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Hamilton Cancellation Line

#275Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 1:29pm

If you have DANGEROUSLY cold weather one would assume that the box office/ theater would be responsible and gracious enough to act accordingly and move THEIR lines to safer environments.  Case in point, the lotteries. They were responsible enough NOT to adopt the "it's your fault if you're dumb enough to still support our theater in dangerous weather" mentality and move to a system that was safer for everyone. Why put all the burden of safety on YOUR customers? Why not do your part, knowing good and well your current show is in HIGH HIGH HIGH demand and people will do anything for tickets as long as YOU keep YOUR box office open and are selling them? Why is the mentality "we have tickets to sell, come buy our tickets, but you're stupid and will pay the price if you do"? From a public relations and business perspective this is just irresponsible.


And, I don't know if there were "fist fights," or what exactly they meant by "unruly" but I don't think the solution is to keep people outside. As I said, RRT is terrible at communications and public relation, constantly making policies and changes with regard to customers on the fly, with no standards or preparation for moments like these.


I think a better idea would be to have a section for cancellation inside and let people know that they will be kicked out of line if they get unruly. Also let them know to be quiet during the show. I think it's the LEAST they could do for  really extreme weather like this weekend's. On other days when the mayor doesn't issue a code blue warning about weather, yet you still have your box office open, selling tickets on a unpredictable rolling basis, thus creating lines for them, then keep the line outside. 

Updated On: 2/14/16 at 01:29 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#276Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 1:34pm

Rather than go back and forth until doomsday, we will agree to disagree and leave it at that. Neither one of us will change their minds so that is it.

Poster Emeritus

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#277Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 1:37pm

The lottery was moved online because of the weather and the fact that it is legitimately dangerous to have 400+ people standing in the middle of the street. The cancellation line doesn't have that issue, so the safety threat is not the same. And to be perfectly honest, I don't really have any sympathy for people waiting for tickets today. I mean, if you want to, it's your call, but the theatre has a policy in place for cancellation and it's their right to enforce it. Clearly, they found that it was an issue to have the line wait inside, so they moved it. And unless you actually work for the theatre and the box office, you can't really say if the reason is legit or not. As someone who works in a box office (not this one) I completely understand if the issue is unruly customers. In an ideal world, you just ask them to leave, but unruly customers are not going to simply leave because you ask them to. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#278Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 5:13pm

Okay everybody listen up! 

I was in the line this morning at 5am and I stayed until right before two when I got a ticket to the matinee. There are some serious misconceptions here.

Around 6:30, NYPD told the four of us in line (me and three line sitters) that we had to move and come back at 8. We all went very calmly and quietly, and one of the line sitters put up a sign telling any new comers that we had gone to McDonald's.

At 8 we all went back to the theatre, 5 of us now, and stayed there. We had fun, helped each other stay warm, and even got a free pizza from a nice passerby. 

Yes it was cold as balls but it was fun and the show was great. 

#279Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 5:27pm

I knew it...Probably the same officer I experienced (chubby, bald, dark, but white skin?) As  I mentioned before, I got weird vibes from him the other day. This is a testament to the lack of communication and organization from the theater. 


The box office doesn't open on Sundays until 12 p.m., so this officer just randomly told you to move, without communicating with the theater. I stood in cancellation once and the people in front took names and photos to prove they were first in line. I guess that needs to happen again during severe weather? 

Hellob Profile Photo
#280Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 5:39pm

So did others come to McDonald's before you went back? Did you have any people in line when you got back refusing to move?

#281Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 5:49pm

The box office actually opened at 11 today. And yeah we all thought he was bull****ting us but it wasn't worth fighting.

Only one other person came between 6:30 and 8 and because of the sign one of the line sitters put up, he just went straight to McDonald's. No one else showed up til after we were all back at the theatre.

I will also say, because I forgot to mention it earlier, that the line sitters were all giant sweethearts. They lent me blankets and were concerned whether I was alright. One of them was actually the CEO of Same Old Line Dudes. So yeah, I've just seen a lot of negative things about the line sitters and they were actually really awesome.

MISH2 Profile Photo
#282Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 7:17pm



I will also say, because I forgot to mention it earlier, that the line sitters were all giant sweethearts. They lent me blankets and were concerned whether I was alright. One of them was actually the CEO of Same Old Line Dudes. So yeah, I've just seen a lot of negative things about the line sitters and they were actually really awesome.


Most people are, Scout, when you get to know them.




Updated On: 2/15/16 at 07:17 PM

#283Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 8:44am

callmesurely said: "The box office actually opened at 11 today. And yeah we all thought he was bull****ting us but it wasn't worth fighting.


Only one other person came between 6:30 and 8 and because of the sign one of the line sitters put up, he just went straight to McDonald's. No one else showed up til after we were all back at the theatre.


I will also say, because I forgot to mention it earlier, that the line sitters were all giant sweethearts. They lent me blankets and were concerned whether I was alright. One of them was actually the CEO of Same Old Line Dudes. So yeah, I've just seen a lot of negative things about the line sitters and they were actually really awesome.





Yes, this is all true.  I am the person that the third line sitter was waiting for.  He was extremely professional and sent texts starting at 5 am including an update and pics from the move to McDonald's. I got there around 1:15 to take over and we got called in to get tix right at 2 pm.

One caution:  my line sitter, Same Ole Line Dudes, was third in line. There were two other people first and second who were also supposedly also line sitters from another company or independent.  The first guy got tickets but the second guy was thrown out of line by theater security who claimed he was seen selling tickets.  I'm not picking sides in this fight, just reporting on the scene.   


#284Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 9:54am

Anyone else having issues entering the lottery today?  It says "upcoming" for todays 2pm performance still but it was supposed to open at 9am.  Thanks.

haterobics Profile Photo
#285Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 9:57am

I got that until like 9:20a, but then I was able to enter. Ooh, a technical glitch! I'll take any advantage I can get! Hamilton Cancellation Line

#286Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 9:58am

Thanks!  It just worked for me yes

#287Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 10:23am

"the line sitters were all giant sweethearts. They lent me blankets and were concerned whether I was alright. One of them was actually the CEO of Same Old Line Dudes. So yeah, I've just seen a lot of negative things about the line sitters and they were actually really awesome."


The problem I have with the line sitters is that they are almost always guaranteed to be first in line and take up at least 3 tickets because they are willing to get there however early you want them there. It just isn't fair that you can pay someone to snag a spot at a ridiculously early time that you yourself wouldn't even bother getting up for to start sitting for you. Obviously it's a free capitalist country and there's nothing wrong on a legal or even moral level, but that's probably why there is such a negative opinion of the practice, even if they are the nicest people in the world. 

Claudia Draper
#288Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 11:33am

My experience this weekend -- wonderful

I hired a line-sitter for Saturday, the 13th.  He arrived at 4am.  I replaced him at 9am.  We were 3rd in line.  4th & 5th tickets.   I paid him $140.00, $25.00 an hr + tip.  It was freezing, but it was crazy fun sharing the experience with everyone in line.  We got into the matinee at 1:45pm.  4th row ctr. 166.00 a tickets. add 70.00 per ticket for line-sitter., a total of $236.00 + tax-- so about $250.00 each.  A steal.  The show was perfection, not one understudy - well one swing- but no-one else.  It is a masterpiece.  It was worth it !!  

BTW - Lin Manuel Miranda came out the fire door at about 11:15am, into our group of 8 people trying to get out of the wind.  It was such a surprise, we all just said "wow, hi...  He said something like " people be crazy in this cold.. but, Thank You and good luck"  and walked quickly up the street.    that kept us going..

Updated On: 2/17/16 at 11:33 AM

#289Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 6:27pm

Our service, @linestandingnyc has a 100% success rate with the cancellation line. Contact us on twitter or by calling 3232066921. Our rates are also better than any of our competitors.

haterobics Profile Photo
#290Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 7:03pm

ATAOAM said: "Our service, @linestandingnyc has a 100% success rate with the cancellation line. Contact us on twitter or by calling 3232066921. Our rates are also better than any of our competitors."


The line services always have a 100% success rate, no? You get paid all of your money whether or not the people get tickets... Hamilton Cancellation Line

#291Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 8:01pm

I'm considering writing to the Richard Rogers Theatre with feedback and suggestions on how they can improve the cancellation line process and make it fairer, safer an more efficient, and generally show more respect toward their patrons.


Does anyone have any additional suggestions or idea I should add or don't think this is a good idea?


The 2 big suggestions I have are:

Have a physical list/sign up sheet. When the box office opens, an attendant takes names. If they don't have the man power for this, have a numbers dispenser. People sign up as they come. They wait outside or in the lobby until their name is called. If they don't respond, we move to the next person on the list. You must show any form of ID (not just driver's liscense/could be school id) matching the name on the sheet (SNL does something similar). This prevents or at least cuts back on cutting , swapping and other line tricks such as hiring a professional line sitter.


Allow some of all people to wait in the lobby during cold temperatures. This should be obvious, but RRT has recently felt it better to teach rowdy people a lesson than keep the overwhelmingly majority of peaceful patrons warm and safe. 


Only release cancellation tickets at a designated time close to the show and thereafter (e.g. an hour before curtain), instead of on a rolling basis throughout the day. This pushes back the time people come to line up, if they know tickets will be released an hour before show time.



Claudia Draper
#292Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 8:11pm

of course, your free to do whatever you want.   But seriously?   this is the way it is done.  they are not going to alter a thing..they could care less if its fair or unfair.   

#293Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 8:21pm

Thanks. But I think that's a bad assumption. It depends, there are plenty of organizations that value feedback and insight from "the other side." Based on my observation it's probably a stretch to think RRT is one of them, but If more people bothered to express their concerns, maybe it wouldn't just be "the way it is done." Maybe the person making these decision isn't aware of how darn awful and inefficient they are.

Dave13 Profile Photo
#294Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 8:24pm

vdirects said: "I'm considering writing to the Richard Rogers Theatre with feedback and suggestions on how they can improve the cancellation line process and make it fairer, safer an more efficient, and generally show more respect toward their patrons.




Does anyone have any additional suggestions or idea I should add or don't think this is a good idea?




The 2 big suggestions I have are:


Have a physical list/sign up sheet. When the box office opens, an attendant takes names. If they don't have the man power for this, have a numbers dispenser. People sign up as they come. They wait outside or in the lobby until their name is called. If they don't respond, we move to the next person on the list. You must show any form of ID (not just driver's liscense/could be school id) matching the name on the sheet (SNL does something similar). This prevents or at least cuts back on cutting , swapping and other line tricks such as hiring a professional line sitter.




Allow some of all people to wait in the lobby during cold temperatures. This should be obvious, but RRT has recently felt it better to teach rowdy people a lesson than keep the overwhelmingly majority of peaceful patrons warm and safe. 




Only release cancellation tickets at a designated time close to the show and thereafter (e.g. an hour before curtain), instead of on a rolling basis throughout the day. This pushes back the time people come to line up, if they know tickets will be released an hour before show time.







I have stood in line and received tickets. There is no fairer way to do it. Now the line sitters that needs to stop IMO. I like the idea of people standing in line, but people paying others to stand in line is atrocious. Once again, it is limiting people with lower income from seeing the show. Make it fair for everyone. 

Other than that, you can't have people wait in the lobby. There theater employees getting ready for the show and rehearsals. Also, it welcomes the opportunity of someone sneaking away and hiding in the theater. What happens if you let them in, and then don't sell tickets. Also, most of the tickets are not released until after the doors open. Then what?!?!?

Also for releasing tickets, if i was standing in the front of the line, I want my tickets ASAP. That way you can make plans to do something for the rest of the day, or not. Also, the majority of the tickets released become available literally at show time or sometimes after showtime. There is no way to release them before hand, unless someone calls ahead of time and cancels the ticket. Otherwise, they hold them until show time. 

If you do set times to be put on a list and/or release tickets, it welcomes more chaos in my opinion as everyone starts lining up earlier in advance for the times they take names. It only pushes things back further. 

Not to be confused with Dave19.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#295Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 8:26pm

My only question is who are all these people canceling their tickets to Hamilton? Since tickets are non-refundable, why would they cancel their tickets at no benefit to themselves when they could easily sell them for same or above market price on stubhub, tickets now, etc. Makea no sense to me. Or are these un-used house seats, even though I've been told that house seats are sold out for months. Anyone have any insight here?

Hellob Profile Photo
#296Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 8:26pm

vdirects said: "I'm considering writing to the Richard Rogers Theatre with feedback and suggestions on how they can improve the cancellation line process and make it fairer, safer an more efficient, and generally show more respect toward their patrons.




Does anyone have any additional suggestions or idea I should add or don't think this is a good idea?




The 2 big suggestions I have are:


Have a physical list/sign up sheet. When the box office opens, an attendant takes names. If they don't have the man power for this, have a numbers dispenser. People sign up as they come. They wait outside or in the lobby until their name is called. If they don't respond, we move to the next person on the list. You must show any form of ID (not just driver's liscense/could be school id) matching the name on the sheet (SNL does something similar). This prevents or at least cuts back on cutting , swapping and other line tricks such as hiring a professional line sitter.




Allow some of all people to wait in the lobby during cold temperatures. This should be obvious, but RRT has recently felt it better to teach rowdy people a lesson than keep the overwhelmingly majority of peaceful patrons warm and safe. 




Only release cancellation tickets at a designated time close to the show and thereafter (e.g. an hour before curtain), instead of on a rolling basis throughout the day. This pushes back the time people come to line up, if they know tickets will be released an hour before show time.







This is taking it too far and makes no sense. Even if tickets are released close to showtime (which is how it goes more often than not anyway) how is that going to change the line up time? People who stand or hire are prepared to stay until showtime as it is. The sign up sheet is not ok bc what if you went to pee and your non signed up friend is there? Not being able to switch up whether it's a friend or employee is unreasonable. Reading between the lines, what's really going on is that you're mad because you can't get in bc people hire sitters. It's petty and I doubt that the theater cares. Bottom line is that you have the option of arriving at 5a or hiring someone to do it for you. SNL had a different policy bc they have many more people waiting and have stricter security measures but FYI, line sitters fill up the initial standby line. It's not until later that the actual people come. You sound like a crybaby who is upset that you get bested by others and want the whole system to change for you. If you want to go to the show, you know the game so play or take your ball and go home. 

#297Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 8:48pm

Look. I just want to point out something about getting a line sitter.


There might be something you don't know about the situation. I have multiple chronic illnesses, including a muscle disorder. I have suffered badly for my trip to NY two weeks ago, though I wouldn't trade it for the world. But I've missed work days and I've been dragging myself around on a cane, which thankfully is rare for me these days.


I really really wanted tickets to Hamilton when my mother and I were in town, but sitting outside at 5 after getting to bed late after a late show, and sitting in the ground for up to 10 hours, would have definitely left me too ill to navigate the airports home. I got out there myself at 9, soon after I woke up, but I believe being able to hire someone for those few hours was the difference between me making it home without wheelchairs or not, and I likely would have had to see the show on strong meds to deal with the pain, because as I'm sure most people here would decide I would have sat it myself if I had to just to see the show.


I'm sure not everyone who gets a line sitter is in my situation, and I'm sure some of you feel I should have not had tickets if I couldn't be there myself. But I'm glad I saw it, and in my mind the extra money was worth it for my health. Those who can't afford it can sit themselves. 


I just want to say that there might be a backstory to the person hiring that line sitter you would never know.

#298Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 8:58pm

@Matt Rogers: RRT does not issue refunds or exchanges, however Ticketmaster does. Cancellation tickets are usually from Ticketmaster people who cancel. A lot come right before showtime and could be scalpers who were unable to sell, trying to get their money back at last minute.

@Hellob. I started to respond, but as I read on, your tone became more and more unneccesarily rude. So I'd just say thanks for responding.



Dave13 Profile Photo
#299Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/17/16 at 9:01pm

Matt Rogers said: "My only question is who are all these people canceling their tickets to Hamilton? Since tickets are non-refundable, why would they cancel their tickets at no benefit to themselves when they could easily sell them for same or above market price on stubhub, tickets now, etc. Makea no sense to me. Or are these un-used house seats, even though I've been told that house seats are sold out for months. Anyone have any insight here?



My understanding is they are VIP tickets or house tickets. They reserve so many for each show to give away to whoever. If they are unused, they are simply sold to the cancellation line. Also, most of the tickets are in Row J from what I have seen. 


Regular tickets that are sold are not refunded typically. They have to be sold outside of the theater or on the numerous websites. 

Not to be confused with Dave19.
