Chorus Member Joined: 7/15/17
Doing the line today. I arrived at 7:15am and I am #9 in line, great odds. It's now about 7:40 and no one has joined behind me.
Update: at about 4pm the first two people in line were offered 2 tickets each, they were all unclaimed lotto tickets (first two rows center orchestra.
At about 5 the line was offered 1 more ticket.
Right at 6:30 (7pm show) the line was offered two more single seats.
We were now first in line, looking for 2 seats together if possible.
We were offered two tickets in the 2nd row center at about 6:45pm for $229, we took them.
6 people got in after us (3 pairs) all center orch rows H and J for a total of 15 seats given out. There was one girl waiting for SRO and I do not know if she got in.
We did the line last week and our center orchestra seats were $229, but our side orchestra seats were $199. We were expecting $229 for any and all so we were a bit surprised! Just FYI.
Swing Joined: 8/17/17
So I've never done the cancellation line thing before, and I'm confused as to timing. I was hoping to try for Hamilton tickets this Saturday the 19th, but I would need evening tickets and wouldn't be able to stand in line past 2pm as I'm seeing the matinee of DEH. Is this possible? What time does the box office start giving tickets to the line and how early would I need to be there??
The only option you really have is to go get in the line as soon as you get out of Dear Evan Hansen. It might be a little chaotic at that time because Hamilton will also be getting out, but you will notice, if you look to the left of the theater (when you're facing it), that there is a line over there. Lately people have had luck getting in line later in the day so it's worth a try! Good luck!!
Broadway Star Joined: 11/24/16
CAinNYC said: "So I've never done the cancellation line thing before, and I'm confused as to timing. I was hoping to try for Hamilton tickets this Saturday the 19th, but I would need evening tickets and wouldn't be able to stand in line past 2pm as I'm seeing the matinee of DEH. Is this possible? What time does the box office start giving tickets to the line and how early would I need to be there??"
You would most likely be out of luck. They do not give out evening tickets before the matinee show (Most tickets are given out 30min to the curtain) and 4:30ish is likely too late for the evening show on at saturday. It is worth a try though - check your position in the line and ask how many tickets have been given out already. If you're in the first 25, I'd stay, though first 10 is the almost guaranteed spot.
Swing Joined: 4/8/17
I wanted to stop by and thank everyone who has contributed to this thread! I read most of it before our (fairly last minute) trip to NYC. My kids (14 and 12) are pretty die hard and I think would have stood in line for days if necessary!
We arrived on Saturday, August 12th and (per advice I received here) walked by prior to the matinee show just to check out the line. Our plan was to check it out Saturday and wait if things looked promising, otherwise go for it on Sunday. It was probably 12:30 when we walked by and the line was VERY long. I didn't count but there were a ton of people in line. We decided it wasn't happening so left and went to lunch. After lunch we went back by. It was right at 2:00 (showtime) and they were moving the line to the other side of the theater. Everyone from the afternoon line that did not get tickets except 1 woman left. We got there right when they were moving the line, I dashed over and we were ticket 9-12 in line. The first woman in line waited for about 20 minutes and then left. The box office guy (not sure what he is called) came out, did a quick count, told us to sit tight. He said the first few people were very likely and were on the verge. The couple in front of us said they were leaving if they didn't get tickets by 3:30.
So we waited........and we waited......and we waited. 3:30 came and went but the couple decided they had committed to much time to leave! We brought towels to sit on so the kids and I sat a bit, stood a bit. Everyone was super nice. We used the restroom at the Marriott, got drinks and pizza at the pizza place across the street. After what I had read here I had assumed they would at least give out some tickets semi early but that did not happen. After the matinee performance ended they moved us to the steps. The people started arriving for the evening performance and they moved us back behind the stage door. Doors opened at 7:30.......still no tickets given out. Frankly, we were giving up hope and the entire line was very antsy and on edge. Finally, at maybe 15-20 minutes til 8 they called in the first couple. Then more waiting. They they called in the next guy (single). Then even more waiting. Maybe 10 minutes til they called in the couple in front of us. Seriously.....we were dying. It sounds silly but we were dying. At 5 minutes til they call for the next person.....they said 2. We had decided we would send the kids in if we only got 2 tickets so we quick told the guy that and he let me go into the box office to pay, leaving my husband in line. Once we got to the box office the agent heard we were 4 people and that my husband was waiting outside. He said, "bring Poppa in......we have 4 tickets right here together". I threw down my card, he thanked him about 100 times and we took off into the theater.
Our seats were row F seats 103-106, Center orchestra, 7 rows back. Absolutely amazing seats. The first 5 people (2 couples and a single) were 2nd row, center orchestra. The couple right in front of us were orchestra right. I want to say G or H, 16-18. The family of 3 behind us received 1 seat plus 2 standing room only. I believe those are all the tickets that were given out but am not 100% certain about that.
A few lessons we learned. I made sure we all ate pizza around 6:30. I knew from reading here that once it got close we would not be able to leave the line for fear tickets would come available and we would have to go straight in. Unfortunately we did not get a chance to change before the show. We had just driven in that morning and our room was not available. We were hoping to get tickets early so we could go change but that did not happen. My dd and I had dresses to change into but it got too close to show time and we couldn't go change. So, we all went into the show in our shorts and flip flops. I was super bummed about that as everyone was in their nice theater clothes and I wanted us to be as well. However, it would have been very difficult for us to basically camp out for 6 hours in theater clothes.
One thought many of us had was that perhaps they really preferred having a line outside the theater to show how popular the show is. I know some of these tickets had to be unclaimed lottery tickets and I know they knew they had those earlier in the day. But they released no tickets at all until 20 minutes before the show. It certainly crossed all of our minds that they wanted us standing out there. Those last 15 minutes waiting were tough!!!!!
All in all, an unforgettable experience. We would do again in a heartbeat. The show was 100% worth the 6 hours we stood in line for it, especially since our tickets were absolutely amazing. Again, it sounds silly but we were FREAKING out when we finally got in!!! So thrilled to see Javier Munoz and the rest of the cast!
Swing Joined: 4/8/17
Oh wow. Sorry, y'all. That was super long!
Broadway Star Joined: 5/5/17
Glad it worked out for you Texas Tanya! Those row F seats are the best. It's sometimes better to be a bit further back in the line so you get those instead of the first couple rows. Those seats are great too, but you don't get the full picture, especially at the end of "Yorktown."
Regarding the unclaimed lotto tickets, they usually put them back up for sale on line at premium prices, that's why they don't release them until later. Sometimes they do release a few early, but there's no pattern I know of as to why.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/18/14
Texas Tanya said: "It was right at 2:00 (showtime) and they were moving the line to the other side of the theater. Everyone from the afternoon line that did not get tickets except 1 woman left. We got there right when they were moving the line, I dashed over and we were ticket 9-12 in line. "
Were there only 8 people left in line and you got in line behind them, or did you jump in to the line as the line was moving and end up closer to the front of the line than people that were originally in line?
Swing Joined: 4/8/17
sacteach said: "Texas Tanya said: "It was right at 2:00 (showtime) and they were moving the line to the other side of the theater. Everyone from the afternoon line that did not get tickets except 1 woman left. We got there right when they were moving the line, I dashed over and we were ticket 9-12 in line. "
Were there only 8 people left in line and you got in line behind them, or did you jump in to the line as the line was moving and end up closer to the front of the line than people that were originally in line?
The line was in the midst of moving when we got there. But only one person ended up staying.......everyone else left. I know she was in the matinee line because I remembered seeing her when we walked by. I'm not sure exactly how it moved as it was a bit chaotic. When they moved us they took the line and lead us from place to place so everyone held their place in line. I'm assuming they were doing that? I'm pretty sure the people in front of us were "new" in line but it's possible they had been in the other line for a bit? IIf they had been it wasn't long as we all talked about being in line for 6 hours.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/24/16
Oh man Tanya you really brought me back to my experience waiting in line. That last half hour is the most brutal, and the euphoria is real. So happy you got in. And you are so right about not having time to change - my partner and I were very selective in our clothes that day, breezy skirts and nice sleeveless tops that weren't bad for the hot weather but were still nice enough. I also brought a few face wipes so at least we could wipe some sweat off before sitting down.
And row F is one of my favourite seats. All the detail, and right on the edge of too close... loved it.
Good for you, Tanya. Got those same seats when I did the cancellation line in the Fall last year. Great seats and a very good experience overall.
Swing Joined: 8/17/17
Thanks for the info and replies! I will book over to Hamilton after I get out of Dear Evan Hansen and if the line is crazy long I'll just buy tickets to a less popular show (Waitress? Groundhog Day?) If I think I have a shot I'll get in line and make sure to report back here. Wish me some killer luck!
In the past, people said that if you waited in the cancellation line you had to use one ticket for yourself. Last week when we waited on line, we got our tickets for the evening performance at about 3 PM. We left the theater and had dinner and then came back. I could've given those tickets to any two people during that time. I would like to wait on line and get 2 tickets for my kids and not see the show myself. Anyone know if this is frowned upon by the box office?
Broadway Star Joined: 11/24/16
CassandraReads said: "In the past, people said that if you waited in the cancellation line you had to use one ticket for yourself. Last week when we waited on line, we got our tickets for the evening performance at about 3 PM. We left the theater and had dinner and then came back. I could've given those tickets to any two people during that time. I would like to wait on line and get 2 tickets for my kids and not see the show myself. Anyone know if this is frowned upon by the box office?"
I can't imagine they'll have a problem with that. WHat they frown upon is people buying tickets and then scalping them
Swing Joined: 1/4/17
CassandraReads said: "We did the line last week and our center orchestra seats were $229, but our side orchestra seats were $199. We were expecting $229 for any and all so we were a bit surprised! Just FYI.
Ooh, good to know!
I did the cancelation line last Wednesday (8/25), and was 10th in line, arriving at about 7:45, the people behind me, (11,12) arrived less then a minute later. At around 10, we were all asked to move. We were previously seated by the stage door, because another line for September tickets was already formed where the cancelation line normally is. We moved to the other side of the doors and did another 20 minutes of waiting, until they started calling people in. Everyone in front of me got the 8th row tickets, but when it got to me, there was a long pause, then I ended up getting mezz. center row A tickets, and the seats were wonderful! I believe the next 3 people in line after me also received tickets, and I know that one guy at the front of the line got 4??? Overall, the seats were amazing, and I liked them better than when I sat in side orch, and I know they are better than the unclaimed lotto tickets that were the same price. Overall, the experience was wonderful, but I really don't know why they gave us our tickets early.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/24/16
woah, that's the first time I've ever seen someone offered a mezz seat
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
Rainah said: "woah, that's the first time I've ever seen someone offered a mezz seat"
There's always been a Front Mezzanine row-A house-seats pair, even back in the OBC days, but true that it's usually not offered up to the cancellation line.
Swing Joined: 8/29/17
Was it the matinee you got in to or evening?
Chorus Member Joined: 1/25/13
I'm gonna try the line today for SRO, as I'm really eager to see Daniel Breaker as Burr. I don't have a plus one, so anyone willing to hang around midtown before the show is welcome to be just that. I can't afford full price, so if you could cover both I can grab you one of those, but for SRO just worry about yours!
Updated On: 8/29/17 at 10:03 AM
I was fortunate enough to get matinee, but I was one of the last people, only three seats were given out after me.
nabajamba said: "I'm gonna try the line today for SRO, as I'm really eager to see Daniel Breaker as Burr. I don't have a plus one, so anyone willing to hang around midtown before the show is welcome to be just that. I can't afford full price, so if you could cover both I can grab you one of those, but for SRO just worry about yours!
Just a warning, they rarely and inconsistently give out sro tickets, when I was there I was told that it was out of the picture for that matinee, so you should be ready to splurge on seats, it will be amazing and worth it :)
Chorus Member Joined: 1/25/13
(Insert Clever Name) said: "nabajamba said: "I'm gonna try the line today for SRO, as I'm really eager to see Daniel Breaker as Burr. I don't have a plus one, so anyone willing to hang around midtown before the show is welcome to be just that. I can't afford full price, so if you could cover both I can grab you one of those, but for SRO just worry about yours!
Just a warning, they rarely and inconsistently give out sro tickets, when I was there I was told that it was out of the picture for that matinee, so you should be ready to splurge on seats, it will be amazing and worth it :)
Ah, it's all good, I'm aware! I quite literally can't afford more than $60 on a ticket to anything, so that'd be a no-go for me. But I've seen Hamilton a few times already back in 2015, and I live here, so while I'd love to get my hands on an SRO ticket, it's not the end of the world if it doesn't work out. But danke! :)
I was wondering if you have gotten your ticket and if you got standing room?