about 200 girls went to the NYC ones today, and i think... *think* ... 16 got call backs, if my calculations are right.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Wow, only sixteen? I would've though there would've been a lot more who would get called back in New York.
Understudy Joined: 10/9/05
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/03
wow 16 huh? i think there was like 20 of us who got called back.
congrats Lolly on yours! i hope it goes well!
Understudy Joined: 10/9/05
Thanks! I just read through this whole post right now...I don't usually post here but this one caught my eye since I just came back from it all...
So congrats on your callback!!!
And also I agree with what you said about most of the people who auditioned...there were a lot of little Ambers there who tried belting out GMB and sounded horrible and didn't look the part at ALL! It was VERY American idol in the sense that a lot of the people there were VERY braggy...like, oh I am soooo gonna get this...and then they sang and were horrible...! I was shocked, but I guess it was more people who just wanted to be in a movie rather than people who do musical theater haha.
It was a fun experience though, and I'll let you know if I find anything else out about future callbacks...
Time to go memorize!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/29/04
Wow, congratulations to everyone who got a callback! That's step one!
I really want to know about auditions for parts like Fender, Brad, Sketch, IQ, and Miscellaneous Gym Class Dodgeball Player #4. But seriously, I'm no Link, but I think I'd make a pretty good Corny Collins dancer. So if anybody has any information about auditions for the lesser parts, let me know!
And again, congrats to everyone who auditioned so far! Even auditioning is a brave thing to do. :)
Can anyone tell me how I would go about submitting a tape? I wanted to go today, but I wasn't feeling very well, and really had no way to get there. I'm glad to hear that they were seeing people for Penny as well.
Good luck those of y'all who got callbacks, or if you're waiting to audition in another city!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I know that they've called a few people to set up audition appointments... Has anyone here been called? And if so, what did the number show up as?
I got a call on my cell phone earlier that came up as "No Name," in other words it was a private number. Because I haven't had my phone long, I don't have my voice mail set up yet, so there was no message. The only people who have my number are my family, very few of my friends, and the casting people. So I'm panicking at the thought of missing a call from them and I was wondering if this was what the number shows up as.
I'd just call it back, but because of the private number, I can't call back because my phone didn't get a number.
awww sorry
yea if anyone hears of casting notices for the smaller parts please let us know!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/4/05
I didn't get called back. Sad but, honestly, the show is more my goal then the movie, ya know? They called back one Tracy in my group and I didn't think she was very good. Definetly not the best in the group. Did anyone else feel like they were calling back random people (lookwise). I mean, there was a girl in my group who was AMAZING and didn't get called back. She looked the role too.
Sorry you didn't get a call back, but it sounds like hardly anyone did today. I hope none of the people who were braggy got called back over the people who really care about musical theatre.
Understudy Joined: 10/9/05
There were some people who were really like...omg I am sooooooo good and whenever I audition for stuff I don't really talk to people...I don't like the braggy people because I always feel like they are trying to psych me out and so my coaches told me to just not talk to anyone.
But I did meet some really nice girls who were NOT like OMG I AM SOOOO GOOD haha, and I talked to them, and we were all together in line which was nice.
Most of the people there didn't look the part at all I think...too tall or just didn't have that bubbly Tracy little girl LOOK that she has to have...I've been seen/called back for the Broadway production numerous times but didn't think I'd have a chance for the movie...don't know why but I wasn't feeling it...but yeah, only the two of us from my group were called back and the other girl besides me, I knew she was going to be called back and I honestly didn't think anyone else was going to be...
We had one girl in our group who was like 5'7 and MAYBE 115 lbs lol. I was like ??!? Plus she really couldn't sing...haha... :-x
It was a fun experience though and not always based on talent...look has a huge factor in how they're casting this thing and they have an image in their mind of how they want Tracy to look...so while clearly you have to be able to sing...it's almost like that comes second which stinks if you have an amazing voice but don't have that young bubbly look.
But it's good for those of us with that young bubbly look...lol. This is the one time in my life that I'm glad I'm short, fat, and look 4 years younger than I am.
Updated On: 2/11/06 at 10:05 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/4/05
I met A LOT of great people today and a few who were wicked obnoxious. I guess you get a mixed bag.
Lolly, what were you wearing? Maybe I saw you.
Hey, to the girl who wanted to know about appointments.. I had one on Tuesday and there weren't that many people there. Diana DeGarmo was there along with the Little Inez from the Broadway production. Shannon Durig was there along with other people that have performed the role either on Broadway or on tour. Congrats to all of you who got a callback! That's so cool! For the girls submitting who are trying for Penny or Amber... they had the potential Pennys singing a cut from Without Love on Tuesday. I think the same goes for Amber.
Understudy Joined: 12/31/69
"Diana DeGarmo was there..."
Yessssssssss... I love Diana. Some people don't, but I think she's absolutely perfect for the part. When she was cast on Broadway, I was wondering if she'd be considered for the movie. It's great to know that she is!
Understudy Joined: 10/9/05
Dramadork, what number were you?? I was number 548 lol but I guess it was around 115 in non crazy number land...I was wearing a short ruffly denim skirt with a pink sweater and pink tennis shoes, and I'm like 4'11 and have dark blonde hair. You look familiar...wonder if I saw you!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/4/05
I was 572 and was wearing jeans and a black sweater. I was 141 in that crazy "These numbers don't matter" land. :)
Understudy Joined: 10/9/05
Hmmm so you were probably in the group RIGHT after mine I bet! Because I think mine went from 546-566, or 571, I can't remember if there were 20 or 25 people...how did it go for you?? I'm sure we saw each other.
And yeah some people I was talking to...the girls I got really friendly with, were SO nice and we exchanged emails and stuff...they were so sweet and we were all very supportive of each other!! ...and then there were these girls from somewhere in the south who were just SO full of themselves and I knew they were only doing it to psych people out...but they ended up being in my group and were not good at ALL...so it really is a mixed bunch. There was another girl I met who seemed sweet but it was her MOM that got to me...wayyyyy obnoxious stage mom who flipped out when her kid didn't get called back because they traveled so far and it 'wasn't fair' or something lol.
But I hope you had fun!! It was definitely an experience!! Haha.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/30/05
Yeah, they should have auditions in Canada.
A friend of mine (I've spoken about him before.. he was in the top 16 for Canadian Idol) wants to try out... at least, I want him to and he's just too lazy to actually put himself out there.. but he can't just go to NYC or Chicago when he's all the way up in Toronto.
So hopefully they can work something out? Can anyone give me an email where I could ask, and also I'd like to find out more about being in the backround... Toronto is like the ONLY convenient city for me, and it'd be awesome to be in Hairspray.
(Sorry if nothing above made sense, it's SO late.)
I believe the email given for casting information is fireflycasting@yahoo.com.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/29/04
Bah, I totally would e-mail and ask about such auditions like Fender (which I guarantee they don't have nation-wide searches, but I'd still like to know what they're doing with that role), but I know they probably get a bunch of those emails anyway. Still... I'd like to know the answer. :P
I'm gonna ask kind of a wimpy and personal question...
how is everyone dealing with all of the expectations put on you with these auditions?
I am (as I assume most people posting here who are auditioning for Tracy) someone who is that girl that is a great dancer but rarely gets to dance cause she's too big; I'm the cute one in the shows I do or the funny one; I'm the one with the great voice; but it's like, all of those, and being a big girl, rarely add up to a worthwhile role unless you have a director who casts on talent and isn't worried about looks. Now fortunately for me and many others, this wonderful role in Tracy Turnblad has come along. Ever since, everyone who knows me and what I do well but rarely get to showcase tells me all the time how I need to play Tracy. How it is perfect for me. How amazing I'd be.
But I'm far from the only bigger girl out there who can sing, be cute, act, be funny, and dance her ass off.
I cant' even count how many people emailed me or called to tell me about these auditions when they found out.
I just feel a lot of pressure to deliver - to come back and say "yeah, I got a callback" etc. It's starting to cloud my vision of how much I want to play this role for myself...I'm very good at keeping things in perspective and knowing that many times someone's just a better fit for something - but those around me expecting me to nail this (I think they don't realize jus thow many potentially incredible Tracy's there are in the world!) aren't so good at understanding that, y'know?
Just wondering if anyone else is dealing with this, and how they're handling it.
I'd much prefer to just go in there and do my best and have fun more than anything and be happy with what I did. Right now I'm just so stressed about the outcome that I know my audition is gonna be bad cause my mind is elsewhere.
Understudy Joined: 10/9/05
Just have fun!!!!!!!
I honestly went in there thinking it would be fun but was not expecting a callback and I think because I didn't put that pressure on myself, I had fun with my song and wasn't standing there shaking like some people. I was happy and bubbly and smiley and sang and thought if I don't get a callback, I went to a MAJOR audition with hundreds of other girls for a MOVIE, how cool is that!?...if I do get a callback...fantastic!
I think there is pressure...there is no other role that is more perfect for me than this, since I'm the short chubby bubbly girl who always always plays Ursula Merkle in BYE BYE BIRDIE and Jan in GREASE and ever other teenage girl in every show for teenagers. No escaping those roles haha. So everyone I know is like, YOU NEED TO BE SEEN FOR THIS!!!!!
I've been seen for Bway/tour a bunch of times...gotten callbacks here and there...but obviously not in the show yet and I'm like, there are a LOT of talented girls out there who can do this role and it's all a matter of being in the right place at the right time and having the earth's alignment all be in place, haha, ya know? My family, friends, coaches, etc all know I'm not the only girl going in for it...and they understand it's a tough role to get...hellooooo, lead role on Broadway, in a movie, what!? So there's definitely the pressure of making these people who believe in me feel proud...but you have to realize the odds are insane and that your family, friends, etc aren't EXPECTING you to get it.
Realistically, I don't think I'll get the movie. It can happen, anything can happen, but I just don't think I will get it. There are soooooo many girls going out for this...not only in the open calls, but girls who have played it, girls who have done other major professional things...so the chances of getting it are extremely slim...no matter how talented you are or how right you are for the part.
But it definitely helped me going in there with no expectations. I figured I'll sing my little heart out and see what happens...and it brought me a callback which I am excited and grateful for...but I'm gonna keep going through it with no expectations because I really DON'T expect anything major to come out of it.
Just try to keep things in perspective...realize that you are talented and you know you are, your friends know you are, and that's all that matters...and have fun and you'll be fine. They obviously want someone who has that fun personality in addition to the look, voice, etc. But don't be disappointed if you don't get a callback, or move further in the process after the callbacks because these are some crazy odds and there's one role for all of these hundreds of girls auditioning...and it's NOT up to you. The casting directors know what they want...you might be it. You might not be. Totally not anything you have control over, and that's how I think about it at ANY audition.
Thank you so much. I mean, I knew all that, but I think I just needed to hear someone else (especially someone whos' always been told "you have to do this!!") say it to me, lol.
All I have to say is that I just wanna play the role one day, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it's released to regional and/or community theatres before I'm too old to do it! lol
What a happy day it'll be when the rights for htis are available - I'd prolly throw a party actually, lol.
lol, for some ridiculous reason I just envisioned the finale from the anniversary Les Mis concert where all the international valjeans sing Do You Hear The People Sing? together...but with Tracy's from all over the globe...and it's making me chuckle. Can you imagine all those girls in that wig? lol