I think that if you want to audition and you aren't necessairily one of the three parts that you should go anyways! Who knows what will happen really!! I agree with bright! This thread has been very helpful and I'm not nearly as scared as I was to go...so thanks :) :)
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
I woke up this morning amazingly sick. My breathing is out of whack and I'm coughing up a storm. My friend Nick listened to me practice the audition and he told me to go anyway... He's a professional stage manager (he practically yelled at me with this) and says that they know and understand that people get sick and that they aren't expecting perfection.
Now I get to decide if I want to try to get there (We're expecting a snow storm) and audition, or if I should just wait for the Baltimore auditions (they said they're trying to schedule them) and hope they aren't the day of my friend's wedding.
Gah! This is no good. I'm afraid to go tomorrow and screw up my chances by being absolutely terrible, but I'm afraid that if I don't go, I'll lose the chance completely.
I know, I'm quite a drama queen... But... I'm also quite sick. *cough*
Anywayyyyyyy! Good luck to everyone who auditions (and who has already auditioned). Hopefully I'll get better and see some of you tomorrow :)
AshleyMichelle--You might want to get yourself some Airborne tonight, drink GALLONS of water, go to sleep early and decide in the morning if you want to go.
Break a leg everyone!
is there any news as far as the storm goes on what theyre gonna do about the auditions.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
YankeeGal#24: I've been drinking GALLONS of water since I woke up! And tea that has absolutely nothing in it. And I've got a nebulizer and humidifier going. None are helping at all.
TonyaFanatic: I'd like to know what's going on with the storm too... It's supposed to hit my area pretty bad (8-12 inches), which is enough to shut down my town entirely. In an odd kind of way, I'm hoping they reschedule. Even though, the way the weather around here works, we hardly ever get half of what they say is coming.
Oh no AshleyMichelle! So sorry! Let us know what you decide to do. Whatever's meant to be, will be
if you cant make it send in a tape.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I'll probably end up sending the tape if I can't go to NYC tomorrow (and if they schedule Baltimore at an inopportune time).. I just wanted to actually GO, because I send tapes for everything else, I'd like to actually do a live audition for change :)
Plus, my aunt and I are organizing all of this without my mom knowing (I know, it's quite Tracy like, really... My mom doesn't want me to do things until she knows I could actually do it. She wouldn't let me audition for a local show because she didn't want me to get my hopes crushed. I auditioned without her, got the part, and she said "Well, if I knew you'd get the part, I would've let you go." Difference between me and Tracy: My mom isn't played by a man :P)... So my mom doesn't understand why I'm so upset about being sick.
Woo, it seems I'm starting to just use this thread to rant about my problems. Done now :)
So in a way your mom IS like Edna, who says "If I knew you was gonna get on the show, I never would have said you couldn't" LOL!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Exactly :)
So while I really don't have incredible odds in my favor, I've got the fact that I'm practically Tracy personafied. My friend and I wrote an entire essay on how Hairspray was based on my life before I lived it. My teacher said the similarities scared him :P Then he said he wanted to meet my mother so that he could be sure that she wasn't actually a man.
Life is fun :) Except the difference is that I have yet to get the guy, and where Tracy is a young activist for integration, I'm a young activist for gay rights.
It was weird when I first saw the show without really knowing what it was about... I was like "Hey! That's my life up there!" Now I love it.
Oh man this weather has my nerves shot...in a wa yI hope they reschedule too, as i'm JUST starting to get a tickle in my throat. Ugh! I don't know, I guess i'll see when I wake up. If anyone wants so say hi, i'll be wearing a mossy greey sweater, brown slacks, and a light blue coat!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
My school had a bomb scare on Monday that left us outside without coats for two hours. I have no immune system, so on Tuesday, I got that tickle in my throat. Wednesday, I was coughing a little bit. Thursday, my breathing started to get worse. Today, I woke up and I couldn't breathe at all. Nebulizers are life savers. Literally.
So I'm definitely not going tomorrow (wahhhh), so hopefully they get the Baltimore call scheduled. I really don't want to do a video... I like to meet people :)
Hey guys, just letting you know at the appointments they had on Tuesday, they were seeing people for both Penny and Amber as well. So I encourage all you skinny girls to go audition too!! Even if you aren't right specifically for the call, you never know if they will have some movie in the future that you will be right for. My theory is to be seen by as many people as possible. Everyone break a leg tomorrow!!! The casting people are soooo nice. Also remember to dress warm!!! (Now I sound like my mother)!!!
broadway sassy~ haha! thanks for the encouraging news for the "skinny girls" :)
y'all....what's your opinion. if i know i won't be considered for tracy, should i still sing good morning baltimore, or should i sing a Penny piece or should i sing something not from the show? ah! this thread has been a lifesaver!
break a leg to those auditioning tomorrow! you are in my thoughts and prayers and i so wish that the weather holds off.
Forever redhead,
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/03
I hope the NYC auditions go well for everyone who is there today! Also, if anybody knows anything about future call back stuff please let me know! When I finished my call back, they told me it would probably be a month or 2 but I was just wondering if anybody else heard anything more specific! Thanks!
This may have already been discussed or posted somewhere, but does anybody know if they'll be having any auditions in Canada?
Good auditions everyone!!
Updated On: 2/11/06 at 03:09 PM
I hope everyone who went to the audition today blew the casting directors/producers/whoever away!
And I have a question for those who have auditioned: Did you use a character voice or your normal singing voice?
Wow, what a day...waited in line FOREVER, met some really cool people, dealt with my soar throat and sang the best I could ,and didn't get a callback =*( I left my poor mom waiting for 45 minutes, it just took sooo long lol
most everyone used their normal voices, I used a bit of both so I guess use whatever u feel comfortable with!
So apparently the snow didn't stop most people? That looks like bad news for those who wanted a reschedule. There's always Chicago next weekend in case they don't have auditions in Baltimore.
Sorry to hear about your sore throat, E.I.Rent. About how many people were at the audition today?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/03
how many showed up? there had to be no more than 200 in Atlanta.
That number did surprise me when I read it in an earlier post. I would have thought many more than 200 for all three parts would have gone.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/03
i dont know, there was a lot of publicity for it. but since it is the South and not many people know about musicals, i guess it didn't spark an interest. who knows.
If they're potentially seeing girls for Penny and Amber as well, then how about singing 'Mama I'm A Big Girl Now', seeing as that song covers all three characters (which means you're less likely to get pigeon-holed according to your song choice) and is still from the show? ^_^
Good god DAMMIT I wish I were American sometimes.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
BananaFruitcake: I don't think the snow was supposed to be a problem today. It's tomorrow that the snow is supposed to be a problem. :/
Bwaybaby109: Wow, no more than 200? There were probably a lot more in New York since, well, it's New York :) Who knows..
I hope everyone's auditions went well :) I didn't go, obviously. My breathing got worse, so it didn't seem likely. I've got my camera ready, though, so I'll send in a tape as soon as I'm better. :)
I hope everybody who's not feeling too well gets better soon!