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Hamilton Cancellation Line

#225Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/2/16 at 6:14pm

uncageg said: "Princess, I had no desire to stay. Don't need to see any show that bad! Plus I had been at work since 8:00am in the morning. I needed a cocktail!


" Sorry I was talking to JakeBloke

jakebloke Profile Photo
#226Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/2/16 at 10:38pm

Well I ended up trying both lotteries that day and the obvious professional sitters were no longer there, replaced by the people that I hired them I guess.  And then the 2 girls right in front of me that I chatted with were still here.  So at 6:00 pm there were still at least 6 people in front of where I was.  Glad I didn't wait.  

#227Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 9:04am

At Saturday's matinee show I was seated next to a man from the cancellation line. Him and his daughter were #s 1 and 2 and he said they arrived at 3:30am. It was pretty chilly that night, so it looks like the cold weather isn't doing much to deter people.

I'd like to see Javier one day, so I'm keeping an eye on this thread since it seems like the cancellation line may be my best chance.

MISH2 Profile Photo
#228Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 9:23am

If I was on line from 3:30 a.m., I'd be afraid of nodding off during the show!

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#229Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 9:46am

pickles2 said: "At Saturday's matinee show I was seated next to a man from the cancellation line. Him and his daughter were #s 1 and 2 and he said they arrived at 3:30am. It was pretty chilly that night, so it looks like the cold weather isn't doing much to deter people.


I'd like to see Javier one day, so I'm keeping an eye on this thread since it seems like the cancellation line may be my best chance.



Did he say what time they eventually got their tickets?

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#230Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 9:57am

I was able to get tickets Sunday through the cancellation line.


i got a line sitter to start for me (he got there at 5:30) and I took over at 9AM. I wholeheartedly recommend They were very professional and got me what I needed. Having them do only part of the line sitting seemed a great compromise to me financially. I was second in line; the first person was also a line sitter and got there at 3:30, and she stayed until just before the show - but make sure they have the ability to buy tickets for you if you do that. The people in line behind me got there at 7:00(3rd) and 7:30(4th and 5th). Your mileage may vary.


At noon when the box office opened they came out to offer us premium seats, at $477, and we all passed. Those were released on the Internet and seem to have sold extremely quickly. When I checked 20 min later they were gone.


At 1:00 they came out and had 5 seats - 2 pairs and a single. The first 2 of us took 2 each and they were looking for the first person in line that wanted only one ticket when I went inside to pay. I can tell you that at 2:30 the first 5 of us were gone, but people 6 and 7 were still in line. I'm not sure if they got in, but from reading this whole thread and talking to the guy who worked there it sounds like most tickets get sold at the very last minute, so I hope they did. The line was insanely long - like 20 people - by 11AM. My sense from reading is most of those people had little chance. I was thrilled to have long enough to run back to my hotel and shed my long underwear and extra socks :)


Our seats were J110 and 111 and were amazing seats, for $177 each. No additional fees beyond that, I believe.


Since I was the first in line without a chair (I flew in from Minnesota) the nice guy who worked there have me one that had been abandoned. He hoped I would make it go away - he was very unhappy people kept abandoning them - but I gave it to someone further back in line who abandoned it again, and he said after the show he took it in again. So, don't annoy the employees and abandon your chair. There was a big dumpster across the street in front of the Finding Neverland theater.


Tips: when it's this cold, wear extra layers under your jeans (I had long underwear and tights and was fine) and layers of warm socks and shoes. I had 3 layers of socks, but my dress shoes weren't warm enough and my toes were frozen. Also something around your neck/face, on your head, and good sturdy mittens. 


My my two cents. Hope it helps someone.

#231Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 11:48am

Hey! I'm planning to try my luck at the cancellation line this Sunday (2/14) but I'm going solo. Does anyone know if it's harder or easier to get a single ticket? Will they make you pass up a ticket and give it to people behind you if it's a part of a pair?

Also if anyone else was thinking of going solo on Sunday, would you wanna pair up?

#232Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 11:56am

Hi, its off topic but does someone knows how to reach the stage manager or someone in charge? My friend wants to propose to his girlfriend on stage. 

#233Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 11:59am

DottieD'Luscia said: " 

Did he say what time they eventually got their tickets?




No, sorry, I didn't think to ask. The man next to me was in an unclaimed lottery seat (which they sold to him at full price, not $10), so I would assume maybe around 12pm after the 60 minute payment window had closed. His daughter was in the first row of where the stadium seating begins in the orchestra, so I'm not sure when that became available.

Hellob Profile Photo
#234Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 2:38pm

Proposal said: "Hi, its off topic but does someone knows how to reach the stage manager or someone in charge? My friend wants to propose to his girlfriend on stage. 



Tweet LMM's dad, I think he set up the other proposal. Fwiw, it looked so awkward but whatever 

#235Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 3:21pm

It's probably easier to get ticket if you were on your own--they dont mind breaking up ticket pairs. Unless you want someone to hold your place while you do rush elsewhere or something

Wick3 Profile Photo
#236Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 6:50pm

callmesurely said: "Hey! I'm planning to try my luck at the cancellation line this Sunday (2/14) but I'm going solo. Does anyone know if it's harder or easier to get a single ticket? Will they make you pass up a ticket and give it to people behind you if it's a part of a pair?


Also if anyone else was thinking of going solo on Sunday, would you wanna pair up?"

I'd say it's easier. When I did it a few weeks ago, 1 ticket became available. The first person passed since he wanted a pair. The second person passed for the same reason as the first person. The third person was solo so he got it. 


#237Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/8/16 at 8:44pm

I was sitting alone, and the folks next to me were happy to keep an eye on my things while I ran for the restroom. Others went for coffee. I kept my valuables on me, for my sake and theirs. Didn't seem fair to leave them with that responsibility. You just need to be around when the tickets might come up, and don't leave for too long or it's really not fair (even if you do have another person there). My personal opinion.

#238Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/9/16 at 1:17am


I will be in NYC with my 11 year old over her spring break.  We are willing to devote a day (or two) to scoring Hamilton seats through the Cancellation line, lottery, whatever.  Your tips here have been fantastic about the cancellation line, but to maximize our chances, could someone explain how to wait on the cancellation line AND enter the lottery?  And if she's 11, can she enter the lottery too to double our chances?  We'd probably do this on a double show day, so feel free to advise for how to best navigate a Wednesday, perhaps.

Appreciate it!

Wick3 Profile Photo
#239Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/9/16 at 3:15am

@thinkoflaura, good luck! Going there on a Wednesday is a good idea. It's winter right now so bring toe warmers at the very least. Hand warmers too if you like them but I normally don't need hand warmers. My toes, on the other hand, were thankful!

It's an online lottery nowadays so use your smartphone to go to and sign up when the lottery opens that day! Yes, she can enter the lottery online as well. Back when they did it in person, they required a photo ID (i.e. library card, school card, etc. are ok) but nowadays with online digital lottery, not so sure how they can enforce that. I think your best bet is to do the cancellation line if you really want to see the show while you're in NYC.

#240Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/9/16 at 11:53am

I was in the cancellation line on Saturday as well so here's my story.

I got a line sitter to get in line for me at 6 AM because I was flying in from San Francisco that morning. Landed at 7:30, got to the theatre at 10 to relieve my line sitter. (I used sameoldlinedudes which I highly recommend! I paid $30 deposit before and then $50 cash when I got there so $80 total for 4 hours.) He was second in line, behind the two people who got there at 3:30 AM and eventually won cancelled lottery tickets. Those same people said they had tried the cancellation line the previous day (Friday) and had sat out there almost all day and didn't get tickets so they decided to get there super early and be first in line. From what I understand, the guy behind me got there around 7, 2 people behind him at 7:30, and then another group at 8 AM and so on. 

When the box office opened at 10, I'd say there was probably 15 people in line. Some premium seats were avail but everyone passed. At noon, they came to say they had 2 lottery seats that no one paid for so the 2 in front of me got those. I didn't see them again to ask how much they had to pay for them (I assume $177 and not the $10 lottery price but I don't know). Around 1:30 everyone started lining up to go in and the nicest human being in the world asked what my line was for and when I explained it was for the cancellation line she offered an extra ticket that she had because her husband had gotten ill and couldn't make it. After almost passing out, I immediately asked how much she wanted for it and she said not to worry about it, that she just wanted it to go to someone who really wanted it and would enjoy it. I offered to buy her drinks or T shirts or whatever, but she wouldn't take it! She ended up leaving in the second act after receiving a text so I never got to like get her name and stuff after the show but I hope her husband is okay and I hope she receives all the good karma in the world because she made me just about the happiest person on the planet.

After I left the matinee show I went back by the cancellation line and didn't recognize anyone in it so at least the next 6 people after me either got in or bailed and didn't stay in line for the night show but I assume they got in.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#241Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/9/16 at 11:55am

Wow, crazy story, yanks02. Seems there is kindness in the world, and I hope all is well with that woman. Glad you got to see the show!

#242Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/9/16 at 1:04pm

sharing my cancellation story last Wednesday matinee. Had success I got online around 7:15 AM and they were three people in front of me, to hired nine sitters that got there around 530 and one college kid who got there around 7 o'clock. Probably around 745 a few more people came and got online. Around 1030 the box office lady came out and offered some premium tickets for 400+ dollars  nobody took them. Around 11 o'clock she came out with two cancellation tickets which the first line sitter took , then around 1115 she came out with a single ticket, I was looking for a pair so everybody in front of me passed on it, the person behind me was looking for a single ticket and took it but I heard it was pretty far back. 15 minutes later another single ticket was available and again somebody behind me took a that as the girl only wanted a single ticket. Around 12 o'clock two more tickets became available. The line sitter in front of me couldn't take them because the person he was waiting therefore did not pay in advance which I thought was kind of crazy. He was being relieved at 1:00 PM so basically that person hired a line sitter to watch from 530 to 1:00 PM but didn't pay in advance. Finally around 12:45 PM four more tickets became available I took two of them and to people behind me who were single people took the last two. These were awesome seats wrote J in the center orchestra 101 and 102. Couldn't ask for better seats. So paid about $170 each ticket and danced all the way back to my hotel LOL.  I lucked out because the line sitter was being relieved at 1 PM so I just made it in the nick of time LOL


I definitely have to agree about wearing two layers of pants I had a ski jacket hat and gloves and I was still freezing the first couple of hours good my legs were so cold. Also definitely bring a seat it made it so much easier. It is an absolutely phenomenal show and it was totally worth waiting about five hours for the tickets. I brought my iPad and just watched some Netflix videos but mostly talked with people online everybody is really nice. I even was able to go to the bathroom at the Marriott twice and they held my line spot for me. Didn't even think about what happens if a ticket is available while I'm gone but luckily that didn't happen. Good luck to everybody who's planning on doing this I thought the wait would be painful  but it was actually kind of fun

Updated On: 2/9/16 at 01:04 PM

#243Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/9/16 at 2:41pm

thank you!  keep the positive stories coming!  gives me hope!

curious -- what happens to the premium tickets if everyone passes on them?  do they eventually offer them cheaper?  Or if we're lucky enough to be close enough to the front of the line and we pass on the premiums (and everyone else does too), can we change our minds and spring for them an hour later if they are still available?  (though it would mean not seeing any other shows on this trip!!! LOL!!!)  


#244Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/9/16 at 8:47pm

They said if we passed on the premium prices seats they'd go back and offer them online. I checked only about 20 min later and there weren't any available, so either they were gone or not yet posted, but I'm actually guessing the former.

#245Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/9/16 at 11:39pm

What time have people lined up typically for a Sunday 3PM show?

#246Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/10/16 at 1:01am

I've heard line sitter can get there anywhere from 3:30 to 5:30 and other trickle in starting at 7. I'm doing it this Sunday and planning to get there around 5.


Hack n Tuck Inc.
#247Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/10/16 at 11:01am

Hi all, I've been following this thread for a while now and as our trip to NY nears I had a question or two that I'm hoping someone here can answer.  I will preface these questions by saying, yes, I realize the chances of everything working out are slim and none, and I'm prepared to accept that -- but I'm still interested in if it's even possible.  OK, here goes:


1.  I see from other responses that you can pass up a single ticket if you really want a pair.  Supposing you want four (just four total, not necessarily all together) -- can you pass up pairs in the hope of four coming up?  Or, can you take the first pair and remain in the line in case another pair comes up?


2.  Same as above but with a twist -- suppose it's a two show day and you want a pair to each show.  If you are offered and accept a pair to the matinee, can you keep your place in line to wait for evening tickets?  Are evening tickets ever offered before the curtain rises on the matinee? 


3.  I've seen some references to wristband for lottery winners in an effort ensure that the lottery winner actually uses the ticket rather than selling or transferring.  Are cancellation tickets handled the same way or can the person who pays for them transfer them to someone else?


I'm asking these questions because four people in my family of five desperately want to see this show, while the fifth is a toddler. :)  (Although she'd love to see it too, were she allowed to and able to behave for three hours.) So the only way to make it work is for two of us to go to one performance and then the other two go to another performance, so that whoever's not at the show can be taking care of the young one.


As a practical matter, that probably means I stand in the line, hopefully get a pair to the matinee that two family members can use, while I stay in the line in the hopes of getting a pair to the evening show for me and the remaining family member, who would take care of the youngest while the first two are at the matinee and I keep standing in line. That's the ideal scenario anyway. 


Like I said, I fully realize that the chances of any of this working out, let alone everything, are very small, but if there's any hope, I'd like to at least give it a try.  (I almost said "take my shot" but there's enough Hamilton punning to go around so I won't join the fray.)

Thanks in advance!

#248Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/10/16 at 11:12am

You could probably do it, but if you bring one of your family members with you, you can definitely get two pairs.

#249Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 2/10/16 at 11:21am

There is a limit of 2 tickets per person in the cancellation line so I do not believe they'll let you get more than that--even for separate shows on a 2-show day. I could be wrong, but I'd plan to have 2 people stand in line if you want 4 tickets unless you get confirmation from the box office you can get 2 sets of 2. As for passing on a pair and waiting for 4, I suppose you could say you'd hold off until you could both buy a pair, but that seems really risky since tickets seem to often be released in singles or pairs. 
