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Hamilton Cancellation Line- Page 178

Hamilton Cancellation Line

#4425Our Experience - December 1st
Posted: 12/2/17 at 3:06pm

First off-thanks for everyone's prior posts regarding the cancellation line. They all helped tremendously during our endeavor last night.

Our party of two got to the line around 4pm-ended up being numbers 12 and 13 in line. Line did not start moving until around 740ish. We were fortunate enough to get tickets at 8:03-two standing room spots for 40 bucks each. Fortunately, there were four open seats in the center rear orchestra aisle we were able to move to with permission of an usher at the top of the show. 2 other standing room folks joined us.

Numerous people behind us in line ended up buying tickets from scalpers/off stubhub prior to the top of the show. Sounds like they were averaging $400/ticket.

Show was alright. By no means were we bored, but can't imagine spending some of the money people are spending nowadays. Both of us agree it's time for a new Elyza and Jefferson/Lafeyette at the Richard Rodgers. Judd was on for Angelica. Role was mostly forgettable. Can't argue that it's still some of the best staging/choreography on Broadway right now.

Have to admit we were kinda upset about the people around us. While I understand everyone goes about their theatre experience differently (and people value their money in different ways), there were numerous people around us that showed no interest in the performance whatsoever. Woman in front of us played candy crush from the first chord of the show, and a gentlemen down the row enjoyed a nice 2.5 hour nap. Just hard to see when so many people behind us in the cancellation line would've given anything to get in that building.

#4426Our Experience - December 1st
Posted: 12/3/17 at 1:17pm

rwkpa26 said: "Fortunately, there were four open seats in the center rear orchestra aisle we were able to move to with permission of an usher at the top of the show. 2 other standing room folks joined us."

Where specifically were you standing that you could see these seats being empty?


#4427Our Experience - December 1st
Posted: 12/3/17 at 2:50pm

chuckydisc said: "rwkpa26 said: "Fortunately, there were four open seats in the center rear orchestra aisle we were able to move to with permission of an usher at the top of the show. 2 other standing room folks joined us."

Where specifically were you standing that you could see these seats being empty?


Our standing positions were directly behind the center rear orchestra and the seats were the third to last row right in front of our "spot". I'm not sure if it was a fluke, but there were quite a few scattered sections empty at the top of the show. 

#4428Hamilton Line
Posted: 12/3/17 at 3:04pm

Hey everyone,


Between December 16 and January 16 I am available to line sit for the cancellation line, I've been doing this since last year and have a 100% success rate. PM me if you are interested

#4429Hamilton Line
Posted: 12/3/17 at 4:41pm

rwkpa26 said: "chuckydisc said: "rwkpa26 said: "Fortunately, there were four open seats in the center rear orchestra aisle we were able to move to with permission of an usher at the top of the show. 2 other standing room folks joined us."

Where specifically were you standing that you could see these seats being empty?

Our standing positions were directly behind the center rear orchestra and the seats were the third to last row right in front of our "spot". I'm not sure if it was a fluke, but there were quite a fewscattered sections empty at the top of the show.

Probably unsold StubHub seats.


Posted: 12/11/17 at 10:18am

I wanted to share my experience this weekend, because I have benefited so much from reading everyone's responses and tips & tricks. 

I did the line yesterday and had a great experience. I was visiting a friend in NYC; and decided to just go for it, as I wasn't in a rush to get back home (Boston). I was a little late to start, and got to the line around 10:30am (for 3pm matinee). I was 6th in line, and ticket numbers 9 &10. I chatted with the people in line; overall it was cold, but not too bad! I did bundle up and bring a portable phone charger (very glad I did!) The people in line were very nice and we all allowed each other to run into the Marriott next door to use the restrooms, get Starbucks, etc. By 11:30, I would say the line was about 20 people long. 

At noon the box office opened, and the worker came out offering premium seats ($849). The second person in line bought 2 of these tickets, as I think she had come from pretty far, and wanted to see it very badly. So then I moved to spot #5 and ticket #7. Around 12:45pm; the box office worker came back out and offered tickets to the first person & second person in line ($229); 2 tickets each. So then I became 3rd in line. We were in good spirits as it seemed like they were giving out tickets early. My boyfriend had a work conference in NYC, so we were overlapping in the city for the day, so he was going to come with me, but his train sadly got delayed. He was nervous he wasn't going to make it, so I then decided to still go for a single ticket (Sorry! but also much to satisfaction of the people behind me :)). At 1:30ish, they moved the line to the other side of the theater so that people could start lining up for the 3pm show. I was fully expecting to wait until showtime, but at 2:00ish, the box office employee said there was 2 tickets and a single available, which was almost like FATE. I sprinted inside, freaked out, and paid $229 for tickets in the orchestra. It was also wonderful in that I had time to grab a bite to eat and warm up before the show! 

I didn't see if more people got in after me, I looked around the theatre to recognize people, but it was tough. But overall, I was the 9th person to get a ticket well before showtime, and I only waited from 10:30-2pm; not bad at all! The line itself was fun, it was fun to chat and get to know my fellow line-mates, it felt like time went by very quickly as well! This was my first time seeing the show and I am still (the morning after) completely mesmerized. I have been waiting so long to do this, and the show lived up to my hype and dreams. I can't wait to do it again! 


Posted: 12/11/17 at 12:42pm

alliec419 said: "I wanted to share my experience this weekend, because I have benefited so much from reading everyone's responses and tips & tricks.

I did the line yesterday and had a great experience. I was visiting a friend in NYC; and decided to just go for it, as I wasn't in a rush to get back home (Boston). I was a little late to start, and got to the line around 10:30am (for 3pm matinee). I was 6th in line, and ticket numbers 9 &10. I chatted with the people in line; overall it was cold, but not too bad! I did bundle up and bring a portable phone charger (very glad I did!) The people in line were very nice and we all allowed each other to run into the Marriott next door to use the restrooms, get Starbucks, etc. By 11:30, I would say the line was about 20 people long.

At noon the box office opened, and the worker came out offering premium seats ($849). The second person in line bought 2 of these tickets, as I think she had come from pretty far, and wanted to see it very badly. So then I moved to spot #5 and ticket #7. Around 12:45pm; the box office worker came back out and offered tickets to the first person & second person in line ($229); 2 tickets each. So then I became 3rd in line. We were in good spirits as it seemed like they were giving out tickets early. My boyfriend had a work conference in NYC, so we were overlapping in the city for the day, so he was going to come with me, but histrain sadly got delayed. He was nervous he wasn't going to make it, so I then decided to still go for a single ticket (Sorry! but also much to satisfaction of the people behind me :)). At 1:30ish, they moved the line to the other side of the theater so that people could start lining up for the 3pm show. I was fully expecting to wait until showtime, but at 2:00ish, the box office employee said there was 2 tickets and a single available, which was almost like FATE. I sprinted inside, freaked out, and paid $229 for tickets in the orchestra. It was also wonderful in that I had time to grab a bite to eat and warm up before the show!

I didn't see if more people got in after me, I looked around the theatre to recognize people, but it was tough. But overall, I was the 9th person to get a ticket well before showtime, and I only waited from 10:30-2pm; not bad at all! The line itself was fun, it was fun to chat and get to know my fellow line-mates, it felt like time went by very quickly as well!This was my first time seeing the show and I am still (the morning after) completely mesmerized. I have been waiting so long to do this, and the show lived up to my hype and dreams. I can't wait to do it again!


I never got tickets, but I fully agree. It is an amazing experience and everyone is so kind. I would do it again just for that feeling

Posted: 12/18/17 at 2:03pm

Hi, I'm going to be in New York in January and I'm planning to go do the line Saturday 13th, hopefully to get tickets for the matinee. I'm travelling a long way (like, out of the country long way) and I've never seen Hamilton before, so there are a couple of things I would like to know. How early should I arrive? Is 7 am okay, 8 am too late? 6 am too much? Where do you actually line up? I don't want to get there and be on the wrong line for hours like a fool. Can I pay cash? Or is it better to pay with a credit card? I'm afraid to use a credit card in case it doesn't work or something of the sort. I think I'd prefer to pay cash. That's basically it, I'm hoping to get whichever tickets come my way, except for premium, so I hope I'm lucky, I really want to see the show. I'm glad this thread exists. 

Posted: 12/18/17 at 5:20pm

reputation13 said: "Hi, I'm going to be in New York in January and I'm planning to go do the line Saturday 13th, hopefully to get tickets for the matinee. I'm travelling a long way (like, out of the country long way) and I've never seen Hamilton before, so there are a couple of things I would like to know. How early should I arrive? Is 7 am okay, 8 am too late? 6 am too much? Where do you actually line up? I don't want to get there and be on the wrong line for hours like a fool. Can I pay cash? Or is it better to pay with a credit card? I'm afraid to use a credit card in case it doesn't work or something of the sort. I think I'd prefer to pay cash. That's basically it, I'm hoping to get whichever tickets come my way, except for premium, so I hope I'm lucky, I really want to see the show. I'm glad this thread exists."

Arrive as early as you can possibly get there.

Bring both cash and credit card(s) and try the card first but if an issue you have the cash as a backup.

Wear layers and bring snacks.


Posted: 12/19/17 at 3:56am

Hi all! Have 4 amazing seats to Hamilton NY on February 27, 2018 at 7 PM. Seats are 3rd row front center mezzanine which retails for same price as rear orchestra because of it's great view.

I'm selling them for $425/each + UPS shipping fee (<$10). Willing to sell 1,2 or 4 but don't want to be stuck with a single ticket. Price shown on the ticket doesn't include the $100/ ticket handling fees paid on ticketmaster.

Tickets are printed. Happy to meet at the box office to confirm their validity for anyone local or send more details for anyone remote.

Posted: 12/28/17 at 1:35pm

I did the cancellation line yesterday.  Got there at 7am on a 2 show Wednesday.  There were 5 professional line sitters there, plus one guy ahead of me.  The pros were waiting for 1 ticket each for a family of 5, and the one guy ahead of me needed 3 (his daughter came along a bit later to get the 3rd ticket.  Kind of crappy for those behind but not worth getting in a fight for.)

NYC is really cold right now, and yesterday was no exception.  Really cold.

I bought a pillow  wrapped in plastic bags and blanket from my hotel.  So glad I did!  Next person joined behind me at 7:15 ish, and then the next people didn't come until 9am when the line started to grow quite quickly.

The line sitters (who were really nice) started getting their allocation around 10:30, and by noon they were done.  The guy in front of me was called soon after 12, and he was on his way with 3 un-claimed lottery seats.

My wife came to relieve me for about 45 mins so I could have a hot shower (we are staying next door at the Marriott Marquis.)  My toes were frozen so I was very glad to get re-warmed.

Just before 1pm we were moved away from the small steps area and over to the other side where the wind made it very, very cold.  You had to be prepared for the elements today (I can only think how bad NYE is going to be for the ball-droppers!)

My wife came back at about 1:10 with pizza, and I was happy to get food.

at 1:25 we were called up, and able to purchase 2 seats at their new holiday price of $249.  Happy holidays with the new price lol.  We got row B (third actual row) right orchestra, right two in from the isle.  Great seats although back a bit further would be better as you couldn't see the lighting effects.  No Javier either for this performance.

Because we were before the 1:30 mandatory entrance time, we were able to zip up to the hotel so I could change into something more theatre appropriate.

Overall the wait went fairly quickly.  The worst things was the cold.  And I was bundled well with appropriate gear but my toes got really cold.  I had hand warmers in my socks and gloves too.

Not sure how many got in behind me, but I do know the one guy behind me got about 3 rows back in the centre  Better seats than mine but he didn't get them until 1:50.

Worth the wait but dress appropriately for the conditions!  Good luck!!

Posted: 12/28/17 at 1:47pm

Tickets are $249 for the holidays? How long will this be? Will they go back to regular $229 price after New Year's? 

Scott Rosson
Posted: 1/1/18 at 2:52pm

Hi all, planning to do the cancellation line in the next week. I was curious if I should try to do it Saturday morning or Wednesday morning for the matinees. Is Javi scheduled to perform for both matinees? Also has anyone tried the line recently? Thanks!

Posted: 1/5/18 at 9:03am

Has anyone been successful recently with getting unused SRO tickets at the box office? Is there any way of knowing in advance if these will be available? Thank you!

Posted: 1/5/18 at 12:06pm

david67 said: "Has anyone been successful recently with getting unused SRO tickets at the box office? Is there any way of knowing in advance if these will be available? Thank you!"

SRO tickets are always given out to the cancellation line IF cast/crew/etc are not using them for a particular performance.

If any ARE available is not told to the line until either immediately before curtain, or, if the box office is feeling generous and you pro-actively let the "line-attendant" know that you are there strictly for SRO, a little beforehand ( but not much moreso ).


Scott Rosson
Posted: 1/5/18 at 4:03pm

Hi all, wanted to give my experience today because it was slightly different from what you usually see in this thread. I got in the cancellation line around 2:10 today. I was second and the guy in front of me arrived 30 mins prior. We waited in line for about an hour and a third person joined us. She waits for about 10 minutes and decides to go talk to the box office. She walks out with two tickets for the January 10th evening performance. I decided to check the box office and they sold me an orchestra seat for the January 10th Matinee for $229. I had no idea this was an option. I guess the moral of the story is check with the box office if your schedule is flexible!

Posted: 1/5/18 at 5:31pm

Scott Rosson said: "Hi all, wanted to give my experience today because it was slightly different from what you usually see in this thread. I got in the cancellation line around 2:10 today. I was second and the guy in front of me arrived 30 mins prior. We waited in line for about an hour and a third person joined us. She waits for about 10 minutes and decides to go talk to the box office. She walks out with two tickets for the January 10th evening performance. I decided to check the box office and they sold me an orchestra seat for the January 10th Matinee for $229. I had no idea this was an option. I guess the moral of the story is check with the box office if your schedule is flexible!"

Your seat location is ... ?

Scott Rosson
Posted: 1/5/18 at 5:56pm

Orchestra Right Row G seat 8

Posted: 1/7/18 at 9:42am

chuckydisc said: "david67 said: "Has anyone been successful recently with getting unused SRO tickets at the box office? Is there any way of knowing in advance if these will be available? Thank you!"

SRO tickets are always given out to the cancellation line IF cast/crew/etc are not using them for a particular performance.

If any ARE available is not told to the line until either immediately before curtain, or, if the box office is feeling generous and you pro-actively let the "line-attendant" know that you are there strictly for SRO, a little beforehand ( but not much moreso ).


Thank you very much!

Posted: 1/8/18 at 12:55pm

I'm the guy who was in front of you, and I did nothing wrong.  I was told to come in for my two tickets.  They asked me how many I wanted and I said I was ready to buy two or three tickets.  They had three tickets right next to each other in the row B.  They didn't have four.  They had three.  They told me I needed an extra person to buy three tickets, so I went outside and grabbed my daughter.  Done.

When getting in the line at 5 AM, I was not aware I could only buy two tickets, and we were three people.  I was also not aware of this PERCEIVED rule that every person in your party who is buying tickets should be in line from the start.  Once I figured that out, I asked my daughter to come out there.


Posted: 1/8/18 at 3:10pm

Happy New Year everyone. I am planning to do the line again this week and was wondering if anyone either knows the schedule for Javier as Hamilton, or knows where I can find it. Every time I have seen the show I have missed him, so trying to avoid a repeat. Also, has anyone done the line for a weekday show lately, and if so, what time do people seem to be lining up? I have to take off work so this information would be most helpful.


Thanks in advance (:

Posted: 1/8/18 at 4:18pm

I was told best time for Javi was a thursday or friday night. Last I heard he was officially scheduled for all evening shows (So not wed, sat, or sun matinees) but calls out a lot for health reasons. That may have changed by now though, I'd check his twitter!

Updated On: 1/8/18 at 04:18 PM

Posted: 1/8/18 at 4:21pm

sdbroadwayfan said: "I'm the guy who was in front of you, and I did nothing wrong. I was told to come in for my two tickets. They asked me how many I wanted and I said I was ready to buy two or three tickets. They had three tickets right next to each other in the row B. They didn't have four. They had three. They told me I needed an extra person to buy three tickets, so I went outside and grabbed my daughter. Done.

When getting in the line at 5 AM, I was not aware I could only buy two tickets, and we were three people. I was also not aware of this PERCEIVED rule that every person in your party who is buying tickets should be in line from the start. Once I figured that out, I asked my daughter to come out there.


May want to cut down on the all caps indignation there. it's the official rules handed down by the theatre. I do wish they made more effort to make people in line aware of the rules, but it's also not other people's fault you didn't do a basic google search. it's the first result under "Hamilton cancellation line"


Posted: 1/9/18 at 10:24am

Rainah said: "I was told best time for Javi was a thursday or friday night. Last I heard he was officially scheduled for all evening shows (So not wed, sat, or sun matinees) but calls out a lot for health reasons. That may have changed by now though, I'd check his twitter!"

Thank you so much!

Posted: 1/10/18 at 11:16pm

Rainah said: "sdbroadwayfan said: "I'm the guy who was in front of you, and I did nothing wrong. I was told to come in for my two tickets. They asked me how many I wanted and I said I was ready to buy two or three tickets. They had three tickets right next to each other in the row B. They didn't have four. They had three. They told me I needed an extra person to buy three tickets, so I went outside and grabbed my daughter. Done.

When getting in the line at 5 AM, I was not aware I could only buy two tickets, and we were three people. I was also not aware of this PERCEIVED rule that every person in your party who is buying tickets should be in line from the start. Once I figured that out, I asked my daughter to come out there.


May want to cut down on the all caps indignation there. it's the official rules handed down by the theatre. I do wish they made more effort to make people in line aware of the rules, but it's also not other people's fault you didn't do a basic google search. it's the first result under "Hamilton cancellation line"


The rules are nailed/screwed into the wall right outside the box office.

Ignorance of the rules is not a justification for the allowance of breaking them.

