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Have you ever left a show at intermission?

Have you ever left a show at intermission?

AudreyTwoTwo Profile Photo
#1Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 12:09am

I haven't, but I feel weird leaving only because I feel it's rude for me to do (I know it probably isn't, but I'm just saying for me it does). What shows were they if any?

I did see a couple leave Avenue Q, though. They kept saying how vulgar it was.

The Best of Times is Now!

Here I Am Profile Photo
Here I Am
#2Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 12:12am

I've never done it. I always give Act Two a chance. Although I contemplated it during High Fidelity.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#2Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 12:14am

This old couple left the Avenue Q tour during the puppet sex scene. All while about 8 of my teachers from school(Including my 60 year old English teacher (she loved it), & a prude English teacher (who didn't)) watched it all.

jasonf Profile Photo
#3Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 12:19am

Only did it once - and I hadn't paid to see the show. Since I used to take groups to Broadway as a teacher (we're no longer allowed such things as arts education) I got to go see some shows for free, paid for through the company I bought the tickets. I went to see Pirate Queen and my (now) wife and I couldn't bare to stand it any more after the first act. Not so oddly, we noticed several people sitting in the seats around us also not going back into the theater when we left....

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

#4Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 12:21am

I should have left during intermission when I saw Pirates of Penzances at City Center. Besides that, no.

Taryn Profile Photo
#5Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 12:33am

I left at intermission of a regional production of Pride and Prejudice. They were comp tickets and the show was awful, so.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#6Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 12:47am

I've only left once when I found out at intermission that a family member had died. Otherwise, never.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#7Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 12:50am


TheatreFan, interestingly enough, I had a similar predicament during Avenue Q. It was National Tour, I had seen it the day before through my college giving out cheap tickets so I knew what to expect in a **ahem** visual sense. My sister and I sat together toward the middle while my dad took up the aisle for leg space. Turns out we were sitting next to my former Spanish teacher and her current Spanish teacher along with other teachers that my sister knew. So when the Kate-Princeton sex scene happened my sister turned into a really self-conscious prude, shielding her eyes because she did not want to think her teachers would want to see her laughing at such things, despite her teachers laughing their asses off the entire show. She was pretty miserable the entire show because of it.

I know people who left Grease because of the terrible sound quality and the fact it was a terrible National Tour production that rivaled high schools. I was tempted on that one, as well as my mother who still tells stories about how bad it was, but there was a blizzard outside and we were surrounded by an older crowd who wanted to see Frankie Avalon as Johnny Angel. BTW, he delayed our exit from the show by at least 20 minutes serenading the crowd. There was such a great dichotomy of people who were eating this up versus those of us who wanted to shoot themselves during that.

Updated On: 7/3/10 at 12:50 AM

#8Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 1:08am

I personally never leave at intermission, but on a similar note... the usher at Next to Normal was telling someone around me that someone usually always leaves the theatre near the end of Act I.

Here I Am Profile Photo
Here I Am
#9Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 1:13am

I find that very odd BlackCabbiTabbi. Maybe the material is too hard to sit through for some people and maybe rock musicals aren't for everyone, but you know what you are getting yourself into before you go and wouldn't ANYONE want to know what happens next?
Updated On: 7/3/10 at 01:13 AM

BroadwayBound17 Profile Photo
#10Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 1:20am

Left halfway into Act 2 during CHICAGO.

2011: In The Heights Tour 1/16/11, The Color Purple Tour 2/11/11, West Side Story Tour 3/18/11

#11Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 2:11am

"Have you ever left a show at intermission?"

Too many times to count - even Broadway shows.

If I'm not enjoying myself, you can't pay me enough to stay.

#12Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 2:37am

When I was at Everyday Rapture, a couple left about half an hour into the show. To add insult to injury, they were sitting in the middle of one of the first few rows.

#13Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 3:48am

i have never left a show at intermission... but i have fallen asleep during a play once!!! i was a season subscriber to San Diego State University's theatre season when i was a student and i wasn't in the mood to see one of their shows... it was a matinee and i went anyways... the play was so damn boring (it was about time travel) and that coupled with me not really in the mood i just ended up falling asleep during act 2!!!

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#14Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 4:56am

Yes. The play "Kindertransport."


wickedfan11 Profile Photo
#15Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 6:01am

I saw an elderly couple leave Rent during Out Tonight.

I've never left a professional show, but I have left several school and community theatre shows because lack of projection and microphones.

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#16Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 6:05am

In 60 years of theatergoing I have never left at intermission, not that I wasn't occasionally tempted to. I always hope that things will get better in Act two. The two shows that tempted me to leave halfway through were STOP THE WORLD, I WANT TO GET OFF in the 1960's and NICK & NORA in the early 1990's. I loathed both shows.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#17Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 8:25am

Copenhagen - beyond boring
Stones In My Pocket - left 1/2 hour into it

Poster Emeritus

Amalia Balash Profile Photo
Amalia Balash
#18Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 9:08am

Yes. It's always been during a comedy/farce. If I've spent the whole first act surrounded by people laughing at something that just isn't funny to me, I don't think the second act is going to be any more enjoyable. The playwright's humor just isn't mine. I wouldn't leave in the middle of an act, but just not returning from intermission doesn't disrupt anything for anyone.

#19Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 9:16am

I gave up on the Coast of Utopia marathon halfway through the second play. Just wasn't my cup of tea and - frankly - it felt like watching paint dry.

Left The Homecoming revival at intermission. Yea, yea, I know, how could I? Especially a big Raul and Eve fan like myself? The play itself weirded me out, I was uncomfortable (not in that delightful "theater changes you" way) and wanted out.

I left The Perfect Crime. Obviously.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#20Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 9:19am

I should add--

I left The 39 Steps when it was the American Airlines. I couldn't hear a damn thing, missed half the jokes, ugh. Anyway, a friend in town was dying to see it, so we went at the Helen Hayes, front row seats. I loved every second of it.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#21Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 9:21am

Wow. It's sad people would leave or feel embarrassed at Ave. Q! The show was such a pleasant surprise. I loved it.

Some people. Such prudes!

But, no, I've never left a show at intermission. Although I regret staying at By Jeeves.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.
Updated On: 7/3/10 at 09:21 AM

#22Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 9:25am

I left a Town Hall showcase of so-called "new talent" a summer or two ago. Just execrable.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#23Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 9:56am

More than I can name. And there are many more times when I didn't and should have.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#24Have you ever left a show at intermission?
Posted: 7/3/10 at 9:56am

I've nearly walked out a few times...the only Broadway show I've been tempted to leave was Memphis. I also wanted to leave A Cool Dip in the Barren Saharan Crick at Playwrights Horizons and a production of a Sam Shepard play at my school, but I had to write papers on both for theater classes. At A Cool Dip there were two older women sitting next to me in the front row and at intermission they turned to me and asked me what was going on because they thought they were missing things because of their hearing aids and I told them I had no idea. I think that's honestly the worst professional production I've seen, it was honestly painful to sit through and I wanted nothing more than to leave at intermission but I couldn't. I saw Anyone Can Whistle at Encores that evening though which I adored so that was a welcome change.
