Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
Why do so many people think Hairspray is a revival? Here is a conversation with my parents during intermission:
Mom: Is the person playing the mom a man?
Me: Yes
Mom: That's strange!
Dad: That's how they've been doing it for all these years!
Me: Years? This opened two or three years ago.
Dad: This is a revival. I saw the original production in the '70s.
Me: This is a new production. You're thinking of the movie upon which this is based.
Dad: Nope, you're wrong.
Me: Fine, research it. If you're wrong, you owe me anoter Broadway show.
Dad: Sure.
A few weeks later, he bought me a ticket to LITP.
Updated On: 7/6/06 at 02:24 PM
haha. Good for you!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/30/04
Peach, that is absolutely ADORABLE!
Bwaylvsong, HAHA! I wish that would happen to me sometime ion the near future.
This happened last weekend but isn't that funny. I went to the mountains with my friend who is also in to musical theatre and I let him listen to the "See What I Wanna See" cast recording. He listened to "Coffee" multiple times. We stopped somewhere to get some food and he started singing, "I could use alittle coffee," which started to drive me crazy after he sang it three times. I said, You do know that its either 'I could use alittle help' or 'I could use alittle miracle'." He punched my arm and said, "No its not." After we got back in the car and he listened to it about five more times I said, "Isn't it amazing how the song never goes 'I could use a little coffee'?"
I keep remembering these during the day.
Friend #1: Have you heard of Jersey Boys?
Me: Sure have.
Friend #1: They're pretty good. It's based on real people right?
Friend #2: Yeah it is.
Friend #1: Who were the original Jersey Boys?
Me: Don't you mean The Four Seasons?
Friend #1: No. But is that another musical?
Friend #2: We should check it out.
Oy vey..
"he was in a production of Sweeney as well as Godspell. Both written by Stephen Sondheim."
OK this is a JTDC moment
Understudy Joined: 5/12/05
I went to see BKLYN for the 4th time.
Woman: Have you seen this show?
Me: Yes, this is my fourth time.
Woman: So do you like it?
Me: **blank stare** Uh, yeah.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
After buying my tickets for Spelling Bee I walk out of the theatre and two women walk by
Woman 1: Why is there a Speling Bee on broadway?
Woman 2: Maybe it's a show?
woman 1: No it's not! I know of EVERY show on broadway and THIS is NOT a show! I guess it's a once a year thing with a school! I think there's a Putnam in Brooklyn!
GOD! How stupid can one person be?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
kombatkoala, people say that to me ALL the time! (Granted, not at BKLYN, but... you know what I mean.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
My friend and I were walking down Broadway - his first time in the city.
Me: Well this is Broadway.
Friend: Where? I don't see it.
Me: No, this is it.
Friend: Where? It has to be one of those big buildings to fit all those shows in it.
Me: No, Broadway is a street.
Friend: Oh...
Sorry delete
Broadway Star Joined: 3/28/06
On watching EVITA the Musical - audience member:
Aud 1: Oh Jesus they're singing? Its not going to be all like this is it? I enjoyed the film and there wasn't singing in that.
Aud 2: It's an Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Aud 1: Yes, OK, but why does he have to ruin it with singing?
Aud 2: Its a musical.
Aud 1: Doesn't mean you have to sing.
One woman on her cellphone after coming out of Light in the Piazza:
"No, I didn't like it as much as Chicago. They put the orchestra under the stage."
Clearly the hallmark of an inferior production
^ ahahaha!
And to an above poster - I too have encountered many people who think that broadway is... a physical building.
I used to live in North Carolina - and the big theater in Raleigh had a HUGE house (for tours) and two smaller theaters as well - all in the same building. People I would talk to sort of assumed that since Raleigh had a building with 3 theaters (not being a huge place)... then clearly, New York would have one huge building called "Broadway" with plenty of theaters for all shows.
My friend and I took a road trip to Memphis to see Les Miz, we sat down and we were looking at the project of Young Cossetee (SP?), and this conversation happened
Me: How do you like it so far?
Him: I expect the stage to be bigger…
Me: Bigger how?
Him: Well deeper, it looks like they would fall off.
Me: Ahh, well you see that is called a curtain and it will rise at the beginning of act one reveling the rest of the set.
Him: *blushes and hides behind his program*
He’s going to Yale and I love him.
DeathStar that's sad...
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
LeaGirl: I know, right? I dunno, I just always figured people understood that Broadway is a street. It's called "the most famous street in the world." Or the fact that the song is, "On broadway..." but I guess I don't realize people don't know anything about it. Trust me, living in Alabama, there are a lot of people who think they know a lot about theater, but don't.
My friend the other day was like "Oh, Wicked came to Atlanta. It closed in New York." (She said this as fact) I said, "No, it didn't. I saw it in Chicago." She said, "How'd you see it in Chicago if it's in Atlanta right now?" I said, "there are 3 different productions." And she just looked dumbfounded. She might be smarter than me in other areas that matter like math and science, but at least I know more about this ha.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/04
"Me: How do you like it so far?
Him: I expect the stage to be bigger…
Me: Bigger how?
Him: Well deeper, it looks like they would fall off.
Me: Ahh, well you see that is called a curtain and it will rise at the beginning of act one reveling the rest of the set.
Him: *blushes and hides behind his program*"
The same thing happend to me only it was at DRS when I was on a school trip and my mom came anlong with.
Kid behind me: Wow thats a small stage!
My mom: That's the curtain
Until six years ago, my dad never figured out the concept of touring, although my mom had.
Les Miz had just closed in SF and was moving on to North Carolina.
Dad: "So, now they go back to New York, right?"
Me: "..."
Dad: "What?"
Me: "..."
Mom: "Don't ask her that, dear."
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
I love this thread!
I work at Jersey Boys and last Sunday I was selling a CD to an elderly woman and her friend..
the woman who approached me first said that she wanted the jersey boys cd. so i put it in a bag for her and handed the CD to her, taking the cash... and her friend walks up and goes... "now wait a minute, i don't want the show on cd. i want the songs" and i was like "well the original broadway cast recording is a recording of all the songs in the show" and she's like "but i don't want this performance. i don't want to hear the applause and stuff"
i assured her that it was a studio recording... she said she still didn't understand but she trusted me because i looked like a nice young man...
hahahhhaa, that's what she thinks.
Understudy Joined: 5/12/05
I didn't hear this, and it wasn't on Broadway. But my parents went to see Marcel Marceau in San Diego when he was on tour (probably before I was born). And a woman seated near them asked very loudly, "Isn't he going to say anything?"
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
This one's not particularly funny but it's interesting, this past Thursday night I went to see Sweeney Todd for my first time. Fast-forward to the stage door, Benjamin Magnuson was the first one out and normal stage door crowd applause happen and this woman and her daughter walked by and the daughter said "Who's That" and the woman says "I Don't Know". It was interesting.
"So close and yet so far."
-Jersey Boys
worrell, Sadly that happens all too often.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
I know it's just so interesting. That was the first times I was at a stagedoor when someone came out and everyone cheered and someone walking by asked their parent or someone with them who it was who that was that we were all cheering for and the person with them said "I don't know." The mother didn't have to, but it would've been interesting if she asked someone who Benjamin Magnuson was. Oh, well.
"The music is the story, not the excuse for it."
-John Lloyd Young