It's a little sadder at Sweeney where all their names and pictures are on the stage door.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/25/04
A couple of months ago at Wicked before the show in the line for the bathroom.
Student-What show are we seeing Ms. (don't remember her name)?
Teacher-I don't know, but, I'm really excited.
Student-All I know is that there is something to do with green people. I've never heard of someone a green person, maybe an orange, but never green.
I lost it after what show are we seeing
maybe an orange?? what like an umpa lumpa? lol
my thoughts exactly.
Not so much an audience comment, but still hilarious...
Today at my friend's house (a fairly big musical fan):
Friend 1: (listing movies she has) blah blah The Color Purple blah blah..
Me: Oh, The Color Purple...I really want to see that...
Friend 2: We could watch it..
Me: I meant the musical.
Friend 2: Oh yeah! I heard about that, Oprah's in it!
Me: Um, no, actually-
Friend 1: Oprah?
Friend 2: Yeah! Remember, she was in Ghost?
Me: *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*
How is this on the third page? This stuff is hilarious.
How is this on the third page? This stuff is hilarious.
I heard this one yesterday walking through Times Square:
Person : (Looking at Hairspary billboard) Oh Hairspray, I heard that's good. Harvey Fierstein's in it.
Yeah, because perfromers normally stay three years after the show opens.
Heard outside Starbucks on 42nd street
woman 1: Wow, I could really go for some Italian food
Woman 2: Well, my niece said we have to check out Mamma Mia so maybe we should try there.
Heard at Lestat:
Woman: Wait, This musical is about vampires?
Understudy Joined: 12/31/69
two bitchy queens sitting behind me tonight @ Sandra Bernhard
queen 1:(in bitchy jaded tone) god, i hope she doesnt sing [note: the stage is set up with a multitude of different instruments...what does he *think* is gonna happen?]
queen 2: (in even bitchier tone)*i* hope she doesnt trash The President!
Okay, my mother is certainly more knowledgable about theatre than most of these posts, but this still was hilarious.
Earlier tonight we were discussing the last couple of weeks of Miss Saigon on Broadway.
Me: Lea came back to do it for the last couple of weeks, but Pryce didn't.
Ma: Oh, so who was it?
Me: Some As--
Ma: Ohh...was it. Oh, what's-his-name...who Jonathan replaced.
Me: John Lithgow??
Ma: Yes, was he in it then?
Me: Umm ma, he was never in Miss Saigon.
Ma: Sure he was. He played the engineer.
John Lithgow as the there's an interesting thought...
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/31/06
"I just burst out laughing and made it seem like my mom had said something funny! I should have said something like, "it is paint you idiot! Look in the playbill, is Julia Murney really green?!?!?!" Like seriously why would someone think that!"
This is kind of random, but the Wicked in Detroit playbills (or Playgoer as they called them) didn't have pictures in them. I was actually kind of upset by it and ended up printing a cast list online to remember who the people were.
When I saw the Rent tour in Chicago there were three teens behind me (one of which hadn't seen the movie).
teen 1: you've only seen the movie right?
teen 2: yeah, are there any differences?
teen 1: yeah, there are a few new songs and Angel's death is different. In the movie he dies in the hospital, while in the stage version he dies in an orgy.
Also my friend (who I assumed was partially educated in theatre) asked me if I had seen Idina Menzel in Wicked, even though I told her I only saw it for the first time in Chicago (which was only back in April) and recently saw the same tour as her.
My uncle saw the OBC of "POTO". Fast forward to a few years ago when I visited NYC with him. "Oh, I didn't know there's a revival of Phantom!"
"Yeah, because perfromers normally stay three years after the show opens."
Actually, it isn't abnormal either.
There was an actor that stayed on for the full run of Cats. If they can make it 18 years, 3 years isn't completely absurd.
Jonathan Pryce playing a Vietnamese man in the first place was "interesting".
Understudy Joined: 4/9/05
yay, dumb people!
RENT: "What happened to the nice girl in the red dress?"
HAIRSPRAY, intermission: "When does Harvey Fierstien make his entrance? I thought he was starring in this."
And, perhaps, to me...the be-all, end-all of audience confusion:
An elderly married couple seated on the front row of a local production of Hair. Pop obviously hadn't turned up the hearing aid enough, because he constantly had to ask his wife about what was going on. Hand to God, the exchange during Sodomy:
Actor: Sodomy....
Pop: What did he say?
Ma: (just above a whisper) He said Sodomy.
Actor: Fellatio....
Pop: What?
Ma: (getting irritated) Fellaaatio!
Actor: Masturbation can be fun....
Pop: (louder still) WHAT?
Ma: (near full shout) MASTURBATION CAN BE FUN!!!!
Stopped the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/6/05
Yesterday at Hairspray, the woman next to me kept asking, "Is that a man? It can't be a man, though, because Edna's a woman's name and the mother. But she looks like a man!" so finally, to shut her up, I whispered, "It's a man, ok!?" and she just said "Oh" and stayed quiet for the rest of the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
My dad and I were walking past Spamalot......
(My dad looking at the marquee)
Him: Oh god!
Me: What?
Him: I always thought Monty Python movies didn't any I know I'm right!
Me: What do you mean?
Him: COME ON! It's a musical about SPAM for god's sake!!!!
Oh god is right. lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/04
This thread needs to be on the first page because it's so funny.
While walking down the streets of New York I overheard the married couple in front of me.
Man: Would you be interested in seeing Tarzan?
Woman: Oh, Yes! It got the best reviews
Man: I even heard that it won almost all the broadway awards this year, a new record!
Broadway Star Joined: 3/16/04
My mom: "Well, I don't see why everyone's so upset. I think Shoshana looks and sounds exactly like Idina."
Me: *jawfloor* "Mom, no they don't..."
*screech* CAT FIGHT!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Today I went into Starbucks wearing my Wicked t-shirt.
Woman behind counter: Oh, did you see Wicked?
Me: Yes.
Woman: Yeah, I saw it in London.
Really? Pretty impressive since it hasn't opened yet.
wow, how could they get that one messed up? i mean city and show...
At Gypsy, the girl in front of me was crying through all of Rose's Turn because she thought Bernadette Peters was going to strip.
A girl walking past a sign for Les Mis: Oh, my school did that last year. It's some Spanish musical.