Balcony B 111-112 are available on Ticketmaster for Saturday, 4/7, $155 per part.
Understudy Joined: 3/10/17
Interestingly there are front center orchestra premium seats available every day from March 20 through April 8, anywhere from row A through D, and all within 10 seats of the center aisle. Expensive, but attractive if you like being up close and don’t mind seeing it in previews.
I think the production must have released a batch of premium seats. There were a bunch of green dates when I checked earlier today, and when I clicked on a couple, they were all premium.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/1/18
Orchestra T 1 and 3 are available for Saturday, 3/31 for $189/part. On the center aisle!
Featured Actor Joined: 2/4/11
June 27 has $199 seats in dress circle row c and $130 seats in orchestra row y (one pair each.)
Updated On: 3/3/18 at 08:08 PMSwing Joined: 3/3/18
susirene said: "There is no real way “around” the ticket limit - if you have purchased 6 - EVEN IF you have returned some of them (I am currently embroiled in a neverending email exchange with TM customer service about this and where it is stated in their policies, but it is a Sisyphean task...) - then you cannot purchase tickets under the same name, address, TM account, credit card, etc. I tested it using a different email and credit card (mostly out of curiousity), and no dice.
I don’t see why if you’re buying for a big group, though, that someone else can’t step up and handle it - it’s not that complicated! :)"
Does anyone have more confirmation on this? The only note about ticket limits that I've seen is that their website says you can only buy 6 tickets per TRANSACTION. I originally bought 6 around the time of the presale and then I was able to buy 6 more for a far off date after they opened up regular sales. I tried to buy some more on the same day and the system wouldn't let me... but now I just tried (several weeks after the last attempt and was able to get a few more. I'm just wondering if they might cancel any of these. I don't really see how they could unless there is actually documentation saying it's unavailable, but wondering what others have been told. Maybe you can buy more as long as you space out the transaction by a certain number of days/weeks?
Swing Joined: 2/8/18
JWo3 said: "Does anyone have more confirmation on this? The only note about ticket limits that I've seen is that their website says you can only buy 6 tickets per TRANSACTION. I originally bought 6 around the time of the presale and then I was able to buy 6 more for a far off date after they opened up regular sales. I tried to buy some more on the same day and the system wouldn't let me... but now I just tried (several weeks after the last attempt and was able to get a few more. I'm just wondering if they might cancel any of these. I don't really see how they could unless there is actually documentation saying it's unavailable, but wondering what others have been told. Maybe you can buy more as long as you space out the transaction by a certain number of days/weeks?"
Not sure what you mean by "more confirmation", but I can tell you that when I made the same argument to the MULTIPLE TM customer service folks I've been emailing (they seem to pass me on to a new person every time I continue to challenge this), they copied and pasted their official purchase policy text:
"Number of Tickets or "Ticket Limits"
When purchasing tickets on our Site, you are limited to a specified number of tickets for each event (also known as a "ticket limit"...We reserve the right to cancel any or all orders and tickets without notice to you if you exceed the posted limits. This includes orders associated with the same name, e-mail address, billing address, credit card number or other information."
They sent this AFTER I had pointed out that all the HP-specific info said same TRANSACTION, not EVENT, so clearly they are saying that their whole-website policy supersedes event-specific policy. I also did some hunting to see if there are other events in the past for which a similar thing happened, and indeed, there was some big 6-night Garth Brooks event in which the initial policy stated that there was a 6 ticket limit per CONCERT, but they later backtracked and made it per PERSON, and actually automatically cancelled any ticket over the 6 ticket limit, starting with the most recent purchased.
TM initially tried to tell me I had tried to purchase too many tickets for my access code (it cut me off as soon as I hit 6), and then once I pointed out (repeatedly) that I purchased everything after the regular sale, came back at me with the "oh we mean tickets per EVENT", and seeing as I haven't purchased more than 3 tickets for any particular day, and no more than 2 tickets per ANY transaction, they clearly mean "for the whole run of the show". Now, all of my tickets are for within the month of December, so maybe if the tickets are separated by a LOT of time, it doesn't capture it the same way, but if I were you I would be worried about your most recent tickets purchased getting cancelled.
I am still waiting for them to specifically demonstrate in writing to me that I should have known that returning tickets would not allow me to buy more tickets if I was already at 6. Which is particularly annoying now that I am seeing better seats pop up than were released at the initial public sale. Had I known they were going to hold back some of their best seats, AND that a returned ticket would not cancel out one of my 6 ticket purchases, I would not have maxed out my ticket purchases so early on!
I have rather vehemently expressed to them that if all these rules were designed to keep people from buying third party tickets (HA), then not allowing people to purchase more tickets once they've returned some was not going to help, but I doubt they actually care.
Swing Joined: 6/29/15
Hey all, so following a long online chat with a Ticketmaster representative whose advice was to refund a pair of tickets I held to then buy a new pair (which someone said previously here did not allow you to buy more) I was miraculously allowed to purchase a set of tickets tonight to the second pair of performances.
I'm hesitant to return my original pair in case I'm still over the unstated limit of 6, but will call Ticketmaster later this week to return them pending the new pair not disappearing. Will keep people here updated if they care as these new releases of seats feel a bit of a gamechanger.
When the box office opens they can't truly stop someone from going in each day and purchasing tickets in person? They can change credit cards or pay cash and it would be hard to really keep track. I know they can "say" whatever they want, but it is VERY difficult for in person sales to be stopped. At Frozen, I hit the 6 ticket limit and TM stopped me from buying, even though I returned 3 tickets. Last Sunday I tried to buy a single ticket online for the next days performance and they declined the transaction. I went to the box office and was able to purchase any amount of tickets I wanted. To me it is all BS. I am so happy they are trying to do something about the scalpers and the bots, but have some consistency or something that actually works once the General Sale opens.
Ok, rant over! Thanks for listening!
Swing Joined: 2/8/18
Andremthefoozle said: "Hey all, so following a long online chat with a Ticketmaster representative whose advice was to refund a pair of tickets I held to then buy a new pair (which someone said previously here did not allow you to buy more) I was miraculously allowed to purchase a set of tickets tonight to the second pair of performances.
I'm hesitant to return my original pair in case I'm still over the unstated limit of 6, but will call Ticketmaster later this week to return them pending the new pair not disappearing. Will keep people here updated if they care as these new releases of seats feel a bit of a gamechanger."
So after reading this, I decided to go back and try again for this ONE SEAT I keep trying to purchase (in December, clearly no one wants it yet, ha), which is what puts me over my limit, and LO AND BEHOLD, it let me buy it!!! Maybe they've gotten enough complaints they realized they had to change this policy???? Fingers crossed!
Excited that now I get to present my mom with 3 different ticket options for her birthday :) (If anyone wants some decent December seats, 4 will be opening up after she decides how important aisle seating is to her and whether or not she wants to see both in one day or on consecutive days...)
Swing Joined: 3/3/18
susirene said: "So after reading this, I decided to go back and try again for this ONE SEAT I keep trying to purchase (in December, clearly no one wants it yet, ha), which is what puts me over my limit, and LO AND BEHOLD, it let me buy it!!! Maybe they've gotten enough complaints they realized they had to change this policy???? Fingers crossed!
Excited that now I get to present my mom with 3 different ticket options for her birthday :) (If anyone wants some decent December seats, 4 will be opening up after she decides how important aisle seating is to her and whether or not she wants to see both in one day or on consecutive days...)"
I decided to do a bit of experimenting on additional purchases with incorrect credit card info so I could see what errors it gave for different scenarios. If you've already bought 6 tickets for a day and try to buy more, it will deny you and say "The number of tickets selected exceeds the limit for the event.". But...if you choose a different day from the previous purchase, even just one day later, it will not throw that error at all. (that also implies that their tool defines an "event" as a single showing and not every performance of a particular show).
So the system seems to only prevent buying more than 6 tickets per transaction and buying "too many" in a single showing. Obviously the customer agents do not seem to know or care about how this works, but it's less than clear if they are just "misinformed/playing it safe" or if they actually know for certain that the hard limits they quote are accurate.
Now, my question is... Has anyone actually had tickets taken away from them for exceeding the 6 ticket limit across multiple dates? If so, how did that process work with TM and what communication was involved? It's one thing if TM agents refuse to help you circumvent something they think is a rule, but it's different if someone is actually enforcing that "rule". Does anyone know?
Not sure if it has happened for Harry Potter yet, but I remember for Hamilton many people had tickets cancelled on them for exceeding the limit, so I'd be careful.
Swing Joined: 3/3/18
LesWickedly said: "Not sure if it has happened for Harry Potter yet, but I remember for Hamilton many people had tickets cancelled on them for exceeding the limit, so I'd be careful."
You may be right -- That could absolutely be the case... but Hamilton had the good sense to clearly explain their limit policy in multiple places for each ~5 month release window. The Cursed Child/TM people should get a clue and state the same kind of thing if they have a similar rule for that show.
Hamilton: "There is a strict eight ( 8 ) ticket limit per order. Maximum aggregate ticket limit for performances beginning August 21, 2018 through January 13, 2019 is eight ( 8 ) tickets."
Swing Joined: 2/8/18
It seems like something has actually changed in the system in terms of limits/how refunded tickets affect the limits, because my ticket buying went like this:
2/8 (public release day) - purchased pair of tockets for 12/1
2/17 - purchased 4 single seat tix, 3 for 12/6-7, 1 for 12/16 - the better seats for 12/6-7 were the 2nd and 3rd, so I immediately used chat to return the first, thinking I could find another good single seat for 12/16
2/20 - refund goes through, ticket marked as void on TM website, so I try to but the other 12/16 single and am denied
2/21-current - multiple back and forths with TM with bottom line from them being max tix 6 per person for whole run and returned tickets count. I tried to buy the 12/16 ticket multiple times, including with a different email and CC, and nada. I stopped regularly trying about a week ago.
3/3 - tried again for 12/16 ticket, using same CC and TM account as the other 5, and got it
Once my mom picks a pair for her birthday trip, I’ll return 4 of the 6, and probably keep trying for even better seats (like center aisle orchestra, or row K orchestra - for the leg room), and will report back if there are any ongoing issues. It’s a mystery, but one it seems could have easily been solved if TM just had their act together BEFORE starting to sell the tickets... ??
I was out of the search game a day so I’m sorry if these were on a different page (I checked this one)
1 ticket available on Ticketmaster - Tuesday March 20 & Wednesday March 21 Orchestra row T seat 18 $189 per part
Megsamegatron said: "I was out of the search game a day so I’m sorry if these were on a different page (I checked this one)
1 ticket available on Ticketmaster - Tuesday March 20 & Wednesday March 21 Orchestra row T seat 18 $189 per part"
Actually, 2 seats are available T 18-20.
CT2NYC said: "Megsamegatron said: "I was out of the search game a day so I’m sorry if these were on a different page (I checked this one)
1 ticket available on Ticketmaster - Tuesday March 20 & Wednesday March 21 Orchestra row T seat 18 $189 per part"
Actually, 2 seats are available T 18-20."
Thank you for catching that!
Well, I guess we know where all the premium orchestra seats went. Swaths of tickets are available through 4/8. The most interesting as of right now: orchestra A 3-7 for Thursday 3/29 & Friday 3/30.
Just did my returns!
1 $40/per show ticket ORCH Y 31 for 6/6/18
2 $199/per show tickets ORCH D22, 24 on 2/3/19
Hopefully someone grabs them!
Have a great night everyone!
Don't know if these have been listed before:
2 tickets available on Ticketmaster: Tuesday March 27 and Wednesday March 28 Orchestra Row T Seats 29-31 $189 per part/person
2 tickets available on Ticketmaster: Wednesday April 11 Dress Circle Row 9 Seat 9-11 $189 per part/person
1 ticket available on Ticketmaster: Thursday June 28 and Friday June 29 Balcony Row B Seat 110 $165 per part
1 ticket available on Ticketmaster: Saturday June 30 Orchestra Row T Seat 23 $199 per part
2 tickets available on Ticketmaster: Thursday March 29 and Friday March 30 Orchestra Row K Seats 25-27 $189 per part/person
I'll let the time run down since these are that nice aisle walkway, so 3:00pm EST they'll be released
2 tickets available on Ticketmaster: Saturday March 31 Dress Circle Row F Seat 6-8 $189 per part/person