I have a long list: Vincent the Musical Prymate Brooklyn Dracula Urban Cowboy ( I stayed because Matt is so gorgeous, the only reason) Updated On: 7/16/05 at 09:40 AM
Adult Entertainment Imaginary Friends- It was so boring watching paint dry would be more entertaining and I loved the cast. Agony. The doll dance made me cringe. Oh, I hated that show so much. BKLYN Suzanne Somers- Blonde in a Thunderbird. When she breaks out if I only had a brain from the Wizard Of Oz I thought I would lose it. Sometime things are so terrible they even shock me. Updated On: 7/16/05 at 09:42 AM
The Frogs-I got bored during the Shakespeare vs. Shaw match. I started to doze off then I thought about how much I payed for the ticket and I forced my eyes to stay open.
"I'm the STAR!"--Daniel Reichard during Glory Daze sound check
Little Women? *cries* God, I loved that show! *sigh*
Anyway, to answer your question, only this one play called "The Importance of Being Frank". It was a one act in a workshop. Boring and predictable and "love conquers all" cliche-ish, but I supposes that's to be expected from a community college workshop. LOL
Then again, I haven't seen as many shows as most of you.
popculture, Have you seen a lot of theater? Personally, I think FB SVU is the funniest show ever. I think you have to see a lot of theatre to get all the inside jokes. Nothing makes me laugh as much as FB. Updated On: 6/27/05 at 10:04 AM
Yes, oh patronising one, I have seen TONS of theater, in London and in New York. I have seen Forbidden Broadway 3 times, once in London, twice off Broadway. SVU was uninspired (for the most part) and underwhelming. And judging by the very weak response from the audience the night I saw it, I was not alone in thinking this.
Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.
Did you see it with Jen Simard? You saw it three times? So you must like it. I would not see Prymate three times. I'm sorry. I just adore FB.
Updated On: 6/27/05 at 10:08 AM
A community theatre production of Billy Budd, I left at intermission because I just couldn't take it anymore. A touring production of Macbeth. There were only 5 people playing all of the roles, I actually fell asleep! During Macbeth! Unfortunately I woke up in time for the Q&A afterward when a girl from my high school asked the thought provoking question, "I can have that sword?"
"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."
Conan O'Brien