I hope your critical reading skills of scripts is better than your message board reading skills.
I haven't doublechecked all the posts - but, I believe you are erroneous. Most people are not saying Honeymoon is definitely positively going to close last week, this week or next week. Most people are simply saying they don't see or understand how the show is staying open with the financial numbers it is posting. It is not about the quality of the show, the actors, the score, the sets, lighting, costumes or orchestra.
Only the producers know how much money they set aside for the slow times - but they also know what kind of advance they have sold for the next two months until Tony nominations come out. You can look on Ticketmaster and get a sense of an advance for random dates. I checked some Saturday evenings in mid-March (Spring Break time) and center orchestra is sold - but that's about it.
Simply, you are not "right" - and others are not "wrong". Also, lay off the profanity. Seriously. If you want to play on this board, play nice.
I'm gonna try to help Philly with this because I am his (or her?) number one super fan.
Nobody is challenging (or cares) whether you are right or wrong. TRULY. We all know the show is still running because we are humans with eyes, ears, and brains. And could it run through the Tonys? I suppose. Sure! Nobody knows... not even your friends, the Producers. Example... There are a handful of shows that thought they would run for a while when Hurricane Sandy hit and that one act of God alone put shows out of their theater before the Producers expected and wanted them to close. So you could be right and you could be wrong. And as for your other source, actors are the last to know when a show is closing... TRUST ME.
Philly, what is at the core of everyone's argument that you are fighting so hard against is not that it will or will not close but that good business sense dictates that it SHOULD close. That such a move would be the responsible thing from a business perspective.
Now could they get a big handful of Tonys and reinvigorate their BO? Sure. Anything is possible... like winning the lottery. However the chances of that happening are SOOOO SMALL that what many on here are saying is that it would not make any business sense to roll those dice.
Please understand Philly, you sweet sweet soul whose name I can't wait to see in lights, I have no horse in this race. I do not wish for the show to close. I have not seen the show yet. I have no ill will. I even know people involved and love those people and want them to have jobs forever. I am only explaining to you what makes sense from a purely business perspective and I am not concerned with who is right or wrong. Those are immature concerns and at the end of the day (especially on an anonymous message board) nobody gives a ****... or should. Y'know what I'm saying?
NO, you guys think the show should close, and I'm saying it shouldn't, and it won't. Thats what the disagreement is about. And you are not telling me whats right from a business perspective because half of business is about risk anyway !
Oh you sweet sweet sweet child. You are adorable.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Maybe you can find his missing binky.
thats funny coming from someone named pootie
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Philly knows way more about business than we do, you guys. He knows everything.
I love this show and have seen it twice since it opened and even I am questioning why its still running. I find it a shame that it isn't selling but the numbers don't lie and am actually surprised that it's held on this long. I don't know how much longer they can go on.
Maybe the producers are just holding out until February is over? To see if things will play out differently in March? Who knows. My guess for a closing date will be March 15.
thank you
"NO, you guys think the show should close, and I'm saying it shouldn't, and it won't. Thats what the disagreement is about. And you are not telling me whats right from a business perspective because half of business is about risk anyway !"
My favorite post on this message board ever. I may even make it my signature.
So this is what Rosie sounded like backstage at Taboo...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I say we all make PhillyPinto signatures, n2nbaby.
Pinto, since you seem to spend more time here than in your studies for school, here is a bit of education for you.
The chance that an investment's actual return will be different than expected. Risk includes the possibility of losing some or all of the original investment. Different versions of risk are usually measured by calculating the standard deviation of the historical returns or average returns of a specific investment. A high standard deviation indicates a high degree of risk.
Broadway investing is high risk investing. But the situation with Honeymoon is not about risk at this point, it is about throwing money down the toilet. The priority loans that are sustaining the show now-in the range of $3 million and heading up at the rate of close to a million a month-have no rational explanation in risk management analysis: it is like investing in an oil well everyone knows is dry. It is not about the "possibility" of losing some or all of the original investment [that would be risk]; it is about the certainty of losing some or all of the investment. The standard deviation for the investment is literally off the chart. But you won't look at the numbers, you say. And that tells us one thing: you are irrational. Why would someone "listen to you" when what you are saying makes no sense at all? Why would you want to be embarrassed in the way you are? My guess is that you are a troll, and my guess is that you are not 19, but closer to 9. If you are in fact in college, and have career aspirations in the theatre, you should get down on your hands and knees and hope no one ever figure out that you are Phillypinto, because no one would ever cast the persona that has manifested in this thread.
yes because I've really shown off my singing, acting, and dancing abilities in this thread, Hogan.
Also, please bore someone else with your long posts.
I can't believe we're still on about this.
would you please, please, please share your singing, acting, and dancing talents with us!?!? I would love it so much!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
^That's all he has been doing, Hackasaurus_Rex; plugging his ears and singing "falalala," dancing around the subject, and acting knowledgeable.
@HogansHero next time you write a long post, please include pictures to hold the attention of everyone. Some of our attention spans are much, much, much, much, much, MUCH lower than some. It really isn't nice to discriminate.
I love this show - I just want to know the closing date - so I can grab a ticket to the final performance. That might sound harsh - but, believe me when I say, that I hope the closing will not be until it beats Phantom as longest running musical. Hoping it will run long enough so that Lady Gaga can take over the role of Betsy.
Updated On: 2/27/15 at 02:18 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
^ No worries, it won't run that long.
You guys think the show should close and I'm saying it shouldn't and it won't!!! Updated On: 2/27/15 at 03:05 PM
I do not want this show to close as I truly like it (a lot). But I think that the writing is on the wall...and I am saddened by that. I feel that this show deserves an audience and those performers deserve to play to a reasonably filled house each night. The marketing team is to blame for this.
Updated On: 2/27/15 at 03:39 PM
I'll never understand that oft-sung refrain, "this show deserves an audience."
How does any show "deserve" anything? Why does anyone "owe" anything to a show?
Don't worry, I heard from the producers that they are going to run until April and if (AND THEY WILL) they get nominated for Best Musical, it will be running until the end of time! Yahoo!