they sell at 100% of gross potential-$1,159,440. At that astonishing level of turnaround (an irrational fairy tale, but let's go with it) it will take them until the week of October 19 to "start making money." If you assume a more reasonable but deliriously rosy increase-that they double the business they are currently doing, then they will "start making money" in January of 2017-the winter after next when, according to you, audiences stay home and toast marshmallows in the fireplace. And then what happens?
If you cannot see the inherent insanity of what you are saying, there is really no point in trying to knock sense into your head. And if your definition of a bad producer is one who can't figure out when he or she should close a show because he or she doesn't "talk about specific numbers" and just dreams in some alternate universe, then yes sign me up as a bad producer.
LOL the ****k? You don't know who i am!!! There isn't going to be any rude awakening. Believe me, I've had my share of rejection! Goodness!!
Plot twist: Phillypinto is actually Tony Danza, disguised as a teenage fan trying to gather support for Honeymoon.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
"LOL you call my comments ignorant, then you must think that all the producers of honeymoon in vegas are ignorant too. And I am in the industry"
You're right, there are a lot of people in the industry who think the producers of Honeymoon in Vegas are ignorant and are totally amazed that they continue to throw money at it. I won't speak to their chances of a nomination for a best musical Tony, but there is virtually no chance of their winning.
You say if they get nominated and get to perform then things will turn around. But they weren't able to leverage an appearance on the Thanksgiving Day Parade into increased ticket sales, and far more people watch that than watch the Tony Awards telecast. And the folks who do typically tune into the Tony Awards broadcast are the people who have already failed to show any interest in seeing this show.
Asking people how many programs they need is not "doing summer stock". I'm going to guess the closest you've actually come to doing summer stock is milking cows on a dude ranch (livestock pinto,... get it?)
you're funny fisherman
>>LOL the ****k? You don't know who i am!!! There isn't going to be any rude awakening. Believe me, I've had my share of rejection! Goodness!! <<
Phil...don't tempt people. Google is not your friend.
ggersten, what am i tempting people to do? I never claimed to be a big broadway star with lots of info on google! Oh boy!
What does it matter if the people on here like me or not. I give my opinion, if people don't like it, thats fine!
There is a difference between ignorant and nuts. There are very non-ignorant producers involved in Honeymoon; I know several of them pretty well. But currently the continuation of the show is not in the hands of these individuals. And there is quite a bit of evidence that the continuation of this lost cause is the product of some pathologies that are unfortunate but that exist in the real world. Part of the maturation process is learning to identify those pathologies, and making sure you keep your distance from them both physically and intellectually. I wish you well as a performer if that's your aim; the only advice along that line I can give you is that you will end up a lot happier if you learn a lesson from what you have done in this thread, because in my experience, which is considerably more than yours, actors who get this emotionally involved in the fortunes of shows (and if that's true of shows you are involved in, it goes doubly for those you watch from the sidelines) end up getting hurt. And when you get hurt, your work suffers. And when your work suffers, you end up as one of those "whatever happened to" people. Don't be that person.
This whole discussion is starting to sound like Holler If Ya Hear Me's financial issues.
At least they had the sense to close.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Holler if you Hear Me is gonna start making money soon. I just know it. You're gonna see I'm right.
Updated On: 2/26/15 at 04:22 PM
Holler's producers seem smart after this mess.
lol it just cracks me up that hoganshero is speaking as if they are closing
But they ARE closing, Philly. Eventually. Every show does.
Except Phantom.
Phantom will close eventually too.
When we're all dead, probably.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
I don't know; Phantom has only had a 54% gross average this year so far compared to Lion King's 97%. My bet's on Lion King outlasting Phantom.
Pinto, I never predict when a show is going to close, because there are crazy people involved who can keep it open if the landlord doesn't need the theatre and they have more money than brains. But I have said (as has everyone else except you) that Honeymoon should have closed a long time ago. And so should On the Town. And soon I will be saying the same about Gigi and maybe a few others.
That's it. I am convinced that Phillypinto is actually an Andy Kaufman-esque comic genius here to mess with everyone's mind. I am officially a fan. Long live Phillypinto!!!!
Im not trying to mess with anybody's mind. They are staying open til Tonys...thats what I've been saying for months now but nobody wants to listen to me