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Hamilton Cancellation Line

Baiseur82 Profile Photo
#250Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/10/16 at 11:21am

Hack n Tuck Inc. said: "Hi all, I've been following this thread for a while now and as our trip to NY nears I had a question or two that I'm hoping someone here can answer.  I will preface these questions by saying, yes, I realize the chances of everything working out are slim and none, and I'm prepared to accept that -- but I'm still interested in if it's even possible.  OK, here goes:




1.  I see from other responses that you can pass up a single ticket if you really want a pair.  Supposing you want four (just four total, not necessarily all together) -- can you pass up pairs in the hope of four coming up?  Or, can you take the first pair and remain in the line in case another pair comes up?




2.  Same as above but with a twist -- suppose it's a two show day and you want a pair to each show.  If you are offered and accept a pair to the matinee, can you keep your place in line to wait for evening tickets?  Are evening tickets ever offered before the curtain rises on the matinee? 




3.  I've seen some references to wristband for lottery winners in an effort ensure that the lottery winner actually uses the ticket rather than selling or transferring.  Are cancellation tickets handled the same way or can the person who pays for them transfer them to someone else?




I'm asking these questions because four people in my family of five desperately want to see this show, while the fifth is a toddler. :)  (Although she'd love to see it too, were she allowed to and able to behave for three hours.) So the only way to make it work is for two of us to go to one performance and then the other two go to another performance, so that whoever's not at the show can be taking care of the young one.




As a practical matter, that probably means I stand in the line, hopefully get a pair to the matinee that two family members can use, while I stay in the line in the hopes of getting a pair to the evening show for me and the remaining family member, who would take care of the youngest while the first two are at the matinee and I keep standing in line. That's the ideal scenario anyway. 




Like I said, I fully realize that the chances of any of this working out, let alone everything, are very small, but if there's any hope, I'd like to at least give it a try.  (I almost said "take my shot" but there's enough Hamilton punning to go around so I won't join the fray.)


Thanks in advance!



There are no wrist bands given out for cancelation tickets so you don't necessarily have to be the person who uses them! I do not believe you could get back in line in the same place after you buy tickets. Each person is allowed to purchase 2 so if you got your 2 that would be it. However if you have 2 people in line then you can get 4 tickets. They sell whatever is available when it becomes available. I don't know the rules about passing up tickets for an afternoon show if you want the evening however I doubt the people in line would complain if you passed up on tickets and they got them. I always find it just best to talk with the people in line around you to let them knows what's going on as well as talking with the person at the box office when they open. I would assume your situation is a unique one. I hope you get to see the show. It is great!

"I'd rater be nine peoples favorite thing, than a hundred peoples ninth favorite thing"

Anakela Profile Photo
#251Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/10/16 at 11:22am

<i>As a practical matter, that probably means I stand in the line, hopefully get a pair to the matinee that two family members can use, while I stay in the line in the hopes of getting a pair to the evening show... </i>

Unless they've changed things recently, one body on the cancellation line is allowed to buy two tickets, and done. You want to be able to buy two tickets for the matinee, and then be allowed to stay where you are, keep your same spot on the line, to then also buy two tickets for the evening show? I don't see that flying with the people behind you on line, or with the RR box office.

fyeahmaria Profile Photo
#252Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/10/16 at 11:44am

Hack n Tuck, if you want a chance to go all together I dont mind babysitting! :)

Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.

#253Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/10/16 at 1:55pm

aymr said: "They said if we passed on the premium prices seats they'd go back and offer them online. I checked only about 20 min later and there weren't any available, so either they were gone or not yet posted, but I'm actually guessing the former.



when you say you checked "online," where exactly?  Ticketmaster?

fyeahmaria Profile Photo
#254Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/10/16 at 6:44pm

Walked by today at 11.40 and couldn't see anyone in line so I walked in to ask if they had a show. Got told that there was only an evening show and that there were three people in line, one of whom where away searching for a lost hat. I'm guessing the two people in line must have been the one lady inside the box office and the one guy casually chilling outside the theatre.

Passed again around 4.30 and there were at least 10 people.

Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.

#255Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/11/16 at 8:53am

I went to the Hamilton show website and looked for available tickets. Perhaps that's not where they put them; it was my best guess.

#256Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/12/16 at 4:55pm

So despite the arctic blast and a low of 12, im still planning to try this Sunday for the matinee (two shows this Sunday). Im on my own though, so if anyone wants to try as well, it would be great to partner up with someone!

#257Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/12/16 at 11:55pm

Oh gosh, wear lots of layers! (on your legs epsecially, people don't think about that) and socks! Get some of those hand warmers and stuff them in your shoes and under your gloves. Good luck!

#258Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/13/16 at 12:01am

callmesurely said: "So despite the arctic blast and a low of 12, im still planning to try this Sunday for the matinee (two shows this Sunday). Im on my own though, so if anyone wants to try as well, it would be great to partner up with someone!



let us know how it goes!!!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#259Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/13/16 at 9:27am

aymr said: "I went to the Hamilton show website and looked for available tickets. Perhaps that's not where they put them; it was my best guess.




What they post on their website is accurate and if you click on any of the dates, is a direct link to Telecharge (or is it ticketmaster, I can never remember which ticket source is used.)


There are (basically) only re-sale tickets available....this means scalper prices.


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#260Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/13/16 at 6:13pm

I just walked past the line around 5pm and the first person said he'd gotten there at 7:30am and was 12th in line then. Everyone in front of him got in for the matinee. I'm planning to get there at 5am tomorrow and if I don't freeze to death I'll let you know how it goes!

Also this is a last ditch effort to get someone to do it with me! If anyone wants, it really would be great to be able to alternate and go get warm.

Hellob Profile Photo
#261Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/13/16 at 7:32pm

FWIW, I'd avoid posting the time you plan on getting there from now on bc line sitters and/or those hiring them will adjust their times to beat you there. I have seen a lot more "ads" for LS and they are going to eventually push the start time so early. It's already gone from 7a to 3-4a in a 6 weeks 

#262Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/13/16 at 7:37pm

sold ticket I had for tonight's show at last minute

Updated On: 2/13/16 at 07:37 PM

MISH2 Profile Photo
#263Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 8:05am

Is anyone actually waiting outside on the cancellation line in sub-zero temps today?

Hellob Profile Photo
#264Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 8:28am

MISH2 said: "Is anyone actually waiting outside on the cancellation line in sub-zero temps today?



According to same ole line dudes, there's at least 5 people there but cops moved them to McDonald's about an hour ago for safety. He was there from about 5 & was #3. So the McDonald's wait might not be so bad?

MISH2 Profile Photo
#265Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 9:20am

All-day breakfast!  If the cold doesn't get you, the clogged arteries will.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#266Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 9:23am

I am surprised they did not start a fistfight with the cops over being moved. What are a few frostbitten fingers and toes if you can get a ticket, right?

Poster Emeritus

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#267Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 9:27am

The fee being paid to line sitters can't possibly be worth it to sit out in this cold. I don't know how many people work for that outfit but it doesn't seem like a safe thing to ask an employee to do. Police should be out moving and worrying about homeless and those who have nowhere to go to get warm, not wasting their time moving people waiting to buy Hamilton tickets. 

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#268Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 9:29am

They are trying to get the full Hamilton experience by emulating George Washington @ Valley Forge

Poster Emeritus

Hellob Profile Photo
#269Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 9:50am

I'm guessing that they are still in line (or at least they think so). Might be an issue if new people have started a line not knowing that the line was moved? 

The line sitters IMO should be tipped big today and regularly tipped on other days. I was surprised by a poster who made it seem like they only paid the balance due. If they are standing there for 8 hours, I think they deserve a tip. $20/hr isn't much and you have to figure the company is taking 20-40% commission so $15 or less?? Tip! 

#270Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 12:56pm

I find it hard to believe the line was moved to McDonalds. Though there is an overzealous NYPD officer who works that block and based on my very brief, experience with him, he seemed like a bit of a ****(flexing and asking unneccesary questions about how many tickets people wanted and who was in line when he clearly has no authority over the line or ticket distribution), but others in the line said he's generally nice. Though, based on what I saw, I wouldn't be surprised if he just told people to go to McDonalds to cause confusion or flex a bit of muscle. On the other hand, maybe he really does care about people's safety and thought if he knew how many tickets people wanted he could force the box office to just give it them, or move them somewhere safe. It just literally makes no sense, because people will inevitably line up, not knowing the real line is in McDonald's and someone from RRT would have to run all the way to McDonald's to let people know they have a ticket. Just makes no sense at all.


Also, in general, RRT should not force people to wait in McDonald's when they DO have the capacity to hold people in their own theater and McDonald's should not be forced to accept that, which I doubt they would accept. I was told the theater didn't let people in because when they did before the liners got "unruly" DURING the show and were loud, so they kicked the line out.


Also, line sitters have a surcharge for inclimate weather.

Updated On: 2/14/16 at 12:56 PM

#271Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 1:01pm

Does anyone know what days Lin-Manuel Miranda performs as Hamilton? I know Sunday matinees is Javier. What about the other days?

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#272Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 1:09pm

Why should the theater house these people?  They made a conscious decision to get on line so if they want to stand outside and become a human popsickle let them. If they do not have enough sense to not get on line and/or to come in out of the cold it should be on them and no one else.  

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 2/14/16 at 01:09 PM

#273Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 1:15pm

"Why should the theater house these people?  They made a conscious decision to get on line"


I thought about this and the answer is because it is the theater's OFFICIAL cancelation line. It's not like people have created their own random line. The theater tends to have a certain number of cancellation tickets each day that they sell to THEIR cancellation line. For them to intentionally locate their cancellation line outside as a punishment and in the same breath cancel live lottery due to "public safety" doesn't make sense to me and isn't right.


It would be like having the box office outside, knowing you'd have in demand tickets to sell and saying, "well if you're dumb enough to wait outside  in our box office in the cold then that's your fault." Legally, they may not be obligated to do anything, but on a human, moral level I think it's really crappy move to force/punish people by making them wait in sub degree weather all because a few "unruly" people in the past.


Also the RRT is terribly mismanaged in regards to public relations and communications. And this is an example of that.

Updated On: 2/14/16 at 01:15 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#274Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/14/16 at 1:21pm

If you have DANGEROUSLY cold weather one would assume common sense would prevail and people would stay home 1 ******* day.In addition, if fistfights have started in the past why open up the lobby and possibly have them start again .

Poster Emeritus
